Habitat II Magazine Articles

From Reno Project


Translation of these articles is a big project and it's ongoing.

If you are able to accurately transcribe any of the pages of the articles into Japanese text, please get in touch with me [here].

Login - March 1996

All of the scans of the article can be found here.

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Currently, the first two pages have been transcribed thanks to get9 from our Discord. More coming soon!

Japanese transcription

 一度でいいから、名前や姿を変えて、まったく別の人生を送ってみたい。誰もが持つそんな変身願望を、パソコンとモデムだけで簡単に実現するサービスが、「Habitat II」だ。参加者はNIFTY-Serve上に創られたサイバーワールド「エリシウム」の住人になって、現実と異なる日常生活をエンジョイできる。それでは、さっそく「エリシウム」をご案内しよう。

■ 好みの体に変身!

■ 移動や動作はマウスで簡単


■ さまざまなイベント

■ 住人はみな親切


■ マネーゲームの醍醐味


■ システムの紹介 [Blue Box]
 Habitat IIは、6年前に建国され、すでに1万2千人が暮らす「富士通Habitat」の世界を、さらにリアルに、面白くした、バーチャルコミュニケーションサービスだ。富士通HabitatからのHabitat IIへの移住は、間もなく解禁される。米国ではすでに、WorldsAwayという名前で、小さな町に匹敵する1万人が参加しており、将来はHabitat IIとWorldsAwayの相互乗り入れも予定されている。

 Habitat IIに参加するには、Windowsバソコンとモデムが必要だ。サービスは、この3月から、NIFTY-Serve上で本格的に始まり、近い将来、MacintoshやSega Saturnからも参加できるようになる。

 NIFTY-ServeのIDを持っている人なら、誰でも簡単にHabitat IIに参加し、エリシウムの住人になれる。アクセスソフトは、パソコンショップなどで入手できる。

● お問い合わせ先:富士通株式会社 情報サービス推進プロジェクト部 〒211川崎市中原区上小田中4丁目1番1号 TEL.044-754-3218

 動作環境 解像度:640x480以上、256色以上必須                HDD:空き領域20MB以上。
          最小動作メモリ:Windows®3.1の場合、10MB以上。     モデム:2400BPS以上。
                         Windows®95の場合、14MB以上。      CDROMドライブ必須
          推奨機種:CPU=486DX2 66Mhz以上。                 MCIサウンド対応

Windows®は、米国Microsoft社の米国およびその他の国における登録商標です。Sega・サターン・Sega Saturnは(株)セガ。エンタープライゼスの商標です。その他の会社名および商品名は各社の登録商標です。

English translation

 Just once, I'd like to change my name, my appearance and live a completely different life. Habitat II is a service that allows you to do just that with just a computer and a modem. Habitat II is a cyber world created on NIFTY-Serve, where you can enjoy a different everyday life. Let's take a look at Elysium.

■ Transform into your favorite body!
 The NIFTY-Serve ID will be your passport to Elysium. You will first be guided to Elysium Tower. This is what serves as the Immigration Bureau. Here, choose your name and desired head and body. You can choose to be a girl with a muscular body and a frog or light bulb head. Your head and body can be changed later, so don't worry too much. Just find what you like and jump into the city of Elysium.

■ Easily move around and interact via mouse
 Various actions, such as walking in the city and waving your hands, can easily be done by using your mouse. For example, if you click on yourself, a menu of your actions and facial expressions will appear for you to select from. You can even cry or laugh.

 Also, by using the "Teleport Booths" located throughout the city, you can jump to remote locations!

■ All kinds of events
 Although quite young, the city of Elysium is surprisingly large when you explore. There are various locales, such as parks, banks, plazas, and boutiques, already populated by "Avatars." Various events, like tours, games, festivals, and elections, are held every day in the city. The "Oracles" keep order in the city, while you become a citizen who plans and manages events.

■ Very kind residents
 As a new resident, you may be at a loss not knowing right from left. Don't worry. The city's residents are all kind and I'm sure someone will come along to help. If you're really lucky, you'll meet an Oracle. Don't hesitate to ask questions. Conversations can be had by typing on your keyboard. Once you get used to it, introduce yourself and expand your circle of friends.

■ The thrill of gambling
 Elysium has a currency called "Tokens." You can get living expenses by spending time in Elysium, but if you shop or change your head or body, you will become poor. Once you get used to the city, starting a business is an interesting venture.

 Be proactive in doing things you can't do in the real world, such as fortune-tellers, bartenders, or publishing newspapers. However, t it's up to you to make a profit. After all, a business partner is also a living person. It is the same as in reality where you will fail if you do not properly understand the market.

■ System introduction
 Habitat II is a virtual communication service from the world of "Fujitsu Habitat," which was founded six years ago and is already inhabited by 12,000 people, that has been made even more realistic and interesting. Emigration restrictions from Fujitsu Habitat to Habitat II will soon be lifted. Already in the United States, under the name WorldsAway, 10,000 people, which is comparable to a small town, have participated. There are future plans for mutual access between Habitat II and WorldsAway.

 To join Habitat II, you need a Windows computer and a modem. The service will start in earnest on NIFTY-Serve starting from this March, and will be available for Macintosh and Sega Saturn in the near future.

 Anyone with a NIFTY-Serve ID can easily join Habitat II and become a resident of Elysium. Software to gain access can be obtained at computer shops.

● Contact Information: Fujitsu Limited Information Services and Project Promotion Dept. 4-1-1 Kamikodanaka, Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki-shi, 211 TEL.044-754-3218

■ System Requirements    Resolution: 640x480 or over, 256 colors or more             HDD: Free space of 20MB or more
                          Min Operating Specs: Windows®3.1 with 10MB RAM or more     Modem: 2400BPS or higher
                          Recommended Specs: Windows®95 with 14MB RAM or more        CD-ROM required
                          Recommended Model: 486DX2 66Mhz CPU or higher               MCI Sound Support

 Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Sega, Saturn, and Sega Saturn are Sega Co., Ltd. properties. It is a trademark of these enterprises. Other company names and product names are registered trademarks of each company.

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Japanese transcription



Red Text


Main Text

実は、『ハビタット II』のシステムを使ったサービスが海の向こうのアメリカにもあるのだ。アメリカでの名称は、『WorldsAway』で、すでに今年の 1 月に正式に運営が始まっているのだ。開局 1 ヵ月で1万 1 千人が会員になったくらい超人気らしい。まさに順風満帆のス夕ートといってもいいかもね。

さて、日本の『ハビタット II』もそれを追う形で、現在ベー夕テストが行なっている。正式な運営開始時期はまだ未定だけど、早くて4 月ごろに開局される予定になっているぞ。この『WorldsAwayI』と『ハビタット Il』との大きな違いは、メッセージがすべて英語か日本語かという点が一番大きい。当たり前のことなんだけどね。

また、『ハビタットII』にアクセスする専用の通信ソフトには、"簡易通信" という機能がある。この機能を選べば、ニフティサーブに接続することもできるぞ。なお、今はまだ未対応だけど、イン夕ーネットに接続するための"TCP/IP"を設定するところもある。もしかしたら、将来『ハビ夕ットII』の住人が『WorldsAway』へ行けるという可能性を秘めているのだ。このほかにイン夕ーネットに関する企画といえば、この通信ソフトにイン夕ーネット上にあるホームページを見るためのWWWプラウザを搭載するという話も出ている。パソコン通信とWWWブラウザがひとつになれば、さらに可能性が広がるんじゃないかな。

また、『ハビ夕ットII』は、パソコンだけのものじゃない。なんと、セガサ夕ーンで「『ハビ夕ットII』にアクセスさせようという計画も進行しているのだ。パソコンのみならず、コンシューマーにも触手をのばすとは……、富主通悔れないぞ!! でも、サ夕ーンに移植されるのはいいとして、メッセージの入力はどうするんだろう?という疑問がわいてくるね。まさかパッドで入力するのはあまりにもばかばかしいし。そのへんの話を富士通に聞いてみたところ、まだ、どうするかは未定とのことだ。もしかしたら、専用のキーボードが発売されるかも、ということも話していたぞ。でも、もし本当にセガサ夕ーンで『ハビ夕ットII』ができるようになれば、パソコン通信という呼び方も変わり、通信に対する意識も変わるかもね。

Blue Box


Purple Circle


Green Box

それじゃ、『WorldsAway』がどのような世界か簡単に紹介していこう。『WorldsAway』と『ハビ夕ットII』の基本操作だけ取ると、どちらの世界もほとんど同じ感じだけど、実は住んでいる人たちの世界観は大きく異なるのだ。というのも、『ハビ夕ットII』で生活している人たちは、現実世界の人たちが電脳世界 "エリシウム"へ訪れ、そこで生活するという設定だけど、『WorldsAway』では、別の大陸から移民してきた、という設定になっているからだ。 右の『WorldsAway』の世界図に海があるのは、ほかの大陸から新天地に移り住むイメージで、ヨーロッパからアメリカ大陸へ移民してきたアメリカ人ならではの設定だよね。

ちなみに日本では、この考え方が受け入れられないんじゃないかということで、『ハビタット II』では、現実の世界から電脳世界に訪れる設定にしたそうだ。まあ、日本人にほかの大陸から移民してきたといわれても、ピンとこないかもしれないしね。

English translation


What are Habitat II’s possibilities?

Red Text

The American configuration is pretty much the same!!

Main Text

Across the ocean, the United States has a service that uses the functionality of Habitat II. In the US, it has been renamed WorldsAway, and it officially came online in January of this year. It seems to be quite popular with 11,000 people signing up as members in the first month of opening. It may be said that everything is smooth sailing.

Japan’s Habitat II is following suit with beta tests currently underway. Though there remains no official start date, it is expected to launch around April at the earliest. The biggest difference between WorldsAway and Habitat II are that all messages are either in English or Japanese. This is a matter of course.

The communication software used for accessing Habitat II has a function called “simple communication.” Choosing this function allows you to connect to Nifty Server. Additionally, though support is not yet supported, one could set the TCP/IP in order to connect to the Internet. Speaking of Internet-related projects, there is talk of integrating a web browser with the communication software to view webpages. If PC communication and web browsing become one, the possibilities will expand even further.

Habitat II is not just for PCs. Surprisingly, plans are underway to allow access to Habitat II on Sega Saturn. Fujitsu will not regret it!! However, if it is ported to the Saturn, what about message input? I have this question because it is just too difficult to type on a gamepad. When I asked Fujitsu about this, they said that they had not yet decided on what to do. I also talked about the possibility of releasing a dedicated keyboard. If Habitat II truly becomes available for the Sega Saturn, the term "computer communication" will be redefined and awareness of communication may also change.

Blue Box

↑→ Although the American version of Habitat II has a different name, the core content is essentially the same. In the near future, they may even be connected by the Internet.

Purple Circle

What is the world of WorldsAway?

Green Box

Well then, let me briefly introduce what kind of world WorldsAway is. If you consider just the basic operations of WorldsAway and Habitat II, they are pretty much the same. However, the worldview of the people living in each place is very different. In Habitat II, the people living in the real world are set to visit the cyber world Elysium and live there. In WorldsAway, the setting is different in that they have immigrated from another world. The sea on the WorldsAway map to the right shows the image of moving from land to a new world, a setting unique to Americans who immigrated from Europe to the Americas.

In Japan, this way of thinking may not be accepted, so Habitat II is said to allow visiting a cyber realm from the real world. If a Japanese person said that they came from another continent, this might be difficult to understand.

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Japanese transcription

White Title




Featured Person



情報サービス推進プロジェクト部長。富士通が『ハビ夕ット』のサービスを始めたころから、このプロジェクトに携わってきた人で、『ハビタット』では『ハビ夕ット」で培った5年の実績をもとに、最高のネットワークシステムを作り上げようとしているのだ。 実にパワフルなのである。

Green Title


Text Body

てなわけで、『ハビ夕ット II』の艇力を紹介した今回の特集も、これでおしまいだ。なにぶん、このシステムを大々的に取り上げたのは、これは初めてなので、その魅カのすべてを紹介したとは言えなかったかもしれないが……。そこはそれ、『ハビ夕ット II 』はこれからドンドン大きくなっていくシステムということで(富士通の人は、"増殖する"とゆー表現を使っていたのが印象的だった)、ひとつ、よろしくおメこぼし願いたい。

とりあえずまぁ、現在の状況としては、 4 月 1 日のニフティーサーブの課金改定が大きなヤマなんだそうで、これを乗り切れば、ニフフティーサーブの課金プラス電話料金だけで、『ハビ夕ット II』が楽しめるようになるのだ。詳しく書くとスペースが足りなくなるので、簡単に説明させてもらうけど、4月1日以降は 1分問6 円プラス電話料金でオーケーらしいぞ。これを高いと思うか安いと思うかは、もう完全に君の考え次第だ!!

Image Text


。。。て、 感じです

English translation

White Title

Finally, it's the Ikoyu interview!!



Featured Person

Fujitsu Limited

Mr. Fukuda Kazutomo

Director of Information Systems and Product Promotion. He has been involved with the Habitat Project since its inception by Fujitsu. After having cultivated Habitat for five years, they are trying to form Habitat II into the best network system available. It is really powerful.

Green Title

I still feel like I used to

Text Body

So, this is the end of our special introduction of the power house that is Habitat II. Since this is the first time I have taken up a software of such a large scale, I may not be able to say that I have introduced all of its charms. That being said, Habitat II is a system that will experience steady growth (I was impressed by the way people from Fujitsu used the expression "proliferate"). As such, I want to ask for your help.

Regarding the current situation, it seems that the April 1st billing revision of Nifty Serve is a big hurdle. If you are able to overcome this, you will be able to enjoy Habitat II with just the billing of Nifty Serve plus the telephone charge. I do not have enough space to write in detail, so I will give you a brief explanation. After April 1st, the charge will be ¥6 per minute plus phone charges. Whether you think this is expensive or cheap is completely up to you!!

Image Text

Come anytime you like!

。。。Eh?! Is this how you feel?

Login - April 1996

All of the scans of the article can be found here.

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Page 1

Coming soon!

Japanese transcription










 Conversation 1:

 Conversation 2:
 Conversation 3:
Green: [名前:ヘッド「キウイ」, 値段: 300]
Red: ここでは動物のヘッドなんかも売ってます
Blue: やさいヘッドもありますね
Red: 気に入ったのがあったらちょっと試着… 

English translation


The expressive Habitat II will be launching service soon.

Starting from March this year, the service for "Fujitsu Habitat II" (hereafter referred to as "II") will finally begin.

Habitat is a virtual country on the PC communication service Nifty Serve. Here, users can freely choose their gender, face, etc. to create an avatar (their alter ego). In the currently ongoing "Fujitsu Habitat", users can make their avatar freely walk around this country, enjoying shopping and conversations with other avatars. It is a PC communication service.

"II" incorporates many of the requests from users since the birth of Habitat.

The wish of all users has come true - avatars can now change their facial expressions. Four expressions - normal, laughing, crying, and angry - are prepared for all heads. In addition, the body types have increased to four varieties, and skin color can also be changed, allowing avatars to have even more individuality.

Simultaneously with the launch of "II", a communication software for Windows will be provided, with plans to support Macintosh and Saturn in the future. The price has not been decided yet, but it is likely to be inexpensive at a few hundred yen per month.

Fujitsu ☎044-754-3218

Conversation 1:

[This is the body shop.]

Blue: "It suits you."

Green: "This is the body shop."

Green2: "You can change your own body."

← Of course, "II" also has a body shop. You can buy the body you like here. But what does it suit? This face?

Conversation 2:

Blue: "Hello"

Green: "Hey, how's it going?"

Blue: "I'm fine"

Blue: "It's nice weather today."

← Having facial expressions makes it feel more natural after all. Also, the quality of the graphics themselves has dramatically improved.

Conversation 3:

[Name: Head "Kiwi", Price: 300]

Red: They sell animal heads and stuff here too.

Blue: There are vegetable heads too.

Red: If you find one you like, try it on for a bit...

→ In this shop, you can buy heads. It's a very enviable world. Well, even if vegetable heads existed in reality, I guess I wouldn't need one.