WorldsAway Acolyte Meeting - September 16th, 1995: Difference between revisions

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Dan Kuschner in this conversation is Oracle Teresias. This wasn't a typical Acolyte meeting, but one to discuss an issue with the avatar named MarvL and his wanting to create a constitution for WorldsAway that was causing issues amongst the staff and the users.

********** 9/16/95 8:37 PM  Forum CO
       Dan Kuschner         | Okay, I would like to start the meeting now.
       Indigo <busy>        | Need that Turf Man!!!!
       Dan Kuschner         | <gavel falls>
       Marianne G (Busy)    | OUCH!
       Nicci                | LOL!
                            | I was gonna say that\
       Marianne G (Busy)    | ;;he gets me every time!;;
       Dan Kuschner         | This is not going to be a usual meeting.
       Ed                   | Uh oh..
       Dan Kuschner         | I have a few things to say to set the tone 
                            | and then we will have a 
                            | structured round circle meeting.
                            | First, contrary to the rumor, this is not 
                            | going to be a tactical 
                            | planning meeting.
                            | I am not expecting to solve any issues in 
                            | this one meeting.
                            | This meeting is more to epmhisize that we are 
                            | a team with 
                            | common goals and vision.
                            | Therefore, we will not be following the 
                            | normal queue method 
                            | tonight, but will go around the circle in a 
                            | manner I will describe 
                            | later.
                            | Because the Konstitution issues are very 
                            | present in our thoughts, 
                            | I wanted to answer Moria's post.
                            | (in absentia, I will post this immediately 
                            | after)
                            | This has reached a point where the 
                            | consequences of the situation are that one 
                            | person is attempting to dictate to the 
                            | service.
                            | The Oracles, as representatives of the 
                            | service, will deal with this issue in an 
                            | authoritative (not authoritarian) manner.
                            | The Acolytes are aked to refrain exhibiting 
                            | authoritarian moves.
                            | Let the Oracles take any heat which might be 
                            | generated.
                            | The Oracles ask the Acolytes for their 
                            | support by continuing to maintain 
                            | communiations with the Oracles and offering 
                            | their observations and opinions.
                            | Is there anyone who does not know what issue 
                            | I am talking about?  Speak 
                            | now.
                            | Last call.
       Milen                | Well...
       Dan Kuschner         | Yes?
       Milen                | ...I've not read the file because I've not 
                            | gotten Acrobat Reader yet...
                            | ...but I know MarvL, and I have a general 
                            | idea of what you're talking about.
       Dan Kuschner         | That's good enough for now.
                            | Anyone else?
       Marianne G (Busy)    | I haven't read it either, but I have heard 
                            | excerpts :D
       Dan Kuschner         | Let me describe the method in which the 
                            | meeting will be conducted.
       Marianne G (Busy)    | Plus have seen many of his board posts 
                            | leading up to it
       Dan Kuschner         | We will proceed in alphabetical order. 
                            | I will begin.  With the floor, I will state 
                            | 2-3 sentences.
                            | I will end my statement with <done>.
                            | Then I will pass the floor to the next person.
                            | They will speak 2-3 sentences.  (Statements 
                            | or rhetorical questions only)
       Brynne <busy>        | (Can I change my name to Zebra, please? ;D)
       Chameleon<busy>:)    | no you dont!!!<G>
       Dan Kuschner         | Once they send <done>, I will pass the floor 
                            | to the next person on the list.
                            | Once a round is completed, I will comment as 
                            | Oracle.
                            | Then I will take the floor as an equal and a 
                            | new round will begin.
                            | Remember that all our words, once spoken, 
                            | have a life of their own and should be 
                            | spoken from the heart.
       Ravenwhyte (busy)    | Awesome.
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Dan.
                            | I personally have been feeling pretty frayed 
                            | and some of it stems from the feeling 
                            | that we are drifting apart.
                            | We alll seem to have the same basic idea, but 
                            | it feels we are splitting once we hit 
                            | the details.
                            | I want to be able to give everyone wnat they 
                            | want and am trying to deal with the 
                            | reality that I can't.
                            | <done>
                            | The floor passes to Brynne.
       Brynne <busy>        | I personally have been feeling very 
                            | frustrated, 
                            | because since I have been on this staff, I 
                            | haven't 
                            | really seen a lot of teamwork being displayed.
                            | Sometimes I feel that we're all trying to 
                            | compete with 
                            | each other -- who's more of a leader than the 
                            | next. 
                            | And this disturbs me because I think we all 
                            | have 
                            | strengths that others may not have, and we 
                            | can 
                            | balance each other and bring out the BEST we 
                            | each 
                            | have to offer. <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Chameleon.
       Chameleon<busy>:)    | although I know people invariably form 
                            | clinches among themselves, I am 
                            | sorry to see signs of people actually seeming 
                            | to put down their fellow 
                            | teammates. And I think our Oracles have been 
                            | stretched a bit thin, and 
                            | maybe we are sometimes a bit demanding
                            | no they cant keep everybody happy, and 
                            | sometimes its easy to think me me 
                            | me and not whats its costing the one 
                            | providing, myself included<done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Data.
       Data <Busy>          | We all have our own opinion about various 
                            | things. It is SO hard to bring a 
                            | group this size in and find pure 
                            | harmony. The thing to do is not to look for 
                            | what is wrong with an idea 
                            | but...
                            | maybe what is right with it. All of us have 
                            | some good ideas and I think 
                            | we need to keep up a positive attitude 
                            | always. Even in our lowest 
                            | moments.
                            | <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Ed.
       Ed <Busy>            | I think that we should all start by making 
                            | sure that we show 
                            | each other as much common coertesy that we 
                            | ca...
                            | Even in our bad moments and...We should all 
                            | respect each 
                            | other as peers
                            | Not as leaders or followers, we must work 
                            | together as one
                            | We all have varied talents that maek up the 
                            | whole
                            | And to diminish that in any way hurts all of 
                            | us <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Electra.
       Electra              | Perhaps I am too naieve, or too blind, but I 
                            | have always felt 
                            | that I have been treated well by each and 
                            | every one on the 
                            | staff.  Everyone contributes in their own 
                            | way, which is what 
                            | a team is, after all.
                            | <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to the bride. <g>
       Indigo <busy>        | At the top of our inworld organization right 
                            | now  are our dear 
                            | Oracles who are struggling worse than we are. 
                            |  And as 
                            | swamped and overloaded. This trickles 
                            | down..... and we 
                            | Acolytes in Kymer, are mystified at all the  
                            | difficulties we face 
                            | and the seeming necessity laid upon us to 
                            | create an 
                            | environment for the good of humankind and as 
                            | a foundation for 
                            | the future.  In my opinion, this is a result 
                            | of it being a 
                            | commercial venture.  The Oracles are doing 
                            | their best.  They 
                            | care.  We need to support them by supporting 
                            | each other.
                            | <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Libra.
       Indigo <busy>        | <smile>
       Libra (busy)         | I am increasingly frustrated by the fact that 
                            | we are letting our emotions get in the way of 
                            | ourselves.
                            | We all have emotions and strong ones (me 
                            | included) but we need to be able to let our 
                            | emotions play themselves out before reacting 
                            | to the world and to each other.
                            | <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Marianne.
       Marianne G (Busy)    | I don't want to feel like I have to fight 
                            | with my friends, 
                            | and you all are my friends.   If I knew you 
                            | before, if 
                            | I've only known you shortly, when I sign on 
                            | to a 
                            | team, I sign on to be part of a team.  We all 
                            | want the 
                            | same goal, I know it.  We are all people with 
                            | ideas, 
                            | opinions and different ways of dealing with 
                            | issues.  
                            | Life is finding a way to deal with, 
                            | compromise on, 
                            | give and take on issues so the common goals 
                            | are 
                            | met.  I respect everyone here, and optimist 
                            | that I am, 
                            | I KNOW there is a workable solution to 
                            | everything.  
                            | We just can't always see it. <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Milen.
       Milen                | Can't think of much to say.  Struggling to 
                            | keep up with reading all this.
                            | Go on without me.
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Mysteria.
       Mysteria             | First, I like you all so very much.  <s>  But 
                            | sometimes I sense some competition among the 
                            | staff over who is the "best" Acolyte, or 
                            | the one who organizes the most games, etc.  
                            | That has left me feeling exhausted and upset, 
                            | and I did not want to "burn out,"
                            | so I took much of this week off.  I hope 
                            | others will feel it's okay to do the same 
                            | when they need to.  <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Nicci.
       Nicci (busy)         | I came online yesterday after spending the 
                            | week away 
                            | from here and I litterally felt lost. I felt 
                            | like such an 
                            | outsider and all I could think of was how 
                            | stupid this 
                            | was. After a couple of conflicts and hurt 
                            | feelings I 
                            | found out that I wasn't the only person who 
                            | felt like this 
                            | and the others didn't miss a week like I did. 
                            | I think we 
                            | have comunication problems within our group 
                            | and the 
                            | result is that people feel alienated. It's 
                            | all 
                            | misunderstandings but the real result is that 
                            | people 
                            | are getting hurt. We really need to pull 
                            | together. The 
                            | burn out thing is a big thing too. People are 
                            | pushing 
                            | too hard. <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Ravenwhyte.
       Ravenwhyte (busy)    | I wish that all the others from our team were 
                            | here, and I apprecite this intimate forum 
                            | where all voices may be heard.  I feel torn 
                            | between what is viewed as a  business at the 
                            | Fujitsu angle, yet has nothing to do with 
                            | business on a personal level.
                            | We are all to a great extent in the same 
                            | boat, we are all asked to take risks
                            | We are all networked.
                            | As servants of Kymer, we are asked to pu the 
                            | good of the community before our own personal
                            | desires.
                            | <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Rosaleah.
       Rosaleah <busy>      | :: sorry, thinking ... ::  ;)
                            | I think (heh) what I want to say is that I 
                            | wish we'd all talk to each other more ...
                            | to remember to help each other as much as we 
                            | would any avatar out there. What's going 
                            | on in the World? Anybody to keep an eye on? 
                            | Someone need special attention/help?
                            | And what sorts of things are working well for 
                            | you ... they'll likely work well for others 
                            | too. I, 
                            | for one, appreciate the sharing. <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | Commentary as Oracle:
                            | Though each of us, Oracles included, feel 
                            | frustrated because our desire for 
                            | efficient control cannot be fulfilled, our 
                            | greatest contribution to the strength of the 
                            | team is our own sincerity.
                            | I thank you for sharing tonight.
                            | Constructing a consensual evolution of even 
                            | the most worthwhile vision is not 
                            | easy.
                            | It requires mutual respect and an emphasis on 
                            | cooperation, not competition.
                            | By not focusing on competition, it is 
                            | possible to meet mutually exclusive goals 
                            | such as business and building the vision of 
                            | community.
                            | The next round may be used to air views 
                            | regarding the MarvL/Konsitiution 
                            | situation.
                            | The floor passes to Dan (as participant).
                            | As frustrating as he can be and as far as 
                            | this has gone, I deeply feel there is a lot 
                            | of good and growth for the community which 
                            | can come from this.
                            | That's been my light at the end of the tunnel.
                            | <done>
                            | The floor passes to Brynne.
       Brynne <busy>        | ::thinking here ... one moment please::
                            | On the Marv situation: my only emotion here 
                            | is a 
                            | deep concern about his dictatorial style and 
                            | its 
                            | overall effect on the future of WA.
                            | I know he is a great motivator, and if his 
                            | energy 
                            | could be channeled in a more positive 
                            | direction, I 
                            | think he would be good for WA.
                            | Unfortunately, however, I believe he is a 
                            | manipulator 
                            | and will tell someone anything just to get 
                            | that 
                            | person off his real goal. As a result, I feel 
                            | Marv is 
                            | actually a danger to the future of WA. <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Chameleon.
       Chameleon<busy>:)    | I think this meeting has been the best thing 
                            | that has happened in a long 
                            | time here! especially the way it is being 
                            | done. I am not worried about MarvL 
                            | but what he is doing. He seems to like 
                            | causing us to be at odds more than 
                            | anything else. Surely we can band closer 
                            | together, and not let something 
                            | like this seperate us further. I am sure this 
                            | is the first of many such 
                            | problems. <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Data.
       Data <Busy>          | I am unclear on whether MarvL's intent is to 
                            | get a rise out of us or he has 
                            | blinded himself into believing FCT is just 
                            | going to hand the service over 
                            | to him. Whatever the case, I am not going to 
                            | let it bother me. I have faith 
                            | in the Oracles  that the situation will be 
                            | handled correctly. He is a 
                            | customer and I will give him that respect 
                            | always.
                            | <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Ed.
       Ed <Busy>            | I think that we should let the citizens 
                            | decide what they want, after 
                            | all, we are in their service
                            | I also believe that Marv's ideas could create 
                            | a lot of growth
                            | But I just don't feel comfortable with the 
                            | way he words things 
                            | and
                            | The way he goes about them
                            | It's my opinion that he is very subversive
                            | We should concentrate on sticking together 
                            | instead of MravL
                            | Marv! oops!
                            | We must also remember that he is also a 
                            | customer.. But..
                            | I don't think we should just hand him 
                            | everything he wants on a 
                            | silver platter
                            | We should let the citizens decide what they 
                            | want ..... that's the 
                            | bottom line <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Electra.
       Electra              | I find it almost incomprehensible that a 
                            | single person can be 
                            | the focus of so much time and energy.  I 
                            | wonder if it's not 
                            | the attention that he feeds on?  And is 
                            | anyone besides the 
                            | Oracles and Acolytes paying any serious 
                            | attention to him 
                            | and his dictates?  <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Indigo.
       Indigo <busy>        | As soon as the ability  to have * more*  than 
                            | acceptable or 
                            | agreed upon power over others, as this seems 
                            | to have turned 
                            | into for MarvL,  predominates, all 
                            | civilizations start to deteriorate 
                            | and the original purpose becomes buried.  As 
                            | this civilization is 
                            | both altruistic and commercial, we need to 
                            | find a solution which 
                            | accommodates MarvL as a customer, but is firm 
                            | in direction for 
                            | the good of all the community.  
                            | <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Libra.
       Libra (busy)         | I have been personally very frustrated by the 
                            | MarvL situation. On the one hand he is a 
                            | tremendous source of good...helping newbies 
                            | inworld and out, creating one of the best 
                            | entertainments in town (Town Criers), 
                            | generating excellent debate in the forum, and 
                            | most importantly having an alter ego (Avatar 
                            | #2) who in my opinion is an excellent 
                            | citizen of the community.
                            | On the other hand, he has used some tactics 
                            | which are underhanded and suggest an 
                            | ulterior motive which for the life of me I 
                            | can't figure out (my main frustration is 
                            | that).
                            | So, what I have been trying to do is harness 
                            | the beast in him by befriending him 
                            | (legitimately, I consider him a friend) and 
                            | trying to understand him. Let me say I am no 
                            | more enlightened now than I was before, but I 
                            | hate to say this...I like him. He may be a 
                            | PITA, but he can be a very enjoyable person 
                            | to be with. <sigh> Libra's don't take well to 
                            | this.
                            | <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Mairanne.
       Marianne G (Busy)    | What if they hold an election and no one 
                            | comes?  
                            | Would you vote for a dictatorship?  If 
                            | phrased in 
                            | glowing terms perhaps.  BUT, would you then 
                            | spend time in that kind of oppresive society? 
                            |  I don't 
                            | think so.  So what happens if he holds the 
                            | election 
                            | and nothing changes?  Win, lose or draw, 
                            | nothing 
                            | changes?  I mean, someone can say they have 
                            | the 
                            | power, but when they do not have the 
                            | mechanism 
                            | for power, ie: tools to run the community, 
                            | who is 
                            | going to pay attention to what you say?  No 
                            | election 
                            | is going to give him what he seeks.  As for 
                            | what he 
                            | WANTS, if  it's attention, he certainly has 
                            | it :D  I don't 
                            | see him as a threat, because I don't see his 
                            | election being anything more then 
                            | entertainment.  If 
                            | he manages to cause disent in our ranks, 
                            | among 
                            | us, when before we were so perfectly meshed, 
                            | then 
                            | he has created a loss far greater then giving 
                            | him 
                            | actual power could. That is the only threat I 
                            | see from 
                            | him. <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Milen.
       Milen                | MarvL.  What can I say?  He's smart.  He's 
                            | clever.  He's funny.  His 
                            | arguments cause headaches in laboratory 
                            | studies.  And he's 
                            | oh-so-sneaky.  I could tell you a story about 
                            | that, but I cannot safely 
                            | relate it from this idenity.  But, from 
                            | someone who knows: beware, beware, 
                            | beware. <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Mysteria.
       Mysteria             | Well, I think MarvL is nuttier than a 
                            | fruitcake -- which is his right.  <g> 
                            | However, he doesn't have the right to impose 
                            | his vision 
                            | on everyone else.  I don't think 99.9% of 
                            | avatars are interested in his Konstitution, 
                            | or any kind of WA government.  <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Nicci.
       Nicci (busy)         | I agree with Mysteria. Sure customers have 
                            | rights and so MarvL 
                            | has rights...
                            | but I've already read a message speaking out 
                            | against the need 
                            | for the Konstitiution....
                            | the avarage customer is going to have no need 
                            | for it...
                            | and so we just have to keep MarvL in check so 
                            | that they are not 
                            | effected by his politics. I don't know. I 
                            | don't think anyone can 
                            | control MarvL <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Ravenwhyte.
       Indigo <busy>        | Ravenwhyte gracefully terminated for the 
                            | moment, sorry.
       Ravenwhyte (busy)    | I do not know MarvL well, so I am not in the 
                            | front line with him as yet.  I am willing to 
                            | take a more active role in engaging him 
                            | positively, but would appreciate some 
                            | direction to that end.  I admire his passion, 
                            | but am challenged, at times, to respect
       Indigo <busy>        | He did indeed crash - those lines made it up 
                            | there as it was 
                            | happening.  He'll BRB!
       Ravenwhyte           | Sorry, HDD spindown
                            | to respect the way he chooses to channel that 
                            | passion
                            | I believe he has a place in our growing 
                            | community
                            | But it is ever so difficult to draw the line 
                            | between the good of the few and the good of 
                            | the many.
                            | Not an easy job, I tip my hat. <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Rosaleah.
       Rosaleah <busy>      | I'm surprised that the community hasn't 
                            | challenged MarvL's ideas more. For instance, 
                            | I've been waiting for someone to propose an 
                            | alternate "Konstitution" and gov't plan ... 
                            | even a *very silly* one (actually, 
                            | *especially* a silly one).  But the whole 
                            | gov't plan idea is 
                            | rather a pre-emptive one right now -- 
                            | proposed way too soon for most to have a good 
                            | sense of what's being proposed / done. The 
                            | World, after all, is just beginning...and 
                            | most 
                            | are far, far more interested in fun than in 
                            | governments...and he's taking advantage of 
                            | that. I wholeheartedly agree that he seems to 
                            | want to divide us ... and to crave gobs and 
                            | gobs of attention ... attention stolen, in 
                            | the long run, from the many, many other 
                            | customers of the service.  I _do_ think he's 
                            | delusional if he really thinks FCT is going 
                            | to 
                            | just hand over the running of the service 
                            | over  to him. I don't fear *that* for a 
                            | minute!  
                            | I wish I knew how to turn his energy into 
                            | something more positive ... but I fear I 
                            | don't have 
                            | a handle on that at all. <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | Commentary as Oracle:
                            | It's pretty clear that we recognize that 
                            | someone like MarvL has two aspects: That 
                            | of community participant and that of 
                            | potential serious threat.
                            | Our response should be to encourage the 
                            | community participant while protecting 
                            | our community from potential serious threat 
                            | at the same time.
                            | Our primary defense is that of the 
                            | cohesiveness of our community, particularly 
                            | the Acolytes and Oracles as caretakers.
                            | Correction: Our primary strength is our 
                            | cohesiveness.
                            | There are enough seemingly exclusive aspects: 
                            | we should think on what 
                            | everyone has said for now.
                            | I intend to have a personal talk with MarvL 
                            | next chance I catch him in the world.
                            | We can use the next round to state any 
                            | intentions we may have and care to 
                            | share.
                            | The floor passes to Dan (as participant).
                            | I intend to be in the world more, both 
                            | officially and socially, to try to strengthen 
                            | my ties to the community.
                            | When I feel my frustration rising, I intend 
                            | to remember the solidarity showed in 
                            | tonight's meeting.
                            | <done>
                            | The floor passes to Brynne.
       Brynne <busy>        | My desire is a simple one. I would like to 
                            | see us all 
                            | functioning as a *real* team. To that end, I 
                            | plan to be 
                            | as supportive of each of you as I would like 
                            | you to be 
                            | of me. <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Chameleon.
       Chameleon<busy>:)    | <picturing Oracle Teresias as he spreads 
                            | himself thinner and thinner>. I feel 
                            | so good about this meeting tonight, and 
                            | appreciate each and every one of 
                            | you views that have been shared with me and 
                            | all of us. I too will think of this 
                            | meeting when I feel down and disassociated, 
                            | and will remember I do have 
                            | friends here.
                            | As to Marv, I will continue to do what I have 
                            | been doing.
                            | Kill him with kindness
                            | its seems to have the desired effect<EG>
                            | <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Data.
       Data <Busy>          | I believe in the potential of our team....
                            | I believe working together we can accomplish 
                            | anything....
                            | My highest goal is to work hard with our team 
                            | and to do all I can to help 
                            | us bond together....
                            | Remember the old addage, "United we stand, 
                            | divided we fall". 
       Indigo <busy>        | To have the Oracles more inworld and more 
                            | accessible will 
                            | help to disseminate the tension.  We should 
                            | together give that 
                            | as much positive attention and support as 
                            | possible, drawing 
                            | the focus away from any serious negative 
                            | effects from 
                            | MarvL's behavior.  By offering the gold 
                            | pieces of positive 
                            | communal effort, the pennies of negative 
                            | attention will be 
                            | dropped.  Yes, killing with kindness 
                            | everywhere... way to go!
       Data <Busy>          | If I can do anything to help PLEASE tell me. 
                            | If I have any needs I'll do 
                            | likewise...
                            | let's just always be there for each other. 
                            | <done>
       Indigo <busy>        | <Oh no, sorry...>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Ed.
       Ed <Busy>            | I intend to keep my loyalties where they 
                            | belong, with all of you 
                            | and with the citizens of Kymer, as I have in 
                            | the past
                            | It is my intention to continue with 
                            | everything I have doneto this 
                            | point
                            | doneto=doing
       Chameleon<busy>:)    | they really are married now, Indi is 
                            | finishing his sentences!!>sorry had to say 
                            | it>
       Ed <Busy>            | And to expand on it as much as possible.
                            | And to each and every one of you I extend my 
                            | helping hand if it is 
                            | needed
                            | Just ask
                            | And I'll be there if I can
                            | <done>
       Chameleon<busy>:)    | oops wrong box<sigh> my appoligies Ed I am so 
                            | sorry.
       Ed <Busy>            | LOL!!!
                            | No problem!
                            | I'm easy to get along with
                            | It happens
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Electra.
       Electra              | I intend to make sure that my words and 
                            | actions always 
                            | reflect well upon the Oracles, the Acolytes, 
                            | and the 
                            | community.  I will do whatever is within my 
                            | power to help 
                            | each and every one of you in whatever way I 
                            | can.  I don't 
                            | know what more any of us can do but to pledge 
                            | to do our 
                            | best.  <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Indigo.
       Marianne G (Busy)    | Data, wasn't that a song? (One I now can't 
                            | get out of 
                            | my head).  Anyway, I'm working on fitting in 
                            | a 
                            | scheduled time for assorted word and other 
                            | games, 
                            | called LETS TRY IT (or will work on that 
                            | title) to work 
                            | out various games for the community.  As you 
                            | know, 
                            | with my memory leak, I need it to be a set 
                            | time each 
                            | week, cause otherwise I forget.  I hope that 
                            | you'll 
                            | help with input, assistance running, if 
                            | needed, etc, 
                            | and in turn, the events will be worked out 
                            | and when 
                            | working, be available for all to use inworld. 
                            |  I truly 
                            | believe that when we are seen as workers, 
                            | helpers, friends, in the community, that it 
                            | will 
                            | strenghten not only us with each other, but 
                            | the 
                            | community with us, and keep things like this 
                            | current 
                            | situation from ever reaching this point.  
                            | Drat, sorry, was not suppose to hit enter 
                            | ;;sigh;;
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor is still with Indigo.
       Indigo <busy>        | <grinning sheepishly>  To have the Oracles 
                            | more inworld will 
                            | be awesome!  We'll drop those dark old 
                            | pennies, and so will 
                            | the rest of the community.  (scroll up to 
                            | read my original 
                            | statement).  
                            | Our strength is in our commitment to the good 
                            | of all and to 
                            | each other!  <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Libra.
       Libra (busy)         | I promise four things (1) To stop being such 
                            | a control freak and relax a 
                            | little...I can't be involved in every 
                            | situation everywhere (2) To continue to 
                            | trust you all as friends as teammates...that 
                            | means assuming that 
                            | whatever you say to me is meant in a spirit 
                            | of friendship and team spirit 
                            | (3) To continue to speak honestly about how I 
                            | see the world but making 
                            | sure it comes across in the spirit of 
                            | frinedship and team spirit it is 
                            | meant and (4) To sit back, watch and listen 
                            | more...taking my time 
                            | before reacting  (5) To stop enumerating 
                            | lists of things all the time (I am 
                            | beginning to annoy myself with this too)  (6) 
                            | To take a lesson in 
                            | mathematics...this was six I promised four 
                            | <g>.
                            | Go team!
                            | <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Marianne.
       Marianne G (Busy)    | It is almost 2 in the morning for me people.  
                            | I beg 
                            | forgivness :D  Anyway, what I said before, 
                            | and 
                            | before I go to sleep, I hope we have many, 
                            | many 
                            | years together as friends and workers and 
                            | think that 
                            | if you add cornstarch, it thickens things up, 
                            | and 
                            | maybe we can add them to the Oracles blood 
                            | and 
                            | they won't be spread so thin?  <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Milen.
       Milen                | Well, yesterday and today were two of the 
                            | worst days I've ever had.  I 
                            | crashed *so* many times it was surreal.  It 
                            | was about on a level with those 
                            | early, dark, pre-revision beta days, except 
                            | that this time I was the only one 
                            | crashing.  I felt so alone, so left behind, 
                            | and so *frustrated*.  I came 
                            | awsomely close to just dropping out right now 
                            | and resigning it was getting 
                            | so bad.  In fact, I would have except for 
                            | just a few things.  Their names are 
                            | Data, Indigo, Nicci, Ravenwhyte, VIQer....  
                            | You all got me through a rough 
                            | time.  I'm sure that we can handle anything 
                            | that comes our way, and, 
                            | wallet willing, I'm all set to forge ahead.  
                            | MarvL?  Bring'em on!  I eat three 
                            | MarvL's for breakfast!
                            | <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Mysteria.
       Mysteria             | I intend to focus my WA activities on 
                            | generating fun -- for those around me, and 
                            | for myself.  I hope we'll all guard against 
                            | allowing Acolytehood to become a chore, and 
                            | try to keep perspective on its role in our 
                            | lives.
                            | This IS supposed to be fun, right?  <s>  
                            | <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Nicci.
       Nicci (busy)         | Back to the communication breakdown issue. We 
                            | need to work 
                            | on this because MarvL assumes that we don't 
                            | have 
                            | communicaion between us.  He tries to work on 
                            | us individually. 
                            | And when we prove him wrong and stand by each 
                            | other he turns 
                            | it around so it looks like MarvL vs. the 
                            | Acolytes (which in a lot of 
                            | ways it is but that is not becuase of the the 
                            | title, but becuase we 
                            | are the ones encountering problems with him 
                            | most frequently 
                            | since we are so active in the world). We need 
                            | to really plan 
                            | ahead and keep each other informed on this 
                            | issue. We have to 
                            | have at least an appearece of unity when 
                            | MarvL appoaches us 
                            | each indiviudally. We really need to think 
                            | ahead and to 
                            | communicate with each other <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Ravenwhyte.
       Ravenwhyte           | I am so glad to know you all better through 
                            | your sincere sharing.  Please do not ever 
                            | hesitate to call on me for help.  
                            | It cannot be truly understood what it takes 
                            | to support the community as we do until we 
                            | have walked here, in these Halls together 
                            | (huh? <g>).
                            | I hope to continue to represent us as we are, 
                            | servants of the community . . . (Have I got 
                            | VC claening detail again?)
                            | And dang! is this fun!
                            | <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | The floor passes to Rosaleah.
       Rosaleah <busy>      | I, too, appreciate the sharing tonight, very 
                            | much.  And offer my helping hand (and Razz's 
                            | too) whenever and wherever I can. <done>
       Dan Kuschner         | (Final) Commentary as Oracle:
                            | I want to thank you all for participating in 
                            | this different meeting tonight.
                            | It showed that we are, indeed, a team with 
                            | common goals and vision.
                            | I feel better.
                            | One last thing:  I want to thank Oracle Uni 
                            | who has guided me through this new 
                            | experience tonight. 
                            | (Uni waves)
       Data <Busy>          | Hi UNI! <f^>
       Ed <Busy>            | ::::;Waving at Uni::::::::
       Dan Kuschner         | Meeting done, kaput, fini!
       Rosaleah <busy>      | <F6> <F6>  Uni
       Mysteria             | Hi Uni!  <F6>
       Ravenwhyte           | Awesome!! Hiya Uni! F7
       Ed <Busy>            | Best one we have had yet!
       Indigo <busy>        | Hi UNI <Waving happily>
       Chameleon<busy>:)    | <waving gratefully> needed this kind of a 
                            | meeting
       Milen                | By, Uni!
       Electra              | greetings, Uni <F6> <F7> <F6>
       Libra (busy)         | <--------------------A very happy Libra...