MicroCosm Report Beta 4 1986

From Reno Project
The avatar
	Need to integrate choreography with actions.

Carryable objects (get/put/throw)
	'Throw' wants independent object motion.

	Choice of effects CBB.
	Gun could use some sound effects right now.

Teleport devices
	Booth untested, awaiting money.

Magical objects
	Need to define some magical functions in host.

	C64 part is broken, otherwise seems to work.

	Works except patterns get lost in region transition.

	Need to have genesis working at host.
	Need to generate beta universe regions.

	Stereo 'unload'?
	Need 'kill-avatar'/'reincarnate'.
	Need adjacency checks in host and C64, collision detect on walk,
		throw and shoot in host.
	Fake gun needs testing, imagery.
	Need return to People Connection.
	1200 baud is broken.
	General asynchrony needs checkout.