VZConnections Town Meeting - May 28th, 2000

From Reno Project

Taken from the official VZNews website:

Here are the minutes from the public meeting held on Sunday, 5/28/00. The meetings are usually held at Noon PST(VZT) each Sunday in front of the Village Apartments.

This week's topic was: General Questions

These transcripts have been edited to show basically the questions asked and the answers given. If you desire a full copy of the original transcript, please send me eMail requesting one and I will eMail it to you asap. My eMail address is Newsdesk@vzmembers.com

(Thanks to Guide Kenn for logging this weeks transcript for the newspaper.)

Michael (Avaterra): Will just be me today, I think. We are here to answer your questions ... and adress concerns, if you have any. No, opening comments -- just that it was quite a week. I am not sure I'll have answers to all questions, but I'll try.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Kane -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Kane: about the price being higerd this might have been said why couldnt u higher it 3fold to $10 every 2 months and try that and if it doesnt work then fo every month so ppl realize that ur doing ur best not to higher it

Michael (Avaterra): Well, to be honest with you --- those are decisions that are made by the company and their officers ... before they made this decision, they discussed it with experts in this field ... so, the company believes that this price increase is the right thing to do, and will ensure that the zones survive ... and can grow. I can forward your suggestion, of course. <grin> I forwarded most of the letters from members I received (on this topic), so you are being heard.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- danoo -- Congratulations to the winner! --

danoo: can i PLEASE have a full screen? hat would make me happy <grin>

Michael (Avaterra): Full screen ... is a feature of the new version 3.1 it's under development, but I don't have a release date for you. However, we are currently thinking about letting skilled members help with the coding of new versions. This would mainly benefit the Mac community, but also help the Windows version a bit. Yes, I agree, the screen size is a bit small.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Totally in love with Shadows -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Totally in love with Shadows: what is the value of the things that Michael says? he had all kind of semi smart tricks and nice words last meeting which turned out all false how can you tell people to post checks and next day reverse the whole damned thing? so basicly, we can't attach any value to your words? since 'management' can always change stuff?

Michael (Avaterra): I give you the information that are current. If the higher-ups make decsions, later on, that contradict what we said at meetings, in forum posts or in announcements, we will let you know.

Caretaker Alana: Not everything works out as planned. You can attach whatever value you wish, and just take the information for what it is, the most current available.

Totally in love with Shadows: this whole town meeting is a farce then

Michael (Avaterra): There are decisions that are not made by Delilah or I, and we communicate these to the members. What you hear from me, is valid and current at the time you hear it. You see, I, and the same is true for Delilah, have no interest in giving out false or incorrect information.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Valas -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Valas: can you include multiple dropdown combos for esp in a later version like one for friends, and one for hosts ?

Michael (Avaterra): ah, that sounds like a good idea. I'll make sure it's on the list of future features.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Bramwell -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Bramwell: if a member is an artist, can they ever help make an item or get a job making items in art programs

Michael (Avaterra): We get this question quite often ... generally, no, it's not possible at this time. There are some issues with copyrights that haven't been worked out.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Snow Tigress -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Snow Tigress : about the dropped connections i keep getting TCP errors is there any end in sight to these?

Michael (Avaterra): You and I. The problem is *still* the lack of stability of Global Frontiers (Globalcenter), our ISP. We aren't the only West Coast company that is affected by this, unfortunately, and the only information I have is that our techs are talking to their techs. so, I'd say we should see improvements soon hopefully very soon.

Snow Tigress : Is an ISP change a possibility?

Michael (Avaterra): Yes, it is.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Emmo -- Congratulations to the winner! --=20

Emmo: what is done against the vzones crashes it seems to happen twice a week these days for 300 guilders a year, i expect availability i want to know which direct actions are being taken right now to impriove the uptime and availability i am not talking ISP here that's something else, i mean like today Vzones is down DS Is up

Michael (Avaterra): Okay, this is a different issues ... VZones is much larger than DS (the database), and there are usually more members over here, too. There are some things that don't seem to be very stable. Also, when we build new areas or "fix" bugs, it can happen that the world goes down for a few minutes. It usually reboots quickly, but yes, it's highly annoying and shouldn't happen. Yep, CTs and artists work on weekends too.

Emmo: isn't that what maintainance slots are for?

Michael (Avaterra): Well, it takes a few hours to build locales -- that is when the world is most vulnerable. During maintenance, you cannot build or create.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is - lark -- Congratulations to the winner! --

lark: canthey make a place that kids can go to and ty for new things

Michael (Avaterra): We considered it, and it's still not decided, but there are a lot of legal issues that need to be considered. so, as of this time, a world just for kids is not likely to happen.

Caretaker Alana: There is a group inworld for Kids, they hold games and such. It's called Kids Club ghostie It's member run

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- elisette -- Congratulations to the winner! --

elisette: I was just wondering if anyone figured out where those green books came from, and how they got out.

Michael (Avaterra): Yes, we found out how they were obtained. There is a good chance that those that are around will be automatically destroyed by the server. So far the guides have been asking everyone to return the green books they have -- in a few weeks (or so), we'll pull a list of remaining books and then most likely "zap" them. so, we appreciate if those who have one (or more) return it to guides. <grin> It was a mistake on our end, though. <grin> so it's not a bad thing to possess one of these books - wasn't something illegal.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Cloe' -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Cloe': quick question reguarding turfs if primary account holder is canceling account can other's on list still get in?

Michael (Avaterra): All owners are equal. so, yes, if the original owner leaves, the other owners can still access the turf.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- little doosey -- Congratulations to the winner! --

little doosey: will I be able to have two accounts? I have one for myself and my son who is 18 and are they going to bring back more color tiles and brick's and such?

Michael (Avaterra): Yes, you can sign up and have two pay accounts -- or more, if you wish. As for the bricks -- Caretaker Kyla is in charge of "knickknacks" (objects), so the best way to get new colours is to make suggestions to her. Either inworld or via email (kyla@vzmembers.com).

little doosey: he doesn't have a credit card so I pay for his with mine ?

Michael (Avaterra): Yes, you can use your credit card for both. (As far as I know, you might want to check with support at support@avaterra.com). CP says you can have more than one account on the same credit card. So, yes, no problem there. <grin>

little doosey: is there going to be a possiblity of the prices going down in the future after y'all get on your feeet again?

Michael (Avaterra): It's a possibility. I can't tell you how likely it is, as these decisions aren't made by me.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Disco Pimp -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Disco Pimp: <sigh><frown><sigh><frown><relax> I am very upset/sad yesterday I put 22k in my ATM When I checked at 9 central time this mornign, I olny had 100t * morning *only What are you going to do about glitches,hackers,etc...

Michael (Avaterra): Hmm... not sure if we can help, but you should fill out a problem report form and send it to support. If (IF!) there are such glitches, we can only fix them if we can reproduce them.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Kurt's Cat.... -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Kurt's Cat....: when is "management" going to lower the outrageous prices here??

Michael (Avaterra): Are you referring to the membership fee?

Kurt's Cat....: yes.. the now $9.95 per month

Michael (Avaterra): It's not within my power to rise or lower the membership fee, but Avaterra just increased the fee back to its original price. It was working fine before, so I think there is some reason to believe that it will be working again. The 9,95 for six months did not work.

Kurt's Cat....: yeh but you never had as many people sign up what about trying it at every 3 months not every single month has "management" walked around here and chatted with us??

Michael (Avaterra): It's not within my power. I'll gladly forward your suggestion, but I can't make any promises. We know what you folks think, really, we do. But there are always two sides to every token. I am not sure if 9,95 every three months would generate enough revenue for the worlds to survive. Not everyone I chatted with is going to leave ... Many of the current members have paid 9,95/month before and they don't see a problem ... like I said, the coin has two sides.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Lady Server -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Lady Server: Cant something be done about robbers and thieves My alt Avie was held Hostage for his tokens its very upsetting Thank god for Guides<grin><grin><grin><grin><grin>

Michael (Avaterra): How was he held hostage?

Lady Server: By being told to go to back room for rares and locked in

Michael (Avaterra): Oh. If you log out of a turf that is not yours, and log back in, you will find yourself at the elevator.You can and should report such incidents to the guides.

Lady Server: I like the price increase maybe that will help to do awaay with some of this<grin><grin><grin>

Michael (Avaterra): Maybe. <grin> We'll see. The S.A.F.E. project seems to help greatly with the thieves problem... Check out their site - the URL is linked to the golden coin in the first elevator lobby. <grin>

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Snow Queen -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Snow Queen: just wanted to aks a quickie if you dont mind....... was wondering about the engravers i know they only engrave the items in vendo but will they personalize items in the future to cut down on theivery?

Michael (Avaterra): By personalizing the items, they would become unique. In a way, that increases their value. (Credits for this thought to Wyld Karde <g>) But seriously, it's an issue. Also, if they have the same name, you can easily tell where they came from, when they were released. Colors would probably not like if prize items suddenly had different names... It's a good idea -- just have to consider the drawbacks, too. <grin>

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Caramel Candy -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Caramel Candy: will there be a new body changer with different outfits That would be nice

Michael (Avaterra): No, not any time soon. We are going to add two new bodies to Dreamscape (DS will be 20/month), but there are no plans for new clothes. a possibility, yes -- but not likely to happen this year. I still have a good document written by our former art director Sheryl Knowls that deals with this aspect (bodies, clothes) .... Will try to locate and upload it.

Sheryl Knowls' article titled, "The Worlds Away Art Process." Sheryl Knowls was the former art director for Avaterra when VZones was known as Worlds Away.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- CT -- Congratulations to the winner! --

CT: i have a question though Michael have you had a chance to speak with caretaker colors regarding "Host of the week award" ?

Caretaker Colors: No, I know nuffink Why don't you drop me an email explaining what your ideas are

Michael (Avaterra): I forgot to mention it to you. CT, now's a good chance to suggest it again, to the right person. <grin>

CT: rofl i'll send ya an email Colors

Caretaker Colors: Great, thanks

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- yeager -- Congratulations to the winner! --

yeager : bout gettin painted think theres anyway to make a vendo you can input the codes to? save you time, energy hassle

Michael (Avaterra): we have no device that would allow doing this --- it's been discussed, and suggested by many people over the years, but there's still no code for this. I don't think we'll see it very soon, if at all. Yes, I agree, no doubt it would help.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Vitamin C -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Vitamin C: My "Q" is about avatars with unapropiate names and url's like "**IrReSlStAbLeBtCh**". my mom told a guide about her name and url but pretty much nothing changed.Cant you do something about this?

Michael (Avaterra): Hmm, it's a bit of a tough issue ... and eventually leads to the problem that something offends one person, doesn't necessarily offend other people. So, we try to follow Pg13 standards -- and by those, the name you quoted is not a problem. But since this is a community, we are also trying to listening to what the people think. So if many report a name as inappropriate, it's possible that we step in.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Lubby -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Lubby: when will the locale in SV hotle be open?

Michael (Avaterra): Not sure, there are no opening dates for the closed SV areas. The next thing you'll see is a gaming area ... quite large, and very pretty.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- D@l=EB -- Congratulations to the winner! --=20

D@l=EB: Hi I just wanted to say that i love this place but i think the times are revolved around American time, when is 'Washington' gonna open and i think its very unfare and stupid of you to put the price up ty<grin>

Michael (Avaterra): Washington is not going to open. We originally had a partner for that town, but they changed their mind -- that was some time in early '99.

D@l=EB: why not just put the price up a bit say to ..... $9.95 (=A36) every 4 months that would spread it through a year

Michael (Avaterra): It's been suggested before -- and well, I can't comment on it, since it's not me making decisions of this kind. But I don't think 9,95 every four months would generate enough revenue for the worlds (and the company) to survive.

Caretaker Kenn: *** Kenn's Name List Manager *** Selecting 1 random name from the list... -- The selected name is -- Iceman54 -- Congratulations to the winner! --

Iceman54: Plz do something about the thieves and robbers .Put out a bulletin that it will not be tolerated.Also the language in here is awful<sigh> They even say it to you<sigh><sigh><sigh> If bill is not paid we would be cut off so cut these people offr <grin><grin><grin><grin><grin><grin><grin> Come on Micheal we love our world but its getting discussing <sigh><sigh><sigh><sigh> You are the man here do something with the rif raft BULLETIN PLZ<grin><grin><grin><grin><grin><grin>

Michael (Avaterra): Okay, well, I still think that most of you have possess all tools to prevent that they become a victim of theft. The problem is that the knowledge is not always accessible, and that some members, especially newer ones, simply don't know how to protect themselves. That is where the community should step in and help new arrivals -- I already pointed at the S.A.F.E. project, and there are more ways to help others to help themselves. However, if someone keeps harassing others, and taking stuff or pulling scams eventually turns into harassment, then we do step in -- we have done so in the past too. No, they aren't afraid of me, or of guides or of caretakers. Everyone who harasses others knows the risk --- as tough as it sounds, but the price increase will help this situation. It won't be so easy to run six alt avatars anymore, at least it will be more costly to annoy other. And if we do banish someone, we will not refund the member. "Thieves" and scammers will always exist, there is no way to provide 100% safety. But, we aren't ignoring it.

Caretaker Kenn: Any closing comments, Michael?

Michael (Avaterra): Yes, I have a bit of sad news. Caretaker Selara, whom we owe a lot for her efforts and her work, has decided that she needs to pay more attention to her Real Life family, and to her real life career. We have accepted her resignation .... though this was not an easy thing to do. We have given the supervision of the guides, training and selection to Caretaker Alana. In addition, we started a new mentoring program for new guides. Training of the first group of new guides has just begun ... so you will soon see some new faces on this side of the fence ...

Michael (Avaterra): No, we have all of your applications.

Caretaker Alana: No, you will not need to fill out new applications<grin>

Michael (Avaterra): If you would like to submit a new one, to make sure Alana sees it as well, you may send a new one. But Alana has access to the "old" applications too. It was this 20 MB file, in case you wondered. Ladies and gents, I have a meeting in a few minutes. I'd love to meet with some of you, but today is a bad day -- can't let the Dreamscapers wait. If you would like to meet with Delilah or I, please drop us a note. No promises, we really have tight schedules, but we'll try... <grin> DS meeting is outside the temple -- main doors. Thanks everyone for coming -- will see you next week, same place, same time. <grin>