VZones Dreamscape First Community Brainstorming Meeting Minutes

From Reno Project

Original article by Voodoo Cat, courtesy of the Virtual Planet newspaper.

On Friday, September 17 1999 at 3 p.m. WAT, a large group of avatars met in the Dreamscape Library Auditorium to discuss the creation of a Town Council. Following is the complete transcript from that meeting.

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: Hi shell

Sly StarDust: Hello Shell<jump>

Yummy: hi shell

Jewell: hi ya Shell

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: Hi shell<wave>

Yummy: This is easy enough to deal with... and I would hope that the name is not as important as the function.

Yummy: The Major function as I see it...would be to be able to have GROUP discussions as a COMMUNITY regarding the needs and wants of Kymer as a whole.

Yummy: Right Now...as it stands, you as individuals email Managment with your comments and suggestions. Sometimes getting a result, sometimes not..

Yummy: This Group, shall we call it a Brainstorming Committee, would discuss a topic, Such as Vendo Items, Parking Problems, Newbies, Turfs, etc... and come up with suggestions as a GROUP.

Yummy: This Group would then send a accumulative request to management. I can only hope that this would acheive at least two things..

Yummy: First freeing up Management from dealing with 200-300 pieces of Email requests each day and thus giving Management more time to visit with us inworld,and to resolve our needs.

Yummy: Second, the discussion its self would generate community sprirt and open discussion.

Yummy: How many times have you sent a request to management and NOT received a reply.

Yummy: How many times have you wanted to talk with Management about a suggestion and for whatever reason, didnt.

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: often <g>

Sly StarDust: <g.

Spiderwoman: more than I want to

Yummy: What I am proposing Now... IS NOT a form of Kymer Goverment.

Yummy: It will have no Powers over the citizens in Kymer. It is mearly a way

Yummy: for the people to unite, Discuss and Suggest...

Yummy: as a GROUP

Yummy: What I am proposing Now... IS NOT a form of Kymer Goverment.

Yummy: It will have no Powers over the citizens in Kymer. It is mearly a way

Yummy: I would Now like to Open the floor for discussion.

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: token cap

Yummy: as you can see.. I am STRESSING.. NOT a form of government

Jewell: So basically what you are saying is that instead of individuals emailing their wants and needs , they go through this "commity"

Jewell: ?

Yummy: and from talking with Michael.. this group IF formed.. will have an impact

Evil Shell: I still don't feel that the committies you propose would be beneficial to the majority of Kymerians

[There are 11 ghosts.]

Jewell: I agree Shell

Evil Shell: because it will only represent a small group

Jewell: exactly

lil helper: i agree

Evil Shell: it will become like another GK group or some such

Evil Shell: <shiver>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: well if they wanna be here

Yummy: BUT.. it will represent a group that are interested in the community

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: they will come

Jewell: Unless you get every citizen in on every meeting of the commity

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: a small group is bigger than one person???

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: if they want a grip on their own future

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: they better be a part of it

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: this is their chance

Jewell: you will be speaking for those who have not had a say

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: it doesent have to be a small group

lil helper: lol

Spiderwoman: I think the way things are going in world...we might should try anything

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: or i should say....does one person become bigger than a group......?

Evil Shell: but it will be a small group

Spiderwoman: maybe something will work

Spiderwoman: who knows

Evil Shell: 50 people commenting individually

Spiderwoman: better than just sitting and being mad and upset

Jewell: We can't force people to come to a meeting for fear something will be said in their name

Evil Shell: will have a greater impact than 1 avatar representing 50

Yummy: not anymore Shell

Jewell: I agree Shell

Evil Shell: oh, maybe not for the first couple of weeks

Evil Shell: but it will die out once again

Yummy: Hopefully.. IF this is formed.. our Group.. will have more impact that one individual

Evil Shell: there is no denying that there is greater impact in numberse

Sly StarDust: I think 50 e-mails saying no about something...would have more impact than 1 e-mail saying 50 people said no<shrug>

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: 50 people wanting the same thing.......doesn't out weigh one persons idea of the same thing.....

Yummy: because of the wants of a GROUP

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: i guess if we can get a group to work on the problems we can compress informations for DS management to have these probs fixed<shrug>

Jewell: whethere you intend for this to be a form of government or not, it will turn into that

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: come on....

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: why are we having this discussion

Evil Shell: come on, what?

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: if you dont wanna be part of this group

Jewell: WHO will be the GROUP?

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: leave now

Evil Shell: yes, Jewell, I agree

Yummy: and with prior advance posting of Meeting and the subject prior posted.. more will be able to attend

Evil Shell: I will not leave, BL <s>

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: a group's voice is always stronger than the single person...

Evil Shell: this is to discuss whether or not a group should even be formed

Yummy: Everyone who attends the meeting will be part of the group

Sly StarDust: So you just a small group can decided things BL?

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: <sigh>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: i thought we went over this

Jewell: see, it has already started. If Shell and I disagree we are said to not to want to participate ......

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: for like...4 hours

lil helper: No one should be excluded from having themselves heard <shrug>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: that day

Evil Shell: not stronger than the individual voices of 50

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: lol

Yummy: thank you Michael

Sly StarDust: I know Ziggy started it

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: Hi<wave><grin>

Jewell: <wave>Michael

Michael (World Manager): Hello! Just listening. <grin>

Evil Shell: hiyas Michael

Spiderwoman: Hello Big M

Evil Shell: actually, I have a question for you

Evil Shell: what did you mean when you mentioned a "village council" in your statement

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: but that's what the problem is now........MIcheal tries to answer 300 peoples voices and spends his time doing that and nothing else

Evil Shell: last weekend?

Yummy: the forming of this group... will bring those who are interested in a topic together

Evil Shell: what was your intention?

Sly StarDust: I am totally interested in expressing my ideas...but not like this

Evil Shell: I agree, Sly

Michael (World Manager): I think a community, virtual or not, should gather to

Jewell: me too Sly

Michael (World Manager): discuss matters and issues that affects the members of this

Michael (World Manager): very community ...

Sly StarDust: But we are together Michael..we are seprated from you

Michael (World Manager): to exchange ideas, feelings and in order to brainstorm together.

Yummy: but this is a way to bring him closer to us also

Evil Shell: I think that, on the surface, is a wonderful idea

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: let me ask you.......If Michael says........."I'm not going to answer and one person request.........Then what do you do???

Michael (World Manager): It's not so much that we want or need "one contact" inworld,

Michael (World Manager): it does not matter if we talk to groups or individual people.

Evil Shell: then I cancel my account

Evil Shell: because management doesn't care about me as a person <shrug>

Jewell: Then I would leave as I would feel my presence in the community was not noticed

Michael (World Manager): No, that will never happen.

lil helper: That doesnt make sense..having to be in a group to have yourself heard

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: yeah if i cant do any good im gone

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: so that means......that you are for you and you alone......and the rest can just go do whatever......??

Michael (World Manager): as I said several times, the opinion of an individual is no less valueable

Michael (World Manager): than the opinion of a group.

Yummy: but.. the point still remains of those who dont make themselves heard.. it does not mean that do not have ideas to share

Sly StarDust: right...Michael you said each indivdual still has impact..this all just sounds like people deciding things without everyone else knowledge

Evil Shell: then they *need* to make themselves heard

lil helper: So they have to be in a group to make themselves heard?

Evil Shell: I think that a group will *misrepresent* the citizens of Kymer

Yummy: why cant we support all as a group shell?

Michael (World Manager): But gathering and brainstorming, and discussing new ideas before

Jewell: It is already too common that a select few are the voice of the many......

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: and as a "group" they can.....

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: yes

Michael (World Manager): presenting them to us, is something that would benefit everyone.

Evil Shell: yes, as a group they can, and will, misrepresent the citizens of Kymer

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: mhm mhm

Jewell: And again, WHO will this group BE?

Evil Shell: Michael, I would not be opposed to such brainstorming meetings

Evil Shell: held by you and Delilah

Michael (World Manager): why by us?

Evil Shell: but not some avatar run group, which will in the end end become like the GK's

Evil Shell: no offense again, Betha <G>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: yeah a power struggle

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: oh come on shell.......you know that is not the case......

Jewell: How many citizens are in Kymer and will they all be present to have a say before the "council" presents an idea? Or do the silent become forgotten ?

Yummy: why.. are the citizens to be mistrusted

Evil Shell: but a clique

Evil Shell: favatars

Evil Shell: brownnosers

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: elite groups

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: ugh

Evil Shell: elitest

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: any and all that attend

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Hello everyone <wave>

Evil Shell: and not representing us all

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: Hello everyone

Yummy: We already stated... SHell.. that The NAME is incorrect

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: ello betha

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: Hi Betha<wave><grin>

Jewell: hi

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: I'm behaving Shell <grin>

Sly StarDust: Then name it something else

Evil Shell: what name is?

Michael (World Manager): Shell, I think that is the actual misunderstanding: I don't

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: Hi Mrsshark<wave>

Jewell: It isn't about the name

Evil Shell: heheh Betha, I'm trying to <S>

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Tom <grin><grin>

Sly StarDust: Brainstorming Avatars<shrug>

Michael (World Manager): think the council was supposed to represent "all of you".

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: Hi Tom

Yummy: it should not be a city coucil with memebers... BUT a brainstorming COMMITTEE

Michael (World Manager): just a gathering of concered avatars.

Jewell: it is about giving a select few the power to speak for many

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: we will not have a council here

Yummy: with all kymer citizen representing themselves in the meeting

Sly StarDust: Okay...one sec...if this is going to happen

Sly StarDust: then can we see the ideas

Evil Shell: Let me try an example


Evil Shell: you have a council

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: No one is saying that a council will be formed.......

Duckolyte Milo: What?

Sly StarDust: and the RESULTS of these meetings

Evil Shell: <waiting>

Jewell: shhh Let Shell speak

Yummy: It was already DECided.. NO Council.. NO member.. a mere moderater.. to take notes and report

Evil Shell: am I done waiting, Yummy? <G>

Yummy: with a URL placed in the city to see what exactly was presented

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: who decided that?

lil helper: it was ?

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: we didnt decide that

lil helper: I dont remember being asked<g>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: fer real mon

Evil Shell: ok, my example

Yummy: and MAYBE even a general meeting with Management to disucss the results

Evil Shell: you have this group meet

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: shell do go on

Yummy: AS A Group

Evil Shell: to discuss the fate of, let's say

Evil Shell: the ugly sign at the Magic Shop

Yummy: IT NOT to discuss a FATE

Jewell: heheheh

Evil Shell: but, the group is comprised of mainly "bright persons"

Evil Shell: not the usual inhabitants of that area

Evil Shell: so they decide they like the sign

Yummy: Shell.. that is soo negative.. to discuss a FATE

Evil Shell: and report back to management

Sly StarDust: it would be about "fate" what else are you going to discuss?

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: thank you sly

Evil Shell: that the sign should stay

Yummy: Why would the Inhabitants of the area not attend Shell

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: we would but we would also be outnumbered

Evil Shell: yet that didn't respond to any of the needs of the people it would most affect

Evil Shell: thanks, that's what I was going to say

Evil Shell: we'd be outnumbered

Jewell: exactly

Evil Shell: and some people just don't like vampires/darksiders/togas

Evil Shell: for whatever reasons, just on sight <shrug>

Yummy: IF.. there was a meeting on the SIGN... WHY would they not attend to speak their minds

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Or GKs <eg>

Sly StarDust: Just plain dead here<wave>

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Gotcha Shell <grin>

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: or GK it seems<G?

Evil Shell: LOL Betha <G>

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: lol

Evil Shell: or, yes, just plain dead <react>

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Couldn't help it <grin>

Yummy: Shell...

Grace: I have just joined and so far all I can see is that you argue regarding whether there should be a council or not<shrug>

Jewell: OH pulleeeezz, you can not force people to a meeting for fear they will have decisions made without them

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: yummy we would attend of course

Jewell: that is wrong

Evil Shell: well, that is the purpose of this meeting, as I understand it

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: but if we are outnumbered what good does it do us

Yummy: then I dont see a problem

Evil Shell: but that is *exactly* what will happen

Michael (World Manager): Question, Shell -- why do you assume we would value proposals from a group/council more than suggestions from an individual avatar?

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: as the main inhabitants of that locale

Evil Shell: I *do* see a problem

Grace: thought it was to do with issues?

Sly StarDust: See Michael that is our fear

Yummy: Why would someone come to a meeting to JUST tear DOWN something.

Yummy: that is Childish

Evil Shell: perhaps I'm mostly responding to those who feel that it is just that which will happen

Sly StarDust: we are afraid you will tell us to pass through the coucncil

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: yummy its an example..

Evil Shell: that a council is to be formed in order to "report" to management

Evil Shell: what "we" want

Yummy: and to even consider that ADULTS have that mentality.. is insulting

Evil Shell: Yummy...........that is an important issue to me

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: as well as to myself

Yummy: Then Im sure you would attend

Jewell: It seems to me that if this time of group, council, brainstorming committee was to work, the ENTIRE community would have to approve. There are a handful here and some are opposed, therefore it has already failed.

Evil Shell: and this meeting, as I understood it, was to discuss the possibility of even having a council

Yummy: and all those who it was important too would attend

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: i ahve another idea<grin>

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: have

Evil Shell: agreed, Jewell

Evil Shell: please share <S>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: <listening>

Yummy: why would someone who has NOOO concern about the sign at all even sit though this

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: I has not failed........because you are here.......

Jewell: See, Yummy by you saying that you are focing members of the community to conform with your idea and saying then they would attend......that is wrong

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: what if we set up a bulletin board with suggestions and anyone can reach and discuss?

Evil Shell: because they want to influence management, they want to brownnose, they want to be an aco in the future, a favatar <shrug>

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: who is forcing????

Jewell: Good idea

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: I was going to ask that Michael ?

Evil Shell: I like that idea!

Yummy: I never said that

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: sounds good

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: How many use the feedback pages ?

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: i dooo

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: A lot , Seldom ?

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: a lot

Jewell: I do

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: I'm curious

Michael (World Manager): <don't underestimate this management, Shell <grin>>

Sly StarDust: Right like just a total brainstorm thread

Yummy: seldom

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: well i will offer webspace if you all want and see to get it to work

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: never get a response

Jewell: when there is a serious issue at hand

Evil Shell: <G> Michael, you're right

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: If the meeting is posted.....and the subjects are posted for the meeting......only the people who CARE about the subjects would attend........

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Are the feedback pages supposed to be answered personally ??

Evil Shell: but if I have an issue to discuss with management

Michael (World Manager): Okay, look - let me explain something ...

Evil Shell: I go directly to the source

Yummy: why..

Yummy: shell

Michael (World Manager): we get about 300-500 mails a week with suggestions from

Michael (World Manager): members.

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: thats what i do too

Evil Shell: well, it makes the most sense <shrug>

Yummy: why

Michael (World Manager): many have similar ideas, yet with slight differences.

Evil Shell: I don't trust someone else to relay what I have to say

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: because u get answers a little quicker

Yummy: maybe I have the same opinion

Evil Shell: I go to the source

Michael (World Manager): if some of these people met before and worked together on their

Evil Shell: so, view it

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: too

Evil Shell: you have the right

Michael (World Manager): ideas, and then sent their proposals, we would get

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: It would to you shell......and your one of the 300-500 emails that management recieves....

Michael (World Manager): more detailed suggestions.

Yummy: why should they have to read 50 of the same thing... If you can produce on letter from 50

Michael (World Manager): If only two people come together to discuss and ponder

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: sublte differences

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: can make all the difference yummy

Michael (World Manager): a proposal before sending it, the quality of this proposal will

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: subtle too

Michael (World Manager): be "better".

Sly StarDust: Okay, then it should NOT be called a city council

Evil Shell: I agree with that, Michael

Evil Shell: but I don't think it should be so formal

Evil Shell: perhaps

Yummy: CORRECT.. NOT.. city council

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: right

Evil Shell: if I have an idea

Yummy: and that is what I said in starting the meeting

Evil Shell: I start talking about it IW

Evil Shell: and gather those who are interested

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: If Micheal.....Doesn't have to spend half of his day going through all of the mail......then he has the time to take care of other things in Kymer

Evil Shell: and discuss

Jewell: yes Michael, but a GROUP has no business speaking for this community

Sly StarDust: <your macro said city council>

Evil Shell: but not anything official

Evil Shell: yes

Yummy: if does if the Group wants it too

Evil Shell: and don't forget, 79% of the respondents to the survey said NO

Michael (World Manager): A group, of two people or one hundred, is part of this community and

Yummy: No..that is not true

Michael (World Manager): they have the right speak for themselves.

Evil Shell: what does if the group wants it to??????

Yummy: I had 3 people VOTE 63 times

Michael (World Manager): No one can speak for everyone - obviously.

Evil Shell: hey Michael......what can we do about that sign? <G>

Yummy: that is why I took the poll out

Jewell: Ok- so I say I begin a group that says I want NO more prize heads ever, do I get to speak for everyone because I want to?

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: <g>

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: lol

Michael (World Manager): Try sending a cheque, Shell. <grin>

Evil Shell: how many tokens? <G>

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: LMAOFFF <G>

Yummy: what is the group that you are speaking for.. names... and send a proposal

Sly StarDust: lol

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: roflmao

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: so basically we have no choice on the sign thing eh?

Yummy: sure you do

Evil Shell: ok

Yummy: everyone has a choice

Evil Shell: the vamps, darksiders, et.a.

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: magic shop sign

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: the tacky one

Sly StarDust: Sign at magic SHOP

Evil Shell: et.al.

Jewell: If you start a group you need to have a disclaimer that the GROUP does not represent the all the citizens of Kymer but it speaks for a select few

Evil Shell: don't like the "Magic *Den*" sign

Evil Shell: and would like to see it down

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: well it was originally magic den...

Evil Shell: our committee has spoken <G>

Michael (World Manager): Will think about the sign.

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: I agree Shell<grin>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: but the sign is still ugly

Evil Shell: yes, but only on the original maps

Evil Shell: thanks Michael <bow>

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: <jump>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: exactly

lil helper: yep sign sux

Jewell: And Michael, decisions or suggestions by this group should not be put into place if it affects the whole community

Michael (World Manager): Let's focus on the meeting's topic, please. <grin>

Yummy: the proposals sent to management would have the names of the avatars that attended that meeting

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: its always been referred to as magic SHOP

Jewell: I don't like the sign either

Sly StarDust: Okay, will your "discussions" be easily reachable...incase you are discussing a fate I feel strongly about?

Yummy: yes

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: yeah that would be good

Evil Shell: I'm worried about power

Sly StarDust: I don;t want to miss you talking about fixing the turfs up!

Jewell: me too Shell

Yummy: a url will be posted PRIOR to the meeting

Michael (World Manager): I have a comment regarding the foum/board, etc.

Sly StarDust: Yes I am afraid of power to Shell

Michael (World Manager): from a community development perspective, I think it would be

Michael (World Manager): better to discuss issues inworld.

Michael (World Manager): Let's face it, most of the time the boards and lists are

Michael (World Manager): more entertaining and more interesting than the

Michael (World Manager): discussions and conversations inworld.

Evil Shell: yes

Evil Shell: and for the mailing list, see my URL <vbg>

Sly StarDust: cause they are ll in NRW

[There are 9 ghosts.]

Michael (World Manager): we will lower the price for DS.

Michael (World Manager): do not ask for details yet!

Evil Shell: *great* ! <jump><jump>

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: woohoooooo<jump>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: <jump>

lil helper: So couldnt u post something on the board saying I would like to gather some people to talk about this idea i have

Yummy: I really do think this can work...

Michael (World Manager): we will release details next week.

Evil Shell: what about marketing?

Spiderwoman: wohooo<grin><grin><grin>

Yummy: IF

Evil Shell: yes, you could do that...post to say you want to discuss an idea

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: and perhaps unless we start pulling together as a community..........we all will be in NRW or nowhere.....

lil helper: it doesnt have to be just this one group thing

Evil Shell: and don't forget to post to the list, as well

Yummy: yes

Yummy: most definate

Evil Shell: but that's putting it back into our laps again

Evil Shell: <sigh>

Grace: If you want to make a profit then you need to cut price, allow sponsership and advertise like he**

Michael (World Manager): well, it helps if you have someome who sets up meetings,

Michael (World Manager): so that more than six people come together.

Evil Shell: sponsorship <grimace>

Michael (World Manager): more people means more input.

Grace: yes, if it is necessary

Evil Shell: yes, I agree

Yummy: I am willing to set up meetings...

Evil Shell: more people

Grace: at the end of the day, this place has to make money

Evil Shell: that's it Yummy

Grace: otherwise it goes

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: good idea Mischael but who will do da job? <grin>

Evil Shell: I don't think it should be regularly scheduled meetings

Evil Shell: by the same old people

Yummy: or.. Shell..or anyone that wants too

Evil Shell: I think it should be nearly ad hoc meetings

lil helper: ok this is starting to sound good

Yummy: ad hoc?

Yummy: changing of moderators

Evil Shell: no

Evil Shell: more or less, on the fly

Evil Shell: no moderators

Evil Shell: just someone to save text

Sly StarDust: Or discuss a subject through out the week so many people can come

Evil Shell: and perhaps summarize

Yummy: who set up the url for the meeting and the results that you want to see posted

Evil Shell: but that's scheduling subjects again

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: maybe post text on onelist... too..

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: that Shell.....is the basic idea....

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: hmm whats about an event 2 or 3 times a week to put all the meanings together ?

Evil Shell: but it is getting mixed in with government

Sly StarDust: right...it tis

Evil Shell: roberts rules of order

Evil Shell: etc.

Jewell: This is a governmental step and it will continue in that direction

Sly StarDust: Oh and Time Zones

Yummy: Shell... a moderator does not have to do that

Evil Shell: but in the end

Evil Shell: it will

Sly StarDust: por euros<sigh>

Sly StarDust: poor even

Grace: Well personally, I think a council for WA is not right.. Councils for different groups, yes.

Evil Shell: human nature is to do just that

Yummy: is that the way you run onelist shell

Yummy: on a government basis

Michael (World Manager): <g>

Evil Shell: absolutely not

Yummy: then why would this be any different

Evil Shell: there has been one instance where someone had to be stopped

Jewell: No council is right in a community -- none of us can attend all the time.... for instance... where are the Euro Avis now?

Evil Shell: and that was a very different situation, due to language used

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: sleeping

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: here<grin>

Yummy: there are times ive seen you need to be stopped too

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: hehe

Evil Shell: yeah, it is after midnite there

Evil Shell: and I've stopped myself

Yummy: BUT.. opinion is opinion

Evil Shell: and apologized to those involved, haven't I?

Jewell: exactly, so the Euro community has no say?

Evil Shell: Michael and Tom and one or two others

Evil Shell: are the only euros here, that I'm aware of

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: There is another meeting at 10 p.m. WAT no ?

Yummy: no.. meeting will be set to accomodate the euorpeans as well

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: No there is a 10p.m. wat meeting tonite yet.....

Grace: with that sort of bickering, then that is another reason why you don't have a council

Evil Shell: let's not forget, the euros are a part of what makes this place so damn special

Michael (World Manager): I think the danger is that we get lost in details.

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: mhm

Evil Shell: yes, 10pm which is 7am in europe

Michael (World Manager): now we have time zones..

Jewell: OK and that is 1am here,

Grace: exactly

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: i agree Micha

Michael (World Manager): next thing we will argue about is

Michael (World Manager): age...

Yummy: and sex

Evil Shell: LOL

Jewell: heheheh

Evil Shell: ok ok

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: lol

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: that's why there were two meeting set up......

Michael (World Manager): sex sounds good.

Yummy: ok.. who likes sex.. and who dont

Sly StarDust: more sex<jump>

Evil Shell: yeah, the aussies Sha <G>

Grace: yep it does<jump>

Evil Shell: sex <jump>

Sly StarDust: oops

Yummy: hahahah

Grace: <react><react>

Sly StarDust: <react>

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: what's that???

Yummy: ok.. back to the issue

Evil Shell: <been too long since I've seen Grip> <vbg>

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: and at least what about nude patch?????????? <veg>

Grace: you askin Michael?

Michael (World Manager): dunno, it's been a week from hell. <grin>

Sly StarDust: aww shell lol

Grace: lol

Yummy: iam sorry about the times...

Michael (World Manager): well, have to defend Yummy here ..,

Michael (World Manager): there are no times that work for everyone.

Evil Shell: agreed

Yummy: I did not know the times in europe and that was my fault.. and took it from anouther

Michael (World Manager): either its too early for Americans and Australians,

Michael (World Manager): or too late for Euros.

Jewell: I can not agree withh any group that has decided to speak for the community. No one speaks for me whether I am at a meeting or not and it is not fair to FORCE people to come to a meeting to be heard for fear of the decisions that may be made

Evil Shell: time zones are a PITA, no question about it

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: i guess time shouldn`t eb problem

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: be

Evil Shell: I agree Jewell

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Nobody was forced Jewell <shrug>

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: I wasn't

Yummy: and Jewll that is your choice

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: maybe......Michael could answer when would be good times to catch both sides of the world....??

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: I'm here to listen

Michael (World Manager): But did we (management) ever say we will not listen to individual avatars?

Evil Shell: ok, I think this is something that can be taken at a different time

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: i wasn't either <shrug> I am just here every day <shrug> and want to see Kymer survive<shrug>

Evil Shell: I think what we are most afraid of, Michael

Evil Shell: is that those who participate in this committee

Evil Shell: will overshadow the other avvys

Sly StarDust: right...

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: great idea now <g>

Michael (World Manager): well, as long as I don't give you the "send your feedback to dream@avaterra.com" line, I think you are safe.

Evil Shell: that the avvys who don't agree will feel like they will be spitting in the wind

Yummy: depends on how many attend the meeting I would think

Sly StarDust: God...BE<frown>

Evil Shell: if they oppose something the "council" wants

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: Shell it works both ways

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: committee just does submit to world managers and they have to decide <g>

Evil Shell: and they will give up

Evil Shell: and perhaps quietly leave

Michael (World Manager): <I read dream@avaterra.com, btw!>

Evil Shell: LOL Michael

Jewell: exactly, depends on how many attend

Evil Shell: take care <bow>

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: what about avies you only see on event weekends and meetings like this one<shrug>

Yummy: IF... 300 attend the meeting and say the sign is good.. and you say alone the sign is bad.. what weighs more in your mind

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: should they have a say for others <shrug>

Evil Shell: it would depend who was at the meeting <S>

Michael (World Manager): well, many small meetings with 10-25 people are better than

Yummy: Yes it would

Michael (World Manager): one meeting with 300 folks.

Evil Shell: LOL at least more manageable <G>

Michael (World Manager): you have seen the town meetings - we are barely able to answer

Michael (World Manager): 10% of the questions.

Sly StarDust: And that is what we are afraid of too Yummy

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: May I ask a question Yummy ?

Yummy: I guess I dont understand why.. IF you have the same availbiltiy as others to come to a meeting

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: What is this committee , council whateve it's called ....

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Supposed to do ?

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: All ideas ?

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Vendo items ?

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Signs at the magic shop ??<eg>

Evil Shell: perhaps some of us don't like the idea of government

Yummy: Gather information.. and send requests to management

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: I'm confused at the specifics

Evil Shell: and in a way that *is* government

Jewell: no we don't

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: What information Yummy ?

Jewell: government here is bad

Yummy: this IS not a a government

Evil Shell: but, in the end, it would be

Michael (World Manager): It's a dictatorship, haven't you noticed yet? <EG>

Evil Shell: LOL Michael

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: lol

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: LOL Michael

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: LOL

Sly StarDust: <react>

Evil Shell: we know you rule with an iron paw <G>

Yummy: LOL

Evil Shell: now where do I send that check to? <G>

Grace: well Yummy, gathering that information could end up being one sided and not a true representation

Yummy: i have heard that enough over the last 3 days

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: lol

Michael (World Manager): Ok, seriously, why is the name of this "project" so important?

Evil Shell: that is my point, one sided

Sly StarDust: Right whoever said that

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: let me ask you Shell......"Who would be the goverment"??

Evil Shell: those who perceive themselves to be in power

Jewell: Well to be honest I would welcome a dictatorship more than I would a "group" trying to speak for me

Jewell: hehehe

Evil Shell: yes, I hate to agree to that concept

Evil Shell: but I do

Yummy: who is in power in agroup with only a moderator to take notes

Evil Shell: this is a business

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: hi trev

Evil Shell: Michael and Delilah both *work* for Avaterra

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: we dont want to be perceieved as a government name is important

Sly StarDust: as long as it stays that way

Grace: what do you mean by name Michael?

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: what if Michael calls 3 or 4 acolytes who have the job to collect suggestions?

Evil Shell: it is their job to make this a great place

Michael (World Manager): No.

Evil Shell: oh no..........

Evil Shell: no no no

Michael (World Manager): I don't want any filters.

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: heyy... we could call it community project...

Evil Shell: please <G>

Jewell: And we know where they are coming from

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: just leave it at that

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: not as filters

Evil Shell: a rose by any other name is still a rose <shrug>

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: to compress infos only

Grace: Michael, what would the WA like to see??

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Projects are usually temporary <G>

Yummy: correct.. and that is why in the BEGINNING of this meeting I stated.. that we call it a Brainstorming Commitee

Michael (World Manager): I will always be available for direct communication, BUT

Grace: I think that is just as important

Michael (World Manager): I still think that proposals are of higher quality if

Michael (World Manager): they have been discussed by more than one person before

Michael (World Manager): they are submitted.

Evil Shell: yanno, many of us do discuss our ideas

Yummy: CORRECT <clap clap clap>

Jewell: So we don't need a committee then

Evil Shell: with others before they are presented to management

Evil Shell: I know I do

Sly StarDust: I know I discuss my a$$ off here

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: LOL Sly

Sly StarDust: <react>

Jewell: we can as ourselves get with friends and discuss and send ideas

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: lol

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: I do too but <G>

Yummy: you have never discusses anything with me Shell

Jewell: no need for a commity

Evil Shell: I even call people to discuss ideas <shrug>

Grace: Michael, what would the WA team like to see happen to further dreamscape?

Jewell: right

Evil Shell: who said that? I don't discuss with them?

Yummy: my phone is 913 262 6750

Sly StarDust: yummy

Evil Shell: ahhhhhhh

Jewell: OMG

Yummy: hahahah

Evil Shell: I have discussed with you LOL

Michael (World Manager): Friends tend to have a similar opinion,

Yummy: well this

Evil Shell: what do you call the other day? <vbg>

Michael (World Manager): which is why they are friends.

Evil Shell: not necessarily, Michael <react>

Jewell: NO - not always

Michael (World Manager): Not always, no.

Michael (World Manager): Not necessarily.

Michael (World Manager): But often times.

Evil Shell: I have friends from many different walks of virtual and real life

Sly StarDust: I like discussing with people who have other opinions..makes it fun<react>

Jewell: Abbi and I are bestest buds and boy do we differ in opinions

Evil Shell: with varied opinions on things

Yummy: Most of the time.. they have similar opinions .. that is why they like each other

Evil Shell: yes, differing opinions make it fun

Evil Shell: and you learn from opinions other than your own

Sly StarDust: yes

Evil Shell: but having a group decide ........

Michael (World Manager): That is the idea of the council.

Evil Shell: I just don't agree

Michael (World Manager): decide?

Yummy: Good Point... and your opinions and everyone elses

Evil Shell: decide on what to present, how to present it, and what is "right"

Yummy: we dont decide... management does

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Not a group Shell .... a mixed meeting of people as I see it

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Why not just hold open air discussions like this one , once a month ?

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: why set it as a committee ?

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: yeah but she means the group would decide what to tell the management about

Sly StarDust: Okay...how many think the turf areas need a face lift <G><wave>

Evil Shell: YES

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: meee

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: yes

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: need some paint mon!

Evil Shell: oops, sorry to yell <s>

Sly StarDust: <G>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: anyone disagree?

Evil Shell: tan and brown are fugly

Jewell: Michael let me ask you this....................

Grace: that is why I am asking what the management would like to see for the future benefit of here

Yummy: now...how is that hard to mis represent

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Needs paint <G>

Sly StarDust: marble floors!

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: maybe wallpaper

Evil Shell: LOL but that is *easy*

Evil Shell: most issues are *not* that easy

Sly StarDust: I know...tryin to lighten the mood

Jewell: If I and some aquaintances here had an opinion on something and sent it to you

Jewell: and the "commity" sent you an opinion on another subject

[There are 13 ghosts.]

Grace: at the end of the day it is their decision that is final.

[Trevayne Chief Golden Knight, Marjolein, Grace, Betha - Chief Golden Knight, Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight, Michael (World Manager), ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc, Evil Shell, lil helper, Jewell, Sly StarDust, Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger, Spiderwoman, HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight, Yummy, and 13 ghosts.]

Jewell: would you push my opion aside to look at the commity?

Sly StarDust: he is sleeping

Yummy: he is typing

Grace: he is pondering

Yummy: hehehe

Evil Shell: he's prolly being esp bombed <react>

Jewell: yeah

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: hes taking a dump

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: hes ignoring <veg>

Sly StarDust: lol

Yummy: Please DONT esp him

Evil Shell: <snicker>

Jewell: or my typos confused him

Sly StarDust: lol

Michael (World Manager): No, I'm here.

Evil Shell: he's rolling in catnip

Sly StarDust: I read typonese

Jewell: first time I have been out of bed in three days

Jewell: heheheh

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: catnip rofl

Ðarksider Tom T. Tiger: wow hes living <g>

Sly StarDust: lol

Yummy: he is quiet.. but he hears

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: hes watching us clown around lol

Yummy: big monitor for LOTS of scrolling

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: thinking how monkey like we are when we are in playful moods

Michael (World Manager): Okay ...

Michael (World Manager): well ...

Sly StarDust: lol

Michael (World Manager): The difficult part of my job is to

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: could be he gets esp from the ghosties <shrug>

Michael (World Manager): try to consider as many opinions and needs as

Yummy: ghosties... please come down

Michael (World Manager): possible. Plus the needs and wants of the community.

Grace: which is every commendable of you.

Michael (World Manager): so, I do appreciate different opinions .... but those that

Michael (World Manager): are detailed and already address potential backdraws and

Sly StarDust: this is the first time I think a Manager ever showed interest in our ideas<shrug>

Spiderwoman: yes..but it also should be a positve decision for the community Michael..not just for a few of avies

Michael (World Manager): flipsides, and provide suggestions how to deal with those disadvantages,

Michael (World Manager): are making our job easier.

Yummy: that is what the committee would have to address to submitt to management

Yummy: ooopss poof

Yummy: ?

Sly StarDust: yeah Jewell

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: eep

Grace: so what are you suggesting then Michael, for that statement?

Grace: from even

Spiderwoman: maybe instead of working on many issues at onces..maybe a good option would be adressing a few problems

Sly StarDust: All I know is I am bursting with ideas...I oftern bring them to the forum...and I e-mail em to Michael....<shrug>

Spiderwoman: and work on them first

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: You have to remember folks.......the easier we can make Michaels job.....the more time he can spend making Kymer more fun for us......

Yummy: correct.. a topic or TWO max would be poosted for disucssion with times for meeting

Evil Shell: <sigh>

Grace: what would you and your team like to see that would help even more?

Michael (World Manager): as I said earlier, I think a committee/council/gathering/<fill-in-your-favourite-name-that-doesn't-offend-you> would improve the

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: say thank you to the nice people<react>

Michael (World Manager): proposals and suggestions from that particular

Michael (World Manager): group of people.

Evil Shell: my opposition is to an *organized* set of meetings

Evil Shell: leaders, moderaters, whatevers

Jewell: Its too much like a government

Dutchess Mary J: yeah<shrug>

Jewell: We dont' need tha there

Jewell: here

Evil Shell: it sits on the line of government

Evil Shell: even in the beginning

Yummy: its not like government at all

Evil Shell: with time, the "leaders" would attempt to gain power

Evil Shell: and power corrupts <shrug>

Yummy: if it were... we would not need your opinion

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: they way I see it the "committee" would just be the voice of the community <shrug>

Yummy: What leaders

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: Shell.......you keep saying Leaders........who's the leaders?????

Evil Shell: in the beginning, it would be the voice of whomever attended

Evil Shell: whomever designates themselves as leaders

Jewell: You are going to have this "council" without leaders?

Sly StarDust: It would start to get organized..and who decides what gets talked about?

Yummy: who is the leader onelist?

Yummy: oops in onelist

Evil Shell: we are *all* "leaders" on onelist

Yummy: ahhh... the same here

Evil Shell: I happen to be a moderator

Evil Shell: but I don't enjoy that job

Grace: if you had a council, it would have to be very well organised

Yummy: ahhh.... and one will happed to save text

Evil Shell: and that is *not* the same as a council

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: so then you are a leader <shrug>

Grace: you would need to have a committee

Yummy: and put into URL form

Grace: minutes of meeting

Evil Shell: fine, call me a leader

Grace: etc etc etc

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: all symantecs <shrug>

Evil Shell: but the onelist is a list for avatars to discuss avatar/real life

Evil Shell: it is *not* at *all* a forum for us to go and get together

Evil Shell: present ideas to management

Evil Shell: and make decisions

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: and the council would be to discuss kymer <bow>

Evil Shell: it is an open list

Yummy: we are NOT discussing a city council.... we already decided that the NAME is what offends and the actions they perform in RW

Evil Shell: no, the concept itself offends

Jewell: NO its not just the name

Evil Shell: not just the name

Yummy: I said and the actions they perform

Jewell: its that the "group" would have a voice that would affect all of Kymer

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: hummmmm there's an echo in here......

Jewell: THAT is what is offensive

Yummy: what we are proposing is no more than a brainstorming

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: So what do we do Jewel ?

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: and ALL of Kymer can speak at any time........

Grace: Yummy, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter what it is called... it will still basically be the same thing.

Evil Shell: yes

Yummy: i dont think it will be

Evil Shell: it will be the henchmen reporting to the dictator <vbg>

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: seems to me all that wanted to have a voice would and could.......is up to the avatars if they want to attend............no?

Evil Shell: no

Grace: names etc are not important issueat this point

Yummy: how...where the people who attend it .. do NOT make the decision

Evil Shell: let's say I could never attend a meeting

Evil Shell: due to a RW schedule

Evil Shell: my voice would *never* be heard

Jewell: First of all we do not "threaten" anyone that if they do not attend the meeting that the 'group' will proceed without hearing from EVERY voice in Kymer

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: then ask someone to present your views ?

Yummy: all the people are doing is getting together and discussing a common subject

Jewell: Michael, how many citizens do we have?

Yummy: neither did I

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: good question

Evil Shell: I don't trust anyone to present my views for me

Michael (World Manager): Shell, you can apply this statement to most everything

Evil Shell: they are mine, not anyone else's

Spiderwoman: yes, Michael how many members do we have in DS

Michael (World Manager): inworld.

Jewell: Me either shell

Michael (World Manager): If you work on weekends, you can never attend

Jewell: Yes Inworld or over all

Michael (World Manager): weekend events.

Evil Shell: yes, true

Jewell: How many citizens are in Kymer?

Evil Shell: but the game events don't impact the world

Spiderwoman: on week end we have a lot of alts in world

Evil Shell: like a committee/council/whatever meeting

Yummy: they sure do...

Spiderwoman: doing games

Spiderwoman: on event days

Yummy: have you seen our economy lately

Yummy: heheheh

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Yes we do Spider woman

Spiderwoman: so we cannot consider

Evil Shell: what's funny about our economy?

Michael (World Manager): But you don't want 300 people at the gatherings.

Sly StarDust: events have nothing to do with tokens...

Michael (World Manager): more than 20 and it gets chaotic.

Spiderwoman: the numbers real numbers we see in status

Jewell: YES

Evil Shell: yes, look at this

Jewell: Why not

Jewell: ?

Yummy: your comment is funny.. not our economy

Evil Shell: nearly impossible to follow <s>

Grace: I understand what you are getting at Michael and why you feel it should be tailored

Evil Shell: ah, ok

Michael (World Manager): How about frequent "Community Hours" ...

Michael (World Manager): three a week ...

Evil Shell: hmmmmmmm

Evil Shell: <interested>

Michael (World Manager): where avatars come together to discuss issues,

Michael (World Manager): if they want to.

Yummy: tailoring to 20 per meeting also means more meeting... more chances for everyone to attend the meeting of their choice

Jewell: No one should claim they are going to be the voice of the people

Grace: Do you and your team have time for that?

Michael (World Manager): do you need us?

Spiderwoman: I believe any kind of meetings in any form to express how we feel about DS would help

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: I agree

Grace: personally, I think not

Spiderwoman: why not??

Yummy: Im not saying I will be the VOICE of the community... the people that attend the meetings are the voices of themselves in a group

Grace: the more meetings you have the more people will give suggestions etc

Evil Shell: I have to say

Evil Shell: I like Michael's idea

Evil Shell: it could work

Grace: because I don't think a lot of the issues that are raised are THAT important

Jewell: We need you, Michael to support those of use who disagree with this "group". Those of us who do not wish to be spoken for by anyone

Spiderwoman: yes ..and sooner or later we will find out what is important to avies

Evil Shell: have a locale designated for such discussions

Evil Shell: with certain hours

Evil Shell: anyone can drop in

Evil Shell: bring up whatever they want

Evil Shell: no leaders

Grace: and there is no point in asking someone to give time that they can ill afford

Evil Shell: no rules

Evil Shell: no organizers

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: who is speaking for you???? your here now aren't you?

Spiderwoman: we all think first what is important to US..but with the community we should think WE

Evil Shell: who is speaking for us?

Yummy: and how does management get the results of this meeting

Jewell: To try to stop your group from becoming the "voice" of the people

Evil Shell: think of this

Spiderwoman: as a hole

Evil Shell: if Michael wasn't here

Evil Shell: who would report back to him? and what would you report?

Evil Shell: that the whole idea was trashed, accepted, what??

Michael (World Manager): These Community Hours would be about the community...

Evil Shell: another ideas for these "open hours" would be to have reps from the newspapers

Michael (World Manager): for you, from you.

Yummy: No one ever said it would be the voice of the people

Evil Shell: come and cover the meetings

Michael (World Manager): it's not for the mnagement ...

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: the group would decide who would report the concerns to Michael....

Michael (World Manager): someone can send me a transcript if the

Michael (World Manager): avatars present think I should read it.

Yummy: no.. cant do that... they might misrepresent it

Michael (World Manager): I don't "have" to read or see it ..

Grace: It's something you could try if you were keen and see how it progressed

Evil Shell: ok

Evil Shell: so how about this

Michael (World Manager): I want you to talk, to brainstorm ... I want the community to grow up.

Evil Shell: Michael's idea

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: can it hurt to try this? <shrug>

Grace: see if it was a viable proposition<shrug>

Evil Shell: in fact........Michael

Michael (World Manager): None of this requires management's help.

Evil Shell: you were looking for a use for Regency

Evil Shell: make it into a meeting area

Evil Shell: maybe a couple of rooms like this

Evil Shell: large avatar numbers on the floor

Michael (World Manager): <cringe> I don't get the resources for even more locales,

Michael (World Manager): let's use what we already have.

Evil Shell: and *informal* meetings

Michael (World Manager): for now.

Evil Shell: hmmmmmmm

Evil Shell: ok

Evil Shell: well, it is something to keep in mind for the future <G>

Michael (World Manager): No one uses the library...

Grace: does it matter where it is held?

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: we use the library..

Yummy: we are using it right now

Spiderwoman: well CC has a few rooms

Michael (World Manager): and I like the walls in here <g>

Spiderwoman: empty 99% of the time

Evil Shell: bah

Grace: and one can sit down and rest LOL

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: should be a public locale I assume <shrug>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: bleh

Evil Shell: don't like the ad <G>

Evil Shell: but this is a good locale

Michael (World Manager): CC as in community center?

Grace: althought I think maybe cushions should be supplied

Spiderwoman: yes as in Comm. Center

Evil Shell: yeah, my butt is numb <react>

Michael (World Manager): community center is, um, I feel trapped in there.

Sly StarDust: 20 down is nice

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: i think we should have a room that holds more avvies for meetings like this...

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: but thas meh

Grace: well, lets start small and see how it goes

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: good idea

Grace: if it succeeds then we grow

Grace: <shrug>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: i agree

Evil Shell: yes, but no leaders

Michael (World Manager): yes, let's use what we have, and go from there/

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: I think it should be possibly outside too so those passing could stop and watch if they wanted <shrug>

Evil Shell: no facilitators

Grace: yep

Evil Shell: yes

Sly StarDust: exactly Shell

Evil Shell: Michael

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Why in a room ?

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: I agree.....we have to take small steps......this was just the first one......

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: good point .......outside

Evil Shell: how difficult is it to enlarge the number down in a locale?

Spiderwoman: yes even better I dea outside

Michael (World Manager): The advantage of this room here is that it has chairs .. in an

Evil Shell: and it should be a *traveled* locale

Michael (World Manager): order that allows everyone to speak without

Michael (World Manager): covering someone else..

Spiderwoman: more folks can listen and participate

Grace: true

Evil Shell: more will stumble on

Evil Shell: if in public tho

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: true

Grace: but numb bums are on the agendy

Grace: agenda

Grace: even

Evil Shell: LOL

Michael (World Manager): we can do a broadcast ... <shrug>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: thats how i end up in most conversations<react>

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: possible to glue a bunch of chairs in the park maybe?

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Give us an outside arena <grin> add some benches around the fountain ??<eg>

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: or rock seats?

Michael (World Manager): so much for "let's use what we have" <g>

Evil Shell: LOL

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: lol

Sly StarDust: lol

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: well

lil helper: LOL

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: <grin>

Evil Shell: but these are minor changes, no?

Sly StarDust: never Michael

Michael (World Manager): do you really want 50 people?

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: we trying to be resourceful here

Evil Shell: and at least we are kind of agreeing <G>

Evil Shell: I don't

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: outside is a good idea though

Grace: If you were to have regular meetings, would you like to see them on the same days and same times, Michael?

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: yeah outside

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: 50 is a bit much though

Evil Shell: I think the locale should just be renamed

Evil Shell: to "Speakers Corner" or something

Yummy: this isnt for Michael.. its supposed to be for us

Evil Shell: like that location in London

Evil Shell: and have a 10 avvy down

Evil Shell: perhaps some benches or chairs

Evil Shell: where you can go by

Evil Shell: see a conversation and join in

Evil Shell: or watch

Sly StarDust: yeah

Evil Shell: or stand there until someone else joins you

Evil Shell: and try to talk

[At this point Michael creates a locale as discussed, called Speaker's Corner]

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: WHOA

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: morpheus statue area holds 8 or 10 I believe

Dutchess Mary J: ack

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: wooooooooo hooooooo

Sly StarDust: cool

Evil Shell: ask and ye shall receive <G>

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: <react><react>

Grace: lol

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: hehe

Sly StarDust: <jump>

Dutchess Mary J: that was very odd

Grace: thought I had transported for a moment

Evil Shell: now if the sign could only change so quick <vbg>

Grace: or maybe it is just the drink

Grace: <react><react>

Yummy: I still think this is a good place to meet and gives lots of people a way to come down

Evil Shell: it is the drink <react>

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: kewl.......and we have room for 18 seated......right here.....

Grace: hehehe

Evil Shell: only issue is the lack of passers by

Sly StarDust: yeah

Michael (World Manager): I think tht is an advantage.

Grace: well, we could all carry a seat out with us

Evil Shell: noone ever comes in here

Dutchess Mary J: Well.........word of mouth works wonders at times<shrug>

Michael (World Manager): you want people who care enough to

Michael (World Manager): come to the community hours..

Michael (World Manager): not static noise

Evil Shell: ok

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: Then.....let your alts.......stand outside and advertise your in here..........

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: I agree <grin>

Evil Shell: then how about an outside locale

Evil Shell: like an "auxillary speakers corner"

Evil Shell: to spur conversation

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: baby steps one step at a time eh?

Evil Shell: when people aren't in here?

Evil Shell: you could make it the locale one left of the VMart

Evil Shell: does anyone else think that is a good idea??

Michael (World Manager): I like this locale here <g>

Sly StarDust: I do

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: <grin>

Grace: and would you have the community hours on the same day and time etc, so that people could relate to that?

Evil Shell: ok

Evil Shell: then if people want discussion, it is up to them to start it on the street <G>

Michael (World Manager): we can always move the location later.

Evil Shell: no rules

Evil Shell: no leaders

Dutchess Mary J: I agree...........if people truly care they will make the time to be here if at all possible

Evil Shell: and we don't even have to report to management <react><react>

Grace: yes, why not, at the end of the day it is not the locale you are discussing but other more important matters

Michael (World Manager): I just would like to see how it goes before we

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: it works better if meetings are held at the same times and same places......

Michael (World Manager): provide additional support.

Evil Shell: btw, I do like the broadcasts to announce things going on

Grace: I think that is very wise Michael

Grace: tread slowly

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: broadcast is a great idea

Grace: I'm sure everyone else feels that too.

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: everyone will know

Evil Shell: yes

Michael (World Manager): broadcast for the first few times only ..

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: What if 100 show up , how will the ghosts be moderated , Yummy ?

Michael (World Manager): as I said, you want people that have something to

Evil Shell: then in the future, can be done as necessary

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: a world broadcast should be used......It affects all who live here......

Michael (World Manager): say, not those who get good feelings when they see a

Michael (World Manager): robed figure.

Grace: if you have it on regular days and times then people will remember!

Evil Shell: or bad feelings, Michael <G>

Sly StarDust: <react>

Michael (World Manager): I'll probably attend some of these meetings as

Michael (World Manager): regular avatar.

Michael (World Manager): No robe. No title.

Grace: incognito??

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: u'll have to be reeeally sneaky

Grace: <react><react>

Michael (World Manager): No.

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: <react>

Michael (World Manager): Plain old "Michael".

Grace: just teasing

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: we kymerians catch on quick

Grace: I know

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: then u bombarded with esps of

Michael (World Manager): Gee, thought someone finally figured out that Shell is my alt.

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: " arent you....??"

Michael (World Manager): <g>

Spiderwoman: lol

Dutchess Mary J: lol

Evil Shell: ROFL <react><react>

lil helper: LOL

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: ROFL !!

Grace: hehehe

Sly StarDust: lol

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: lol

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: lol

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: thats a scary thought

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: hehe

Evil Shell: ya let the cat out of the bag, Michael!!

Dutchess Mary J: lol

Spiderwoman: yep you both sound alike<v bg>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: i sure hope not

Evil Shell: ya, but his german is much better than mine <G>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: i tell shell my most inner secrets <sinking into chair>

Dutchess Mary J: lol

Evil Shell: heheheh BL

Spiderwoman: lets hope so shell

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: while Michael is here should WE decide when the next meeting will take place...so he can announce it??

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: We can suggest , but the other meeting is at 10 ??

Michael (World Manager): how many community hours per week?

Michael (World Manager): two?

Michael (World Manager): one early, one late?

Evil Shell: yes

Grace: yes, good idea

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: sounds good

Evil Shell: one for US, one for euros

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: to start with.......i agree....

Spiderwoman: yep and see how that goes

Evil Shell: when is the best time for Euros, Michael?

Spiderwoman: we always can chage to improve

Evil Shell: you decide that one <G>

Michael (World Manager): Perhaps this locale will become a spot for community related conversations over time.

Michael (World Manager): hmm... noon WAT, I guess.

Evil Shell: that would be a good thing

Evil Shell: 6pm

Evil Shell: ya

Evil Shell: 9 oops

Grace: How long to you think you would like to give this trial, or do you prefer to see how it goes first?

Michael (World Manager): 1pm is better for the UK

Michael (World Manager): but that is 10pm in central europe..

Evil Shell: personally, I think play it by ear for now

Evil Shell: well, 12:30?

Evil Shell: wat

Michael (World Manager): lol

Grace: Yes, I agree to that coming from UK

Michael (World Manager): deal.

Grace: okay 12.30

Evil Shell: and 5 WAT for the other?

Michael (World Manager): Fridays?

Evil Shell: how would that work for the aussies??

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: hate to say this but my sinus infection is draining me of energy getting dizzy and spacey here so im gonna take a nap now...

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: hugzzz all around

Evil Shell: huggggggggggggggggs BL

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: <wave>

Evil Shell: feel better, hon

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: cya bl

Grace: yep, if that suits your team?

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Night

Dutchess Mary J: hugggggggggs

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: <wave>

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: thanx=)

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: take care <wave>

Sly StarDust: hugggss

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: hugggsssssss

ßlack £ace - Goddess of Havoc: take care alls

Dutchess Mary J: you too

Sly StarDust: you too

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: <bow>

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Our team Grace if we're involved

Evil Shell: there should be no team <G>

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Well gathering <G>

Grace: think it takes all teams really

Evil Shell: it should just be whomever cares enough to show up

Grace: but... I think it is more important that management are there

Evil Shell: no teams, no us vs. them

Grace: otherwise there is no point in having meeting LOL

Michael (World Manager): I disgree <grin>

Michael (World Manager): disagree.

Dutchess Mary J: I agree Shell

Evil Shell: agreed, m

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Ideas are presented Grace

Evil Shell: you said, this is for us

Evil Shell: not for you

Michael (World Manager): right.

Evil Shell: I see that you're trying to bring us together as a community

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Not overseen <G>

Grace: let me look back

Evil Shell: a council idea is going to divide us

Evil Shell: but informal meetings won't, I hope

Michael (World Manager): The purpose is to develop community sense,

Michael (World Manager): to bring you closer,

Grace: didn't think it was a council meeting

Yummy: Geezx Shell.. Igive up

Evil Shell: no, we're beyond that now <G>

Grace: guess I must have typed something wrong LOL

Michael (World Manager): we will stop by every once in a while..

Michael (World Manager): won't announce it in advance ...

Grace: by the team, I meant WA representatives, that was all.

Michael (World Manager): I don

Michael (World Manager): er, I don't want people to come just because of me.

Dutchess Mary J: shoot brb

Evil Shell: and they will.....you know the types <G>

Michael (World Manager): Yes, we are such control freaks here at Avaterra <g>

Evil Shell: sometimes I"m much too honest for my own good

Dutchess Mary J: back sorry

Evil Shell: brb a sec

Yummy: like me.. I only came because Michael was here

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Yummy <grin>

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: lol

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: lol

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Do you have any closing remarks before we leave <grin>

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: not true yummy

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: You got us here

Michael (World Manager): well, I do consider myself part of the community ....

Grace: wonder if she fancies him!!

Spiderwoman: I came because CATS RULE

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Please <grin>

Michael (World Manager): ... and was that before I became an acolyte.. and before

Michael (World Manager): accepted the job offer.

Yummy: No.. I think i fancy my hubby sitting next to me here

Grace: bet he wishes he hadn't at times!!

Michael (World Manager): I'm a bit trapped between the different sides... community and company,

Michael (World Manager): community needs and business requirements..

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: mmmmmm

Michael (World Manager): I know what the people want, I know what the company wants - it isn't always compatible.

Grace: well you should be able to give lots of input from both sides then Michael!!

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: you are kinda cute.....doing anything later baby......<grin>

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: lol

Sly StarDust: Okay question Michael

Michael (World Manager): yes?

Dutchess Mary J: lol awwwwwwwwww........ thats sweet <gag>

Grace: At the end of the day, it is a business and you will never please everyone

Sly StarDust: Lets say we all discussed an idea in great detail, and sent it to you...would you please answer the e-mail?

Evil Shell: back

Michael (World Manager): I will always try, yes.

Sly StarDust: or Delilah<shrug>

Grace: no that could be the biggest problem yet, Michael replying to e-mail

Grace: <grin><grin>

Dutchess Mary J: Hey Michael I got a question for you

Sly StarDust: But if we never hear his side..we will keep talking about the subject

Sly StarDust: sending more e-mails to him

Michael (World Manager): I'm listening to Abba... I think I'm getting old.

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: ROFL !

Evil Shell: ack

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: the gold album?

Michael (World Manager): Yes <g>

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Abba never gets old does it ??<eg>

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: oops .......ehehe

Evil Shell: du är dumma katten <react>

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: my fav hehehe

[There are 8 ghosts.]

Grace: why does he need to listen to abba when we are all here?

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: lol mary

Dutchess Mary J: feeling younge have no idea who abba is

Sly StarDust: LOL

Evil Shell: ja, det du <react>

Michael (World Manager): Hey, I have an announcement!

Dutchess Mary J: well good lord, they tore the leaves off the house plant

Yummy: well.. Im glad that some are willing to try... and I wish everyone luck.....

Evil Shell: Abba is a Swedish band from the 70's

Grace: announce away<jump><jump> you have the floor

Dutchess Mary J: then the wall paper off the walls

Evil Shell: which is why I call him a silly cat in Swedish <G>

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: go ahead michael

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: yes michael do<grin>

Michael (World Manager): Are you not totally tired of the brown, boring, blah'ish elevator lobby?

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Yes Michael ?

Yummy: well.. abba was popular in the US too

Dutchess Mary J: yes, I am

Evil Shell: oh my

Sly StarDust: god it is terrible Michael

Spiderwoman: yes

Evil Shell: yes, but they are a Swedish band

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: oh god yes

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Uh huh <grin>

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: yup it's blah

Michael (World Manager): enjoy the last 2-3 days of it. <grin>

Evil Shell: I think Michael's trying to tell us sumptin <react>

Dutchess Mary J: hmmmmmmm....... someone send me a tape of abba

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: WOOOHOOO <grin><jump>

Grace: great

Spiderwoman: most stuff looks like East germany in the lobby

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: <jump><jump> YAY

Dutchess Mary J: great<jump><jump>

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: wooooooo hoooooooo

Evil Shell: thanks Michael <bow><bow>

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: YES <grin>

Sly StarDust: wooohooo<jump><react><jump><react>

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: woooooohoooooo<jump><jump><jump>

Michael (World Manager): How would you like ...

Michael (World Manager): windows...

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Thank you Michael <grin><bow>

Dutchess Mary J: thank you Michael

Sly StarDust: YES!

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: YES <grin>

Michael (World Manager): plants....

Dutchess Mary J: windows too?

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: yeah that would be nice

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: YES <jump>

Michael (World Manager): views ....

Sly StarDust: YES!

Spiderwoman: yes windows plants

Dutchess Mary J: oh my god

Spiderwoman: we want it all

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: ohhhhhhhhhh very nice

Sly StarDust: Organize those thinsg ont he wall

Michael (World Manager): and no clustered walls with event markers <g>

Evil Shell: and???

Evil Shell: annnnnnnnnd?

Sly StarDust: so they aren;t just hanging there

Dutchess Mary J: hmmmmmmmm pinching myself to make sure I am not dreaming

Grace: ummmmmmmmmm

Sly StarDust: LOL

Evil Shell: <crossing fingers>

Grace: ummmmmmmmmm.

Sly StarDust: Marble<jump>

Michael (World Manager): Prolly Sunday ...

Sly StarDust: so we all can feel fancy

Michael (World Manager): Maybe Monday.

Evil Shell: might we also find something missing on a certain corner? <G>

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Very nice Michael <grin> Good sign

Sly StarDust: LOL

Grace: I don't want to feel fancy and I'm sure she doesn't want to feel me either

Michael (World Manager): Oh yeah, and name registry in private elevator.

Evil Shell: LOL

Sly StarDust: LOL

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: I saw that this afternoon <G>

Yummy: Michael.. PLEASE... get rid of that sign.. tired of hearing about it

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Someone testing ? <grin>

Michael (World Manager): yes, it's there already.

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Okay <grin>

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: I thought I was nuts

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: It was there then gone <G>

Michael (World Manager): OK, will remove the sign when this meeting is over.

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: I would just like to say: Michael you cannot always do the best to please everyone, but in my opinion you are doing a great job, keep up the great work..I think little by little DS is coming back together

Yummy: Thank you

Evil Shell: Michael, THANK YOU <jump><jump><jump><jump><jump><jump><jump>

Sly StarDust: LOL

Evil Shell: wooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Sly StarDust: <jump><jump><jump>

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: thank you <bow>

Michael (World Manager): thank you <grin>

Evil Shell: <doing a Darksiders celebratory vampire dance> <G>

Sly StarDust: No more trees blockin it

Yummy: thank you all for coming...

HandsomeDJ - Golden Knight: Thank you for coming in Michael.........<bow>

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Thank you Yummy

Michael (World Manager): I will replace it with an animated, flashing Coca Cola ad.

Sly StarDust: ROFL!

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: Thank you Michael<bow>

Dutchess Mary J: lol

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: LMAOFFFFFFF Michael <jump><jump><jump><jump>

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: lol

Evil Shell: egads <sigh>

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: rofl

Grace: ack how tacky can you get<sigh>

Evil Shell: <stocking up on trees>

Michael (World Manager): <g>

Sly StarDust: LOL

Evil Shell: at least it wasn't a blimp

Sly StarDust: Oh god those blimps

lil helper: <G>

Yummy: have a nice evening all.. and thanks for all the imput

Michael (World Manager): I, um, hate the blimps ... they lag the heck out of me.

Evil Shell: take care, Yummy

Betha - Chief Golden Knight: Night all and thank you again Yummy <grin><wave>

Sly StarDust: Me too

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: nite yummy <wave>

Yummy: bye bye....

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: Thank you Yummy for trying to help our community<grin>

Sly StarDust: Bye<wave>

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: thanks

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: bye bye all..hugggggggssssss

Yummy: see those who need to at 10 wat

Michael (World Manager): Bye

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: have a great weekend

Evil Shell: you too!

Beanie Queen Golden Knight: and good luck at the events

Evil Shell: sowwy, no way <G>

Mrsshark Chief Golden Knight: huggs everyone

Spiderwoman: thanks

Michael (World Manager): I actually wish we had Coca Cola .. <g>

Trevayne Chief Golden Knight: bye all <wave>

Sly StarDust: I like coke

Dutchess Mary J: me too I wished I had some right now

Evil Shell: egads no <g>

Michael (World Manager): folks.. I can't meet today, I am late for another meeting <sigh>

Michael (World Manager): I'm not even supposed to be here.

Evil Shell: thank you, Michael

Sly StarDust: I don;t see ya <G>

Sly StarDust: Thanks tho Michael

Dutchess Mary J: thnx Michael

Grace: nice of you to come

Sly StarDust: We need your support too

Spiderwoman: I really would like to talk to you about games and event Michael

Michael (World Manager): No problem... I think meetings like this one really

Michael (World Manager): add to the WA experience.

Evil Shell: and I have a subject as well, that I emailed you about

Evil Shell: absolutely!

Michael (World Manager): I mean, bingo and the usual chiy-chat gets boring quickly.

Evil Shell: won't take long, I promise <G>

Grace: hope so!

Evil Shell: to say the least

Grace: she means only a couple of hours LOL

Michael (World Manager): That was my problem with WA a few years ago ..

Sly StarDust: What's your idea Shell?

Michael (World Manager): it got shallow ...

Evil Shell: yes, very shallow

Michael (World Manager): no content ...

Evil Shell: well, I think we need advertising

Evil Shell: not IW

Evil Shell: but to *get* people IW

Michael (World Manager): so, that is something I would like to change ...

Dutchess Mary J: Oh yeah, Michael thanks for getting ppl back on the streets<grin>

Dutchess Mary J: Its nice to talk to ppl again

Sly StarDust: This place was a blast 2 years ago

Evil Shell: Michael and Delilah were avatars

Grace: it stills needs more content

Evil Shell: hired by Avaterra

Evil Shell: I think that Avaterra should consider hiring avatars

Grace: people have to have things in common as well as chat to survive

Evil Shell: to work for advertising, searching out places

Grace: and things to do.

Evil Shell: public relations, the like

Evil Shell: yes

Sly StarDust: Ahh interesting thought Shell

Evil Shell: and I'd like to see something like the vampires/sunrays event

Evil Shell: role playing and all

Sly StarDust: Oh me too<jump>

Michael (World Manager): Host them.

Dutchess Mary J: oh yeah, would it be ok if I went to my local high school and advertised DS there?

Evil Shell: <shutting up> <G>

Evil Shell: yes, good point Michael

Michael (World Manager): we are working on some quests ..

Evil Shell: I'm going to look into doing it

Evil Shell: ooooooooh, good idea

Michael (World Manager): approved those yesterday

Grace: action speaks louder than words shell!

Evil Shell: I don't see why not....to advertise at your school

Spiderwoman: lol..so true with most of it

Evil Shell: quests could be fun

Michael (World Manager): just something "to do".

Sly StarDust: I don't understand why you say host them

[There are 5 ghosts.]

Michael (World Manager): me?

Sly StarDust: when I can;t even get a bear painted how I wanted<shrug>

Michael (World Manager): well

Evil Shell: hmmmmmmm?

Sly StarDust: for my eventNotes from Meeting at 10pm WAT below...

Yummy: Hello Everyone.... and Thank you for Coming...

Yummy: FIRST and foremost..I would like to remind everyone here that as of this moment there is no City Council in place.

Yummy: Second.. from the discussion the other day and from the information attained from the forum results I think the major objection for the opposing side is the NAME.

Yummy: This is easy enough to deal with... and I would hope that the name is not as important as the function.

Yummy: The Major function as I see it...would be to be able to have GROUP discussions as a COMMUNITY regarding the needs and wants of Kymer as a whole.

Yummy: Right Now...as it stands, you as individuals email Managment with your comments and suggestions. Sometimes getting a result, sometimes not..

Yummy: This Group, shall we call it a Brainstorming Committee, would discuss a topic, Such as Vendo Items, Parking Problems, Newbies, Turfs, etc... and come up with suggestions as a GROUP.

Yummy: This Group would then send a accumulative request to management. I can only hope that this would acheive at least two things..

Yummy: First freeing up Management from dealing with 200-300 pieces of Email requests each day and thus giving Management more time to visit with us inworld,and to resolve our needs.

Yummy: Second, the discussion its self would generate community sprirt and open discussion.

Yummy: How many times have you sent a request to management and NOT received a reply.

Yummy: How many times have you wanted to talk with Management about a suggestion and for whatever reason, didnt.

Yummy: What I am proposing Now... IS NOT a form of Kymer Goverment.

Yummy: It will have no Powers over the citizens in Kymer. It is mearly a way

Yummy: for the people to unite, Discuss and Suggest...

Yummy: WOOHOO... ok.. that brought out LOTS of comments

Yummy: the outcome is as follows..

Yummy: Good Morning... and thank you for coming....

Yummy: Earlier this evening we had the First discussion regarding

Yummy: have some kind of committee to get more people

Yummy: involved in talking about what they would like to

Yummy: see happen in Kymer.

[There are 4 ghosts.]

Yummy: The meeting went quite well..in that the concenses

Yummy: seems to be that no Formal committee or Council

Yummy: exists..BUT... at this local 2 Fridays a month..WA Managers

Yummy: would make a general announcement for all in world to see

Yummy: that there will be a discussion group here...The meeting

Yummy: times discussed were... 12am and 3pm wat.. if I am not mistaken

Yummy: To accomodate both Eurpoean and United States citizens...

Yummy: This meeting would have NO leaders.. No Organization of anykind

Yummy: Just a place and time for all to come and discuss.

Evil Shell: 12:30 pm WAT and 3pm WAT

Yummy: At the time of the meeting... people there could decide who,

Yummy: if anyone.. would sumbitt the information to management.

Bodie: sounds like one of my Condo Commandoes...

*~Krysta Too~*: this sounds intriguing Yum..

Yummy: So... now..is your turn... that was the discussion of

Yummy: this afternoon...

Bodie: May I speak ?

Evil Shell: may I add a couple of things?

Evil Shell: to what was decided?

Yummy: Im sure you will

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: please<shrug>

Evil Shell: and that means, Yummy?

Ms Slick: yeah

Evil Shell: you invited me down <s>

Bodie: I'll wait

Evil Shell: Michael had said

Evil Shell: that he doesn't want a government, which Yummy did cover

Evil Shell: no leaders, no set agendas

Evil Shell: and this concept is to bring us together as a community

Evil Shell: not to make reports to management

Evil Shell: although that certainly can be done if something comes up <G>

Evil Shell: and he may be attending

Evil Shell: sans robes

Evil Shell: just as plain ole Michael

Evil Shell: but the main thing is that it isn't to be a formal reporting type of thing

Evil Shell: but rather a discussion group to talk about what's on our minds

Evil Shell: kinda like the forum, without posting, live <react>

Evil Shell: thank you for allowing me to speak, Yummy <s>

Yummy: thank you Shell

Yummy: in a nut shell... that is what is before you now

Yummy: open for you to discuss

Bodie: I wish to speak

Yummy: please do

Yummy: all of you please do

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: and then there was silence

Yummy: he is typing.. hehehe

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: Bodie<shrug>

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: hunt and peck<shrug>

Tigress: i think he is filling in all the space he can

Bodie: The concept of our world world has been free play among individuals

Yummy: as long as it come up... thats ok

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: Bodie may be frozen

*~Krysta Too~*: lol let him type ...get his two cents worth in

Yummy: true

*~Krysta Too~*: yes

Yummy: it is still that way

Bodie: I am relegated to one finger..

Ms Slick: so that means no councel right Yummy

Bodie: I will ascede to the chair..

Yummy: but as it was pointed out to us this afternoon... we must also grow as a community

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: I still dont see what is the problem is with the world...I came here not knowing, I have made lots of friends...I dont see what is wrong with our world

Yummy: correct...

Yummy: there is no chair here

Yummy: hehehe

Ms Slick: dang and i wanted to run for Mayor

Yummy: my only point to all these meetings was to get poeple to communicate with each other...

*~Krysta Too~*: I think it would be good to get individual requests and suggestions to managers and coming as a group WOULD free up SOME time..<shrug>

Yummy: about things in here that affect us all

Bodie: May I make this comment?

Yummy: yes

Ms Slick: yep

*~Krysta Too~*: please

Yummy: that was my intention also.. to free up Michaels time...BUT... as long as people are talking.. that is all that counts

Ms Slick: thats what managers get payed to do

*~Krysta Too~*: kinda like a live opinion page?

Yummy: yes... but there is no page

Bodie: years ago this world was so horrific that friends of mine could not bring their daughters online

Terry: really?

*~Krysta Too~*: omgosh how so?

Bodie: For fear of heavy stuff but now I have seen lately,

Terry: that kinda horrific?

Bodie: I can interact as an Z

Tigress: i have a 7 year old that comes here

Ms Slick: well i think they should have a site just for kids

Tigress: and i must say that i have to watch what he does

Bodie: AVI and there is a place for everyone

Tigress: there are alot of kids here like teenagers that there mouth is terrible

Yummy: yes... that is what is nice about WA... there is a place for everyone

Bodie: I am finished thank you all

*~Krysta Too~*: i like this being a family world ...we got citizens in here from ALL age groups

Tigress: and i have called ACO's and nothing was done

Ms Slick: hey thats in rw also

Tigress: i know it is but there are rules here to be followed

Tigress: when you sign up

*~Krysta Too~*: this is true

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: there is rules every where

Ms Slick: they here stuff like that in school

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: and you know when there are rules there are people that will break them

Tigress: if broken there some actions should be taken

Ms Slick: you were young once

Yummy: well... tonight.. this meeting... is to discuss the possibility of group meetings...

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: DS is just like RW, The way they are In here is an indication what they are like in RW

*~Krysta Too~*: how often would you havve these meetings?

Ms Slick: you so rite king

Bodie: I LIKE BEING able to put my box on the street without fear ..

*~Krysta Too~*: this is true too

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: meetings would be good, but not this late...heheheh

Tigress: soo does that mean i don't leave my son come here

Yummy: If im not mistaken... 2x's a month... at 12:30pm and 3:00pm management would announce it... but... you can get people together and have one any time

*~Krysta Too~*: not many thieves or con artists in here anymore...there were a bunch when i first came on

*~Krysta Too~*: that would not be bad....

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: me too

*~Krysta Too~*: 2 x a month that is

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: I got robbed my third month here

[There are 3 ghosts.]

Terry: aww

Bodie: unless you wanna give him up to biker ideas m'lady<grin>

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: not as much thefts now

Yummy: i remember that King

*~Krysta Too~*: Biker Ideas?

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: but, cons are still around, just like the RW, it will be hard to stop those

Yummy: biker? as in Sturgis

Yummy: eheheh

*~Krysta Too~*: what are those?

Bodie: pleading newby probation...

Tigress: i think alot of people are pulling together more so now then when i first came here 2 years ago

Ms Slick: i don't understand how some one could rob ya

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: are the managers going to work more on DS

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: add locales

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: make it nicer<shrug>

Yummy: from what Michael says... yes...

*~Krysta Too~*: just being a silly newbie is how <shrug>

Ms Slick: lower the price

Bodie: checking the shoelaces..

*~Krysta Too~*: they have done SO much since i got here 6 months ago

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: I mean, they put all their eggs into NRW and left us out to dry<shrug>

Yummy: Michael did make an announcement this afternoon that pricing will change.... more will come from him at a later date

Yummy: and....

Tigress: i agree to that one

*~Krysta Too~*: really Mufasa?

Yummy: we will see a new lobby in a few days

*~Krysta Too~*: i went to NRW...and i like DS better

Ms Slick: well one thing NRW has

*~Krysta Too~*: WOW kewl

Tigress: NRW has alot of things that we don't see here

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: what about pricing, lowering it or raising

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: right

*~Krysta Too~*: this is true...

*~Krysta Too~*: opps brb

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: I saw a snake over there

Yummy: well.. I think we all are hoping lower

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: today

Yummy: but it was not stated

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: and I like the umbrellas

Yummy: Yes Shell

Evil Shell: Michael did say that we'll see a price change

Evil Shell: we don't know what yet tho

Ms Slick: that we don't is avdvertisment

Terry: guess they feel like they aree competing with other virtual worlds

Ms Slick: thar's who they make money

Bodie: I am asking myself..

Terry: City$All, EverQuest, Realm, etc

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: I dont care if they advertise

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: let them

Yummy: well.. Bodie... as us

Terry: city4all even

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: it doesnt bother me<shrug>

Yummy: ask us

Tigress: don't brother me either

Ms Slick: thats what i say

Bodie: everyone is whacking on a cheaper price..

Evil Shell: it doesn't fit in with the dream

Evil Shell: the mood, the feel of the dreamscape

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: another thing...I think they should go to a system wher you get your 600 t's a day automatically, not by being in her or trying to keep your computer on to collect the t's

Bodie: I personally am willing to pay knowing thast

Terry: it would be interesting to see what advertisers they chose for here

Terry: or who chose us

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: right, barnes and noble behind us

[There are 2 ghosts.]

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: that is advertising

Yummy: well.. all those things.. are also in the minds of others... and Im sure...will be covered when everyone gets together

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: does it bother anyone

Ms Slick: not me

Yummy: Talking to each other was a MAIN goal...

Terry: we do seem to have barnes and noble behind us

Ms Slick: i shop there any way

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: they say we dont talk enough

Bodie: those who are also willing to pay are the ones I prefer to count on when I come online!

Evil Shell: ya, but they don't do anything here

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: I know almost all of you

Yummy: and i think the outcome was great

Evil Shell: and nobody liked it when it was opened

Evil Shell: true, KM

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: and I know a ton more

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: just because they dont see me on the street

Bodie: you want cheap! get the hell out

Terry: i've played lots of event bingo here

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: doesnt mean I am not talking or doing something

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: with someone I know

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: I also enjoy decorating my turfs

Yummy: Shell... it was decided to use this locale for future discussions... correct...

Evil Shell: yes

Yummy: i know it was discussed tobe on open streets

Yummy: but in the beginning... we will use this locale...

Evil Shell: yes, but Michael felt this was best for now

Yummy: Sooo... when you see that Broadcast pop up... come on over...

Yummy: everyones opinion is welcome and needed

Bodie: I was here since 93 and I have heard these OH WOE stories so much so, It drove me away.

Evil Shell: 93?

Evil Shell: DS began in 95

Yummy: well.. hopefully these will not be woe stores... but progress together

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: hehehe

Ms Slick: hehe

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: opppps

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: lol

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: Drinking?

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: hehehehe

Ms Slick: he was here in his dreams

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: lol

Ms Slick: lol

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: his Brainchild

Bodie: money .. I'm surrounded by sussescful puter folks and all I hear is money!

Ms Slick: roflmao

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: Nostradamis

Ms Slick: and

Yummy: so... is everyone in here in agreement... or is there more you would like to see?

Bodie: THANK YOU<bow>

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: Beach

Tigress: yes a Beach

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: this is an island but, we have no beach

Terry: with flying fish

Ms Slick: i'm just saying

Yummy: hehehe.... well... discuss it... heheheh

Cherry Pie: had to come down and say Hi to shell..<react>

Evil Shell: CP <react>

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: and fishing poles

Terry: moving fish

Bodie: go to the realm

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: and fish

Evil Shell: hugggggggggs to ya <G>

Cherry Pie: how ya be?

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: The King loves fish

Tigress: realm is not good

Yummy: OMG... another Wert.. and fish

Cherry Pie: town council AGAIN<grin><grin>

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: hehehe

Evil Shell: I know <react><react><react>

Bodie: that would be better

Tigress: i was there and tried it

Cherry Pie: didn't we do this one already?

Terry: cats like fish

Tigress: i can't fight

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: I am a fisherman, I love fish

Evil Shell: a few times

Evil Shell: <G>

Bodie: yup

Cherry Pie: snicker..<grin><grin>

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: trout

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: hehehe

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: Salmon

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: Walleye

Evil Shell: fish are disgusting <G>

Tigress: i just want some rare heads to come back

Cherry Pie: opakaopaka for fish...<react>

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: you know, the basics

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: lol

Ms Slick: if them in NRW and CC can pay 1 year for what we pay a month

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: yea, fish heads

Tigress: no no

Tigress: cowgirl heads

Ms Slick: that they should be able to give us

Terry: all heads

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: Rare Heads will come back

Tigress: slowly

Ms Slick: some type of break

Tigress: very slow

Terry: except maybe tut and nefertiti

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: they should, I dont know about the other stuff, but heads will, i am sure

Yummy: so... unless someone has more to add........... Be Watching for the next discussion at either... 12:30pm or 3:00 pm in 2 weeks

Bodie: this meeting is cutting into what I had planned for this morning

Terry: ok

Cherry Pie: yeah.....would seem like a bit fairer to me...I am in both worlds...

Tigress: bag heads

Tigress: smiley heads

Terry: sleepy here

Evil Shell: I"m outta here

Terry: nighters

Evil Shell: thank you for your kind response to my esp question, Yummy <bow>

Ms Slick: go to bed thin

Terry: thanks yummy

Terry: <bow><bow>

Bodie: kiss my fishin trip adios..

Yummy: Thank you all again for coming.. and I hope to see you all at the next one...

King Mufasa-Golden Knight: thanks Yummy

Tigress: kisssssssssss goodbye fishes

Bodie: <grin><grin>

Yummy: look for the Broadcast...

Ms Slick: thanx yummy

Tigress: you get to live another day

*~Krysta Too~*: bye fishies

Tigress: lol

Yummy: and this is the local....

Bodie: hehehehe