Habitat Survey Questions Dec 15 1987

From Reno Project
%cvideo#d011>marketing>RMartyn>habitat>quest>intro  87-12-15 18:52:27 EST

To all Habitat Alpha Testers:

Thank you for your help so far in
debugging Habitat.

Now, we'd appreciate some feedback
on the Habitat environment and

Please take thirty minutes or so
to fill out the questionnaire
which follows on the next 25
pieces of mail by Tuesday night,
December 15th.

Since this is will take a little
of your time, you may want to
go to a private area to avoid
plus charges.

All mail is sent from a different
username, so it is important that
you respond to each piece of mail
directly, using F7 and the respond

Thanks again for your time and

%cvideo#d011>marketing>RMartyn>habitat>quest>habitatq1  87-12-15 18:52:19 EST

Overall, how would you rate Habitat
on the scale below? Please press F7
to respond to the question, then type
in one of these responses.

Very Good


Thinking about the user interface and
mechanics of operating Habitat, how
would you rate Habitat on the scale
below? Please press F7 to respond to
this question, then type in one of
the responses below.

Very easy
Very difficult


Thinking about the experience of 
playing Habitat, how would you rate 
Habitat on the scale below? Please 
press F7 to respond to this question, 
then type in one of the responses 

No fun at all
Not much fun
A lot of fun


What do like most about Habitat?

Please press F7 to respond to this
question. Please answer in as much
detail as you'd like.


What do dislike most about Habitat?

Please press F7 to respond to this
question. Please answer in as much
detail as you'd like.


If you could add, change or delete
one aspect of Habitat, what would
it be?

Please press F7 to respond to this
question. Please answer in as much
detail as you'd like.


What other features or activities
would you add to Habitat?

Please press F7 to respond to this
question. Please answer in as much
detail as you'd like.


What other features or activities
would you change or delete from

Please press F7 to respond to this
question. Please answer in as much
detail as you'd like.


What do you think of the disk loads
in Habitat? Please press F7 to
respond, then type one of the
responses below.

I didn't particularly notice the
disk loads.

I wish they would take less time,
less often, but still enjoy playing

I think that the frequency and
length of disk loads would prevent
me from playing very often


Which of these Habitat structured
activities or adventures did you 
participate in? Please press F7 to 
respond to this question, then 
type in as many of the responses 
below as apply.

Randy's Region Rally
Sheriff Election


What did you think of each of the
structured activites or adventures
you participated in?

Please press F7 to respond to this
question. Please answer in as much
detail as you'd like.


About how often do you think members
would participate in structured
activities or adventures in Habitat? 
Please press F7 to respond to this 
question, then type in one of the 
responses below.

Once a month or less often
Once every two weeks
Once a week
Twice a week or more often


If you're interested in participating
in structured Habitat activities,
about how long would you like each to
last? Please press F7 to respond to 
this question, then type in one of 
the responses below.

A month or more
Two or three weeks
One week


If you could, would you want to
create structured activites for
other players?

Please press F7 and respond 
"yes" or "no".


If you could, would you want to
design & create regions or
environments for Habitat players?

Please press F7 to respond to this
question. If "yes," please
please describe in as much detail
as you'd like.


If you were charged 8 cents a minute,
about how many hours a week would you
expect to play Habitat?

Please press F7 to respond to this


Assuming the kinds of activities
you've suggested were available in
Habitat, and knowing our members as
well as you do, about what percentage
of them do think would become regular
Habitat players?

Please press F7 to respond to this


The average retail price of
popular C64 games today is about

Thinking about the Habitat disk and
manual, what do you expect this
software package to cost? Please 
press F7 to respond to this 
question, then type in one of the 
responses below.

Over $25
$20 -- $25
$15 -- $20
$10 -- $15
$5 -- $10
Less than $5


When was the last time you played

Please press F7 to respond to this


If you HAVE played Habitat since
November 1, why do you continue to
play and help test Habitat?

Please press F7 to respond to this
question. Please answer in as much 
detail as you'd like.


If you have NOT played Habitat 
since November 1, why have you 
stopped? And what, if anything,
about Habitat should be changed
so that you'd want to play again?

Please press F7 to respond to this
question. Please answer in as much 
detail as you'd like.


Assuming that over 100 Avatars were
playing and that more structured
activites and adventures were being
programmed for Habitat, how would 
you rate Habitat on the scale below? 
Please  press F7 to respond to this 
question, then type in one of the 
responses below.

Very Good


If you have received disk version
6.4, about how many hours have
you, yourself, spent in Habitat
since receiving the disk a few
weeks ago?

Please press F7 to respond to this


What is your age?

Please press F7 to respond to this


Are you male of female?

Please press F7 to respond to this
