VZones Transcripts
In this section you will find logs of random inworld conversations, town meeting minutes, inworld interviews with guest speakers and so on. They are presented in their original formats as best as possible within the limitations of the MediaWiki software. Where appropriate and where possible, links to the original transcript will be provided.
This section covers the Dreamscape, New Radio World, VZConnections, newHorizone, Seducity and Second Kingdom WorldsAway worlds. Some of the New Radio World and Dreamscape content is covered under the WorldsAway Transcripts page as they were operational prior to May 1999 when Fujitsu sold the WorldsAway Products and Services group to Inworlds.com/Avaterra.com.
This section does not cover the version of VZones from 2017.
Dreamscape Town Meeting Minutes
- Dreamscape Town Meeting - September 9th, 1999
- Dreamscape Town Meeting - September 11th, 1999
- Dreamscape Town Meeting - January 30th, 2000
- Dreamscape Town Meeting - February 26th, 2000
- Dreamscape Town Meeting - March 11th, 2000
- Dreamscape Town Meeting - September 30th, 2000
VZConnections Town Meeting Minutes
- VZConnections Town Meeting - February 13th, 2000
- VZConnections Town Meeting - April 16th, 2000
- VZConnections Town Meeting - April 30th, 2000
- VZConnections Town Meeting - May 21st, 2000
- VZConnections Town Meeting - May 28th, 2000
Informal Meetings
- First Community Brainstorming Meeting Held - September 17, 1999 - This occurred in the Dreamscape.
VZSciFi Community Chat
- Chat with online comics creator Steve Conley - June 8th, 2000
- Chat with writer Mary Gentle - June 27th, 2000
- Chat with writer Fiona Avery - July 8th, 2000
- Chat with author Yvonne Navarro - October 4th, 2000
- Chat with author Storm Constantine - October 5th, 2000
VZSciFi Tours
- Tour with Archivist Shiren and Stig Redfin - September 7th, 2000
- Tour with Mr. Templeton, Archivist Shiren and Stig Redfin - September 14th, 2000
- Tour with Archivist Shiren and Stig Redfin - September 21st, 2000
- Tour with Archivist Shiren and Stig Redfin - September 28th, 2000
- Tour with Archivist Shiren and Stig Redfin - October 5th, 2000
- Tour with Archivist Shiren and Stig Redfin - October 19th, 2000
- Tour with Archivist Shiren and Stig Redfin - October 26th, 2000
- Tour with Archivist Shiren and Stig Redfin - November 2nd, 2000