Hotel Silicon - Valet Fantasia Interview for Valet Appreciation Day 1998
Valet Fantasia Interview for VAD. This interview took place during Valet Appreciation Day 1998.
Valet Fantasia: Hiyas
VAD Willow: Hello Valet Fantasia
VAD Willow: Thank you for taking the time to talk with me this morning
Valet Fantasia: You're Welcome
VAD Willow: We are talking with all the hotel valets to let hotel citizens know and appreciate what Valets do for them
VAD Willow: you responses will be included on the Valet Interview Page on the Website on my URL
VAD Willow: the following questions have been reviewed and approved by CLaudette
VAD Willow: first question" How long have you been a Hotel Valet?
Valet Fantasia: Thinking LOL
Valet Fantasia: it's been awhile
VAD Willow: LOL
Valet Fantasia: just a sec I can tell you the exact date
VAD Willow: ok
Valet Fantasia: since May 16th
VAD Willow: great, thankyou
Valet Fantasia: You're Welcome
VAD Willow: Can you tell me what your duties as a valet consist of, both online and behind the scenes?
Valet Fantasia: Well as for duties inworld normal duties that most Valets perform Duty time
Valet Fantasia: On duty right now
Valet Fantasia: that's why you found me
VAD Willow: I was surprised to do so
Valet Fantasia: as behind the scenes I do a number of things
Valet Fantasia: during the rattle snake bar opening I set up the schedule
Valet Fantasia: couldn't make it cause I got sick
VAD Willow: aww, sorry it was a very nice event
Valet Fantasia: Yeah I had a headache so bad
Valet Fantasia: I was laying at my desk trying to watch the screen
VAD Willow: sure hope you can make VAD next Saturday
Valet Fantasia: Oct. 10th?
Valet Fantasia: correct?
VAD Willow: we expect to have a good turnout
Valet Fantasia: I will try to pop in for a few, but I had already made prior plans in the DS
Valet Fantasia: for an all day event that I have been planning for way over a month now
VAD Willow: can you mention any other behind the scenes activities you have performed
Valet Fantasia: Well two things I can think of are..
Valet Fantasia: the map we have which needs to be updated
Valet Fantasia: was done by me and the account info star I update as I get new info.
Valet Fantasia: that is on the board
VAD Willow: guess these things dont happen on their own
Valet Fantasia: along with that I also handle the admin functions of a Forum the Valets use.
Valet Fantasia: I grant acess to new Valets
VAD Willow: is the valet forum how valets communicate with each other then?
Valet Fantasia: and I handle all the functions for keeping the Forum update to date
Valet Fantasia: Yes<grin>
Valet Fantasia: All events that are linked inworld
VAD Willow: well that seems like a lot of ongoing responsibility
Valet Fantasia: are also linked on a Welcome screen in the Forum which I update that as new events come up or events happen and are done with I remove them
Valet Fantasia: not to mention purging old messages
Valet Fantasia: that are no longer valid to keep our Forum cleaned up for when new Valets enter
Valet Fantasia: which is a very long process
Valet Fantasia: I have to read each thread and delete each one
Valet Fantasia: those that are out of date and no longer need to be around
Valet Fantasia: makes it easier for new comers
Valet Fantasia: who come in
Valet Fantasia: so they don't have so many messages to read
Valet Fantasia: Just today I had over 300 messages in one section
Valet Fantasia: and I deleted about 100
Valet Fantasia: that were out of date and didn't apply anymore
VAD Willow: I appreciate that you were able to share this, these are things I dont think us citizens ever think about these tasks and that someone has to do them
Valet Fantasia: It's a lot of work, but someone has to do or it won't get done<grin>
Valet Fantasia: So I guess you can call me the WizOp of the Valet Forum
VAD Willow: next question...
VAD Willow: approximately how many hours per month, on average, would you say you devote to Hotel activities, either inworld on behind the scenes?
Valet Fantasia: Hmmmmmmm tough question
Valet Fantasia: I spend at least 2-4 a day
VAD Willow: yes, everyone needs to think about this one
Valet Fantasia: varies from day today
Valet Fantasia: depends on what is going on
VAD Willow: what amout inworld vs behind the scenes?
Valet Fantasia: I would say more behind the scenes
Valet Fantasia: I try to split my time because I am also an Acolyte
VAD Willow: an average is fine...we want Hotel citizens to realize just because they dont see you doesnt mean you arent working on their behalf
Valet Fantasia: these past two months I have had not had a computer
Valet Fantasia: just got a new one this weekend<grin>
VAD Willow: well, congratulations..I wonder how you managed to survive without a computer?
Valet Fantasia: I had a PC that I could use but my time was limited
Valet Fantasia: and I didn't have access to all the things I needed
VAD Willow: Please share with us one of your more humorous or interesting valet experiences here in Hotel
Valet Fantasia: still trying to get my PC finished<grin> and back to norm
Valet Fantasia: wow these are hard questions LOL
VAD Willow: LOL
Valet Fantasia: Do I get points for this? lol
VAD Willow: take your time
VAD Willow: sure
VAD Willow: how many points would you like?
Valet Fantasia: wait I know
Valet Fantasia: can I have a gold star LOL
Valet Fantasia: just kiddin
VAD Willow: LOL...I think we can find a "wish upon"
Valet Fantasia: I would say one of the more humorous ones is watching Claudy thump Robert with her wand
VAD Willow: LOL
VAD Willow: something I am sure we would all like to see more of as well
Valet Fantasia: LOL
VAD Willow: lol
Valet Fantasia: Or when Claudy painted me all rainbow
Valet Fantasia: the pants I have on
VAD Willow: returning to an earlier question, just to summarize, would you say approxiamtely, when you have a comouter, you spend 60 hours a month on hotel related activities
Valet Fantasia: I was like umm
Valet Fantasia: can I have my skin back
VAD Willow: lol
VAD Willow: sorry, took me awhile to type my last question and it ended up in the wrong place
Valet Fantasia: it's okies
Valet Fantasia: 60 sounds so much
Valet Fantasia: I really don't know for sure, I never really payed attention
Valet Fantasia: Just go in and do my job
Valet Fantasia: never really looked at it in a month's time since ya know
VAD Willow: ok, we will leave your answer of 2 -4 hours per day
VAD Willow: Final Question...
Valet Fantasia: ut oh is it gonna be a hard one
VAD Willow: What are your hopes for the future of Hotel?
VAD Willow: lol
Valet Fantasia: yep it was
Valet Fantasia: Well I hope to lots more avies coming in. I like a crowded world More avies the better
VAD Willow: that is a common sentiment, i think we would all like to see our community grow
Valet Fantasia: and more locales
VAD Willow: Have you anything else you would like to add to our reading audience?
VAD Willow: I will point out to our readers, that Valet Fantasia, is an Elf
Valet Fantasia: Well I know that I have not been seen that much in the past few months and that is due to my PC problems
Valet Fantasia: but guess what I'm back
Valet Fantasia: <patting new PC>
VAD Willow: lol, we will certainly look forward to seeing more of you in the future
Valet Fantasia: It has really been hard being without it
VAD Willow: Thankyou so much for taKing this time this morning
Valet Fantasia: Sure NP
VAD Willow: hope to see you even briefly next Saturday
VAD Willow: Thanks so much
Valet Fantasia: I will try to make it in just dont know how long I will be able to stay
Valet Fantasia: depends on how smooth the event is running
VAD Willow:...we hope for smoothness as well
Valet Fantasia: Me as well, been over a months time in the works
Valet Fantasia: I think it will, but we shall see
VAD Willow: well, we can count on the unexpected
Valet Fantasia: Yeah that always seems to happen when ya least expect it
Valet Fantasia: Wish there were more avies in the mornings
VAD Willow: Monday mornings really are slow
VAD Willow: we need more people
Valet Fantasia: Yeah I never seem to get paged
Valet Fantasia: but Im here if folks need me
VAD Willow: I am sure people would just enjoy seeing you around and chatting with you
Valet Fantasia: Im always looking at the count inworld
VAD Willow: I am sure your multiworld activities are pretty interesting
Valet Fantasia: and then I run around and hardly see anyone thinking ok they must be hanging out in their turf
VAD Willow: or ghosting above antoine
VAD Willow: wouldnt it be fun if he responded now and then
Valet Fantasia: lol
VAD Willow: lol
VAD Willow: i recall asking him questions when I was a newbie
VAD Willow: and still laugh about it
Valet Fantasia: LOL
VAD Willow: LOL
VAD Willow: especially when I see other newbies doing the same
VAD Willow: so you are usually here in the mornings then
Valet Fantasia: yeah all my duty times I have switched to mornings
Valet Fantasia: okies will do
VAD Willow: thank you so much
Valet Fantasia: You're Welcome