Dreamscape Town Meeting - August 6th, 2000

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Original article courtesy of the Virtual Planet newspaper.

Michael (Avaterra): I agree the ladies were more attractive than me...

Michael (Avaterra): but ... Hello anyway

Caretaker Rabbit: indeed

Michael (Avaterra): Robert is on his way in - should be here any second.

Michael (Avaterra): David has a family emergency and cannot come today, I posted his letter to the forums. (announcements from Avaterra section)

Michael (Avaterra): I'll explain in a few...

Michael (Avaterra): This is Robert.. for those who do not know him and do not

Michael (Avaterra): read the newspapers... let me introduce him to you briefly.

Robert (Avaterra): Huggs and thanks to those in the clouds

Michael (Avaterra): Robert is a former Caretaker of VZc and was a valet (acolyte) in Hotel Silicon a few years ago.

Michael (Avaterra): When Delilah left the company, we needed another manager to run the worlds - it is far far too much

Michael (Avaterra): work for just any world, and just imagine you'd only have to deal with me... how boring your life would have been.

Michael (Avaterra): Robert is the "other manager" now ... we are on a n equal level, which means

Michael (Avaterra): we are doing whatever there is to do. Robert is an expert when it comes to all technical matters, so from this

Michael (Avaterra): point on forward you will get more detailed explanation than my usual "will ask techs" line.

Michael (Avaterra): While we take care of all the worlds equally, we will focus on different projects.

Michael (Avaterra): Robert's baby is the new and long waited AdultWorld ....

Michael (Avaterra): My focus remains Dreamscape ....

Michael (Avaterra): VZc is playground of both of us ...

Michael (Avaterra): However, if one of us is not around and you need something that you think would fall into the

Michael (Avaterra): responsibility of one of us ... feel free to ask the "other manager".

Michael (Avaterra): Just do not ask Robert for stuff I declined, or vice versa, because we do talk with each other.

Michael (Avaterra): Robert, did I forget anything?

Robert (Avaterra): That about covers it.

Robert (Avaterra): Thanks Michael, and thanks to everyone in the cloud for the warm wishes as well as the welcome.

Robert (Avaterra): and the few that came to watch me get roasted

Caretaker Rabbit: dang forgot the fire

Caretaker Rabbit:

Acolyte Kashmir: knew I forgot something

Michael (Avaterra): Like I said a few minutes ago, David Andrews, cannot be with us today. He has sent

Michael (Avaterra): a letter to you. Let me put it in a macro for those of you that despite the forums.

Michael (Avaterra): Here we go:

Michael (Avaterra): (from David Andrews, CEO)

Michael (Avaterra): Dear Members,

Michael (Avaterra): Sorry I cannot be with you today. I have a family emergency that will keep me

Michael (Avaterra): AFK all day. However, I would like to give you an update and touch on some

Michael (Avaterra): upcoming events and changes.

Michael (Avaterra): As many members will know, we have made some recent changes to the inZone

Michael (Avaterra): management team. Robert and Michael are now managing the day to day

Michael (Avaterra): activities, and also the ongoing planning of our virtual worlds. Delilah was a

Michael (Avaterra): dedicated part of our team and we will miss her.

Michael (Avaterra): Both Michael and Robert have extensive experience, and are committed in making

Michael (Avaterra): our company more customer focused. They are currently planning and

Michael (Avaterra): implementing some new ideas that you will see soon.

Michael (Avaterra): Over the next weeks you will see some structural changes to both VZconnections

Michael (Avaterra): and Dreamscape. These changes will be in the form of the removal of some

Michael (Avaterra): unused or rarely used locales that increase the time it takes up to back up

Michael (Avaterra): our system, but are not visited by many members. However, we will be adding

Michael (Avaterra): some new areas that we expect to be of great interest.

Michael (Avaterra): they can express themselves more openly without the fear of offending anyone,

Michael (Avaterra): we are soon to launch a new adult oriented Zone. I’m sure many of you will

Michael (Avaterra): enjoy it.

Michael (Avaterra): I'm still plowing through the results from the surveys I conducted when we

Michael (Avaterra): were #3 on the Delphi Forums! The results are very interesting and I am

Michael (Avaterra): already starting to use them in our initial planning process. Thanks again for

Michael (Avaterra): all of your comments and suggestions.

Michael (Avaterra): That’s it for today. Again, sorry I can’t be with you today.

Michael (Avaterra): Speak with you soon, David.

Michael (Avaterra): SO, this was David's letter.

Michael (Avaterra): Kash... I think we are ready?

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager :: Version 1.02.3 ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Registered to Acolyte Kashmir

Acolyte Kashmir: Please send a $ to register for the meeting

Acolyte Kashmir: Starting new list -- Please register now...

Acolyte Kashmir: To register, ESP a $ to me, Acolyte Kashmir

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Acolyte Kashmir: Egyptian Goddess

Caretaker Rabbit: when Kash calls your name if you have them special characters please esp me

Caretaker Rabbit: so I can get you donw

Egyptian Goddess: hiya

Michael (Avaterra): Hi EG!

Egyptian Goddess: nice to see you Michael and meet you Robert

Michael (Avaterra): Heh - too bad my hands are full. ;)

Egyptian Goddess: I know guys, I was gonna

Egyptian Goddess: but he's holding something

Egyptian Goddess: Robert, I mean

Egyptian Goddess: lol Michael

Egyptian Goddess: got you last time

Robert (Avaterra): pockets are full

Egyptian Goddess: Michael, I was wondering when all the changes will be taking place in the vmart

Egyptian Goddess: since you're the one we have to pester about the Dreamscape

Egyptian Goddess: ok...I'll ask guys, hang on

Acolyte Kashmir: not sure he said pester specifically

Egyptian Goddess: also, ghosties are asking about the beach turfs and any new anime in vendos?

Egyptian Goddess: erm..I like to pester Michael

Michael (Avaterra): Actually, I meant to do this last week, but we had so much to organise,

Egyptian Goddess: it makes my day

Michael (Avaterra): so it dropped on the list. This week looks promising, though. One of

Caretaker gloree: looking frantically for something to hold

Michael (Avaterra): the things to look forward to is the release of the Arabian Nights furniture in Dreamscape.

Egyptian Goddess: ROFL

Egyptian Goddess: oh boy, finally

Egyptian Goddess: Ive been waiting for that furniture

Michael (Avaterra): anime art vendor ... talked with Robert about this last week, some of the previously

Michael (Avaterra): released anime objects will be back in a vendo.

Michael (Avaterra): And speaking of anime ... the current AvatarWares selection will be changed around the 15th,

Michael (Avaterra): so if there is something you really want and don't want to miss out, please place the

Michael (Avaterra): order within the next few days.

Michael (Avaterra): Oh, and we have a new pickup schedule, too. There are delivery times seven days a week now,

Michael (Avaterra): at different times, even.

Egyptian Goddess: and last one was the beach locales, I got white out on that question

Michael (Avaterra): Beach turfs -- no release date on these yet. Still pending.

Egyptian Goddess: ok ok, Im asking....hang on...lol

Michael (Avaterra): But definitely going to open.

Egyptian Goddess: Michael...I would just like to say...

Egyptian Goddess: I know I give you a hard time at times

Egyptian Goddess: but you're ok, well, most of the time

Acolyte Kashmir: understatement of the new century there

Egyptian Goddess: wouldn't be the same if I didn't pester him, you know

Michael (Avaterra): thank you. "you too".

Egyptian Goddess:

Egyptian Goddess: ok, Im done

Egyptian Goddess: take care

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Michael (Avaterra):

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Acolyte Kashmir: Alexandria

Alexandria: Hi

Alexandria: I was wondering when/if there was going to be another name reset... I missed the last one.

Michael (Avaterra): Hi there!

Michael (Avaterra): The last one was only a few months ago -- maybe in September or so?

Alexandria: My HD crashed.. so I missed it.

Alexandria: ok... Thanks

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Acolyte Kashmir: Guinevere

Guinevere: Hello all

Michael (Avaterra): Guys, we only have til 1:45 PM today ... just a warning in advance.

Michael (Avaterra): Hello!

Guinevere: ok guys we have talked about this before

Acolyte Kashmir: visual displays

Guinevere: when can we PLEASE get this body fixed?

Caretaker gloree: hiya Guin

Guinevere: thnaks all ESP's

Guinevere: I would show you my giving birth style if I had a bear with me

Caretaker gloree: wow .. big lag

Robert (Avaterra): I'll speak with Lambert and see if we can get the updated art for that avatar moved to DS.

Guinevere: this was fixed in the beta world

Robert (Avaterra): It was on another server located in Canada at the time.

Guinevere: ok

Robert (Avaterra): So the art has to be moved to the DS server.

Guinevere: great when??

Robert (Avaterra): I will see if it can be located and then moved, if so we will announce it.

Guinevere: oh and looking forward to all the changes

Guinevere: great thanks all

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Acolyte Kashmir: Lori

Lori: Hiyas everyone

Lori: Hugggz

Lori: rofl Ghostie

Lori: Ghostie wants to know if I will wedgie Michael

Lori: lol

Michael (Avaterra): Hello!

Michael (Avaterra): do not wedgie me!

Michael (Avaterra):

Lori: and if there is any rumor on crash vendo today

Lori: lol

Lori: hush ghosties

Acolyte Kashmir: y'all not see the pink last weekend?

Caretaker Rabbit: why do we want a vendo that will crash you?

Caretaker Rabbit:

Lori: My question....

Lori: lmao

Michael (Avaterra): Okay... that rumour is true, but not entirely correct. Let me explain ...

Lori: When will you be resuming the multi avi option again

Michael (Avaterra): crash vendo:

Lori: Welcome ghosties

Michael (Avaterra): We originally planned to release that today, but we are missing the art file

Michael (Avaterra): for something we would like to give all of you ... to make up for the giant crash in July.

Michael (Avaterra): So as soon as the art file is added to the DS database, you will get a special gift box with

Michael (Avaterra): the present and tokens.

Caretaker gloree: ears perked

Michael (Avaterra): Obviously it is something that has not been released to Dreamscape before.

Michael (Avaterra): And obviously we are not going to tell you

Lori: lol

Lori: so each avi can go to the vendo and get one?

Michael (Avaterra): Yes, one box for each avatar.

Lori: Great

Lori: and about the multi avi?

Lori: that made ghosties happy

Michael (Avaterra): so no, no more 579 crash lions for some of you!

Michael (Avaterra): We learn slowly ...

Michael (Avaterra): Multi avie ... Ange and Lindy from Member Support sent email and

Michael (Avaterra): said they are ready to resume enabling the multi avatar login for Dreamscape.

Michael (Avaterra): And the best news is, they have all requests still.

Michael (Avaterra): So, any day now. Probably as soon as this week ...

Michael (Avaterra): there are several hundreds of requests pending and it IS a lot of work.

Caretaker Rabbit: dem sysops always have things under control and are on da ole ball

Michael (Avaterra): so once this is done, I think we need to throw a party for Lindy and Ange.

Lori: Is it suppose to be available on all new accounts?

Lori: and we do appreciate it

Lori: Just looking forward to being inworld with RW hubby on the weekends when he goes to work

Robert (Avaterra): We hope to add 2 avatars to new accounts very soon.

Lori: Ghostie would like you to announce the addy to send the request in

Robert (Avaterra): It is one of many issues being worked out as we speak.

Acolyte Kashmir: support@avaterra.com

Lori: okies...dats it for me

Lori: Hugggz everyone

Lori: and thanks for your time

Lori: and Welcome to the family Robert

Michael (Avaterra):

Robert (Avaterra): Thank you

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Acolyte Kashmir: Sherri

Sherri: howdy

Michael (Avaterra): Hello!

Sherri: and hugggsss


Sherri: nice to meet you RObert and welcom to kymer

Robert (Avaterra): nice to meet you as well and thanks

Sherri: hmm, ok my first question was answered about the crash vendo...

Sherri: but you shoulda used fed-ex for my red book it got lost AGAIN


Michael (Avaterra): well, fed ex is expensive...

Michael (Avaterra): so we sent it via regular mail...

Michael (Avaterra): I think the ship sunk.

Sherri: but a crazy avi could have it now, muting everyone LOL

Acolyte Kashmir: Rabz already has his...

Acolyte Kashmir: oh nevermind

Caretaker Rabbit:

Michael (Avaterra): No, I think some fish is playing with it.

Sherri: ok I let others ask, hugggsss all

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Acolyte Kashmir: Zazu

Zazu: Hello

Michael (Avaterra): Hi Zazu!

Zazu: A question about the David Andrews letter

Zazu: some locales will be let go - makes sense.....

Michael (Avaterra): It referred mainly to VZconnections, where we started closing down some areas,

Zazu: I need to make a pitch about some to keep - shady tree and starway dinner for two

Michael (Avaterra): there are no such plans for DS at this time.

Zazu: So keep shady tree?

Michael (Avaterra): The DS structure does not really allow it to just close down areas, without hurting the "feel" of the world,

Michael (Avaterra): Yes, it will stay.

Zazu: Thanks

Michael (Avaterra):

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Acolyte Kashmir: Yummy

Yummy: Afternoon....

Michael (Avaterra): Hi Yummy!

Yummy: I have no complaints.... just wondering if Oracle Electra is still with us..Have not seen her in a while..

Caretaker Rabbit: frisk her she wants to paint me

Yummy: PINK ... HOT PINK


Acolyte Kashmir: newbie does the frisking

Michael (Avaterra): Yes, she is. I have not seen her today, though.

Yummy: No ONE would DARE frisk me

Yummy: I would like it

Acolyte Kashmir:

Caretaker Rabbit: E is still living out of hotel actually

Caretaker Rabbit: and has problems connecting

Yummy: ok.. ghosts want to know about future Quests...

Acolyte Kashmir: tin cans and dental floss

Caretaker Rabbit: Ill email her everyones hellos

Yummy: please do...

Yummy: thank you....

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Acolyte Kashmir: Squirlly Golden Knight

Michael (Avaterra): I can't answer the quest question ....

Michael (Avaterra): Gloree??

Squirlly Golden Knight: Greetings All, and Thanks. First I would Like to ask if there is a way to "push" turf rents ahead 14 days to make up for the time lost?

Michael (Avaterra): No, we cannot do it, not without too many risky changes. This is why the

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Acolyte Kashmir: Hollee

Michael (Avaterra): crash box will contain tokens.

Acolyte Kashmir: oops

Acolyte Kashmir: misclick

Squirlly Golden Knight: Second, Is it true there is a Fuzzie shortage and Rupurt got fatter during the crash?

Caretaker Rabbit: no comment

Caretaker Rabbit: but Rupeurt is not a kind nice dino

Squirlly Golden Knight: Third, Is this body getting fixed too??

Michael (Avaterra): Fuzzies are like those StarTrek things ... there is never a shortage

Caretaker Rabbit: look at the bones!

Squirlly Golden Knight: See I can't SPEAR her

Acolyte Kashmir: good thing for you

Michael (Avaterra): Tribbles. (thanks!(

Squirlly Golden Knight: Thanks

Michael (Avaterra): No, I don't think we have a corrected version of that body...

Michael (Avaterra): But we do have one of the medium female body.

Hollee: HUggggggggggs all

Hollee: I don't have a question, just wanted to say, Many of you don't know Robert,

Hollee: but Let me tell you this.

Michael (Avaterra): I know, females always get the favours.

Michael (Avaterra):

Hollee: I was in Old Hotel with this Handsome Devil and he worked his Tushy off for

Hollee: us all the time.

Hollee: We are lucky to have him here with and us, I know he will work just as hard

Hollee: for us here as he did there

Hollee: I know you have been here in DS a long time Robert, But Welcome and Thank You

Hollee: for being here for us all


Robert (Avaterra): Thank you, Hollee

Michael (Avaterra):

Hollee: TY

Michael (Avaterra): Robert is single, ghosties.

Hollee: You to Michael

Acolyte Kashmir: run for it Robert

Hollee: but he's a workaholic

Robert (Avaterra): LOL- M

Hollee: so forget it

Michael (Avaterra): Two male managers -- see, females have it better.

Hollee: TY

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Acolyte Kashmir: Shucks

Shucks: hello every 1 my question is about the adult site u spoke of, what will this cost and is it mac compatible

Robert (Avaterra): It should be around $19.95 and it will support the Mac client.

Shucks: and when will it be ready

Shucks: ??

Robert (Avaterra): about two weeks

Shucks: ok cool thxs for ur time

Robert (Avaterra): you're welcome

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Acolyte Kashmir: Winnie

Caretaker Rabbit: ut oh here comes trouble

Winnie: Greetings and {{{huggers}}} all

Michael (Avaterra): Hi Winnie.

Winnie: LOL Rabs

Winnie: Michael we wanted Rabs painted pink

Winnie: and Dae.....shaddap

Caretaker Rabbit: Dae says paint Winnie red

Winnie: don't listen to Dae LOL

Winnie: my question is...

Michael (Avaterra): Rabs is too powerful for a Pink Attack.

Winnie: LOL

Winnie: If you are considering another day to clear names is it possible to have another week of a 100% pawn?

Winnie: LOL Squirl

Michael (Avaterra): Yes, definitely.

Winnie: great

Winnie: still got alot of stuff to get rid of

Michael (Avaterra): We are even considering a permanent 100% pawn machine, but this is not a promise!!

Winnie: ohhhhhh that would be great if you could it

Caretaker Rabbit: figures after I pawned it all at 80%

Winnie: LOL Rabs

Winnie: ghostie asks if it it possible to maybe have name resets and 100% pawns every 3 months

Michael (Avaterra): Every three months is too frequent for the name resets... the pawn machine is easy to do and does

Michael (Avaterra): not require any extra effort... but name change resets can only be done manually.

Winnie: well maybe having a name change on the registry that only costs 1 price

Winnie: I know it's an effort to stop thieves and alts

Caretaker Rabbit: ya and if we slip during name resets we delete ya

Caretaker Rabbit: kidding

Winnie: but alot of us like to change names for holidays and such

Michael (Avaterra): would it help to have a lower max price for name changes?

Winnie: well it doubles every time

Michael (Avaterra): so that it would never be more than, say, 1000T regardless of

Michael (Avaterra): the amount of name changes?

Winnie: gets expensive after a while

Winnie: yes that would be good

Winnie: okies ghosties saying 1k too much

Michael (Avaterra): That is easy to do ... will talk with the DS CTs.

Michael (Avaterra): should be their decision.

Winnie: thanks

Winnie: one more from a ghostie

Acolyte Kashmir: see, now dontcha wish you were nice to Rabz?

Winnie: rumor is Adultworld that staff is only from VZ is this true and why?

Winnie: I'm nice to Rabs

Robert (Avaterra): at the moment that is true.

Winnie: hehe

Robert (Avaterra): I have not contacted DS staff as of yet.

Michael (Avaterra): Does not mean VZc staff is more perv...

Winnie: LOL

Caretaker Rabbit: DS staff is pure innocent

Caretaker Rabbit:

Caretaker gloree: yep,

Acolyte Kashmir: driven snow even

Winnie: Okies another ? is the same rule for DS and VZ apply that if you are staff in one you can't be in another?

Michael (Avaterra): We don't have an URL for the AdultWorld ... there will be an announcement before it opens.

Michael (Avaterra): No worries, no one will miss the opening.

Michael (Avaterra): wait... actually ...

Michael (Avaterra): we might have an URL

Michael (Avaterra): Robert, do we have an URL?

Michael (Avaterra):

Winnie: you said it's $19.95....will we get 2 avies and is there a free trial period?

Robert (Avaterra): http://www.seducity.com

Michael (Avaterra): Oh, look, an URL!

Robert (Avaterra): Look there for updates.

Robert (Avaterra): I'm open to suggestions about the account offerings at this time.

Winnie: Okies will check out the webpage

Robert (Avaterra): robert@avaterra.com

Winnie: thanks for all your answers

Winnie: {{{{huggers}}}}

Robert (Avaterra): you're welcome

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Acolyte Kashmir: Shawnee Chance 2

Caretaker gloree: now we have trouble

Caretaker gloree: oh no

Shawnee Chance 2: hi all

Michael (Avaterra): Hello!

Caretaker gloree: armed and dangerous

Shawnee Chance 2: this is basically from all us food collectors inworld

Shawnee Chance 2: when are we going to get regular food vendos?

Shawnee Chance 2: We have plenty of drinks in the vendos

Shawnee Chance 2: but no pizza, plate type food, or candy except for event weekends and holidays

Shawnee Chance 2: they have them in VConn

Shawnee Chance 2: using gloree as a shield

Caretaker gloree: gloree glad you are aiming in the other direction

Michael (Avaterra): I think the CTs are open for suggestions... if you have seen something

Michael (Avaterra): in VZc and would like to have it here too ... just send an email to your local CTs.

Caretaker gloree: oh getting esps already

Caretaker Rabbit: sure item IDs are always open

Shawnee Chance 2: thats you

Caretaker Rabbit: espmail us

Caretaker gloree: gotcha

Caretaker Rabbit: any of us

Acolyte Kashmir: espmail Rabbit

Acolyte Kashmir: its fun

Caretaker Rabbit: sure

Caretaker Rabbit: or items you see

Shawnee Chance 2: now since all ghosties requested it time to soak michaels feet

Caretaker Rabbit: we will badger Robert and M and get it

Acolyte Kashmir: can't watch

Caretaker Rabbit: but name suggetions too

Shawnee Chance 2: thanks

Shawnee Chance 2: have fun all

Caretaker gloree: byeeeeee

Caretaker Rabbit: bad Acolyte Twi

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Caretaker Rabbit:

Acolyte Kashmir: ToonArmy

Michael (Avaterra): Hi

ToonArmy: greets peeps

ToonArmy: Winnie

Caretaker gloree: toooooon

ToonArmy: Marry me Gloree

Caretaker gloree: no licking please

Caretaker gloree: lol

ToonArmy: okays im on good behaviour for once

Caretaker gloree: to whom?

Acolyte Kashmir: marry to to what?

ToonArmy: got a ghostie question

ToonArmy: is there any chance of having deco items such as waterfalls etc

[The world crashed at this point.]

[Entering Locale: Outside Temple of Morpheus]

:[Welcome back! You are returning as a ghost.]

SUMMER BREEZE: why cant DS be like VZ in pricing $10 an avatar?

Caretaker gloree: and I promised him tuna

Michael (Avaterra): Honestly ... I have been wondering lately, too. I think it is

Michael (Avaterra): worth looking into.

SUMMER BREEZE: well $10 an account

SUMMER BREEZE: my bro doesnt need 2 avies but yet has to pay for 2

Caretaker gloree: oh yay

Michael (Avaterra): Not for two avatars, though.

SUMMER BREEZE: right $10 per avatar

Michael (Avaterra): No promises .. but I'll see if there is any chance to get

Michael (Avaterra): 1 avatar accounts for half the price ... for DS.

SUMMER BREEZE: also when u make merchadise are u going to make DS stuff also or will it all be VZ?? cause i wont by VZ stuff lol

SUMMER BREEZE: but a nice DS sweatshirt would be nice

Michael (Avaterra): noted.

SUMMER BREEZE: ok thanks for listening

SUMMER BREEZE: huggsssssss

Michael (Avaterra):

Acolyte Kashmir: *** Kenn's Name List Manager ***

Acolyte Kashmir: Listing the top name in the list...

Acolyte Kashmir: -- The first name in the list is --

Acolyte Kashmir: GuardianOrchid


GuardianOrchid: I am wondering about getting better Aco prizes for games such as the ones like in VZConnections?

GuardianOrchid: but I do LOVE the panles

Michael (Avaterra): I have been hearing this a lot lately.... the VZc guide prizes are the same quite often,

Michael (Avaterra): they only change the colour, too.

GuardianOrchid: picnice baskets , pipes?

Michael (Avaterra): But I think the complaints are more about the kind of objects... not the colours.

GuardianOrchid: Thats what I mean

Caretaker Rabbit: we are always open to suggestions, granted we may not be able to do them but we will always listen

GuardianOrchid: okay thanks .. Have a great day all

Michael (Avaterra): Maybe if you all send your suggestions to Gloree and Jess...

Caretaker Rabbit: electra@avaterra.com

Caretaker gloree:

Caretaker Rabbit: or espmail Electra or any CT

Michael (Avaterra): or Electra

GuardianOrchid: {{gloree}

Caretaker gloree: here

Caretaker gloree: taking ntoes

Caretaker gloree: notes too

Acolyte Kashmir: well

Acolyte Kashmir: everyone else is still cussing global

Acolyte Kashmir: so end of list

Michael (Avaterra): When you send suggestions for new aco prize items, please

Michael (Avaterra): consider that they will not change monthly.... only the colours will.

Caretaker Rabbit: taking a break?

Caretaker gloree: gotcha Winnie

Caretaker Rabbit:

Robert (Avaterra): was watching the hour glass

Robert (Avaterra): its great fun

Caretaker Rabbit: ya me too

Robert (Avaterra): LOL

Caretaker gloree: lol

Caretaker Rabbit: I think Kash did it

Acolyte Kashmir: no

Acolyte Kashmir: its blame Spidey month

Caretaker Rabbit: one sec SummerBreeze had one more

Michael (Avaterra): I think we can do two more...

Caretaker Rabbit: can we do summer?

Caretaker Rabbit: she forgot one

Michael (Avaterra): sure

SUMMER BREEZE: oo fun again

Caretaker gloree:

SUMMER BREEZE: soowy i asking ?s that effect my pocket book lol

Caretaker Rabbit: mom is next

SUMMER BREEZE: why are the amnie items cost what they do??

Caretaker Rabbit: after DSUmmer

Caretaker Rabbit: ack


Michael (Avaterra): We have purchased the anime artwork for quite a bit of money .... this is

Michael (Avaterra): the reason why we cannot release these objects and heads to normal vendos .. it is not

Michael (Avaterra): our original artwork.

SUMMER BREEZE: ok as long as theres reasoning lol

Caretaker Rabbit: speaking of animi objects, many questions on euro and UK availablitly update

Michael (Avaterra): But we had lots of request for this kind of artwork, so it was

SUMMER BREEZE: thanks again hehe

SUMMER BREEZE: i never new it exsisted lol

Michael (Avaterra): decided to let the members (who are interested) have a chance to

SUMMER BREEZE: i need to get out more

Michael (Avaterra): buy some of this artwork.

SUMMER BREEZE: its cool stuff though

SUMMER BREEZE: gotta get a watergun ehe

Michael (Avaterra): Just couldn't do it for free... or we would have.


SUMMER BREEZE: the floor is urs mom

Mom Forever: Hi I would like to know if the Dreamscape clock can be reset more often? It is almost 7 minutes fast again, and it causes problems for starting times of games.

Michael (Avaterra): These items and objects will never be in vendos, so it is safe to buy them.

Michael (Avaterra): Oh, and I thought it was my clock!

Mom Forever: Hugs, everyone

Caretaker gloree: ahhhh

Michael (Avaterra): Um... it is something Robert can answer better

Caretaker gloree: huggggs

Mom Forever: Robert?

Mom Forever: Can it be reset easily? My little program only takes about 15 secs.

Mom Forever: Was freeware.

Michael (Avaterra): Probably ESP coma...

Caretaker gloree: I somehow get the feeling he is looking at that hour glass again

Mom Forever: yes, I think so

Michael (Avaterra): Oky, the clock ... we can send email to Lambert and ask him to

Michael (Avaterra): kick the server.

Michael (Avaterra): softly... so that it doesn't crash again.

Mom Forever: My vacation was great, folks. I recommend Norway!

Caretaker gloree: lol

Michael (Avaterra): and adjust the clock.

Mom Forever: Thanks, Michael. and everyone

Acolyte Kashmir: my gremlin Lambert

Michael (Avaterra): seven minutes is a bit much.

Robert (Avaterra): sorry Yes, I will add that to the tech to do list.

Mom Forever: Bye

Caretaker gloree: Is there time for a question I have?

Caretaker gloree: Just want to know what the chances are that

Caretaker gloree: we can be given guidelines or instructions for submitting art

Robert (Avaterra): right now it won't be possible but maybe in the near future.

Caretaker gloree: cool, hope so

Caretaker Rabbit: one last question please

Michael (Avaterra): We got some interesting stuff from a member,

Acolyte Kashmir: well

Caretaker Rabbit: many have asked about an update on purchasing anime objects

Caretaker Rabbit: in UK and Euro

Michael (Avaterra): so we are definitely looking into ways to allow everyone to submit art,m

Acolyte Kashmir: summer wants to know who Robert is

Michael (Avaterra): but like Robert said... not right now.

Michael (Avaterra): Robert is "the other manager".

Robert (Avaterra): LOL

Michael (Avaterra): dies not mean he is different ...

Caretaker Rabbit: the red dude

Michael (Avaterra): he is just human.

Caretaker Rabbit: to my left

Acolyte Kashmir: sorta like

Acolyte Kashmir: the other white meat

Acolyte Kashmir: so

Caretaker gloree: lol

Acolyte Kashmir: Robert is pork

Caretaker Rabbit: not an animal

Caretaker Rabbit:

Michael (Avaterra): well, actually, he's more of an animal than me.

Caretaker Rabbit: like M

Caretaker Rabbit: or me

Caretaker Rabbit: dang hoooomans

Acolyte Kashmir: I am gonna be pink for a long time

Robert (Avaterra): I know TL but I have to be good.

Robert (Avaterra): So no comment

Acolyte Kashmir: ghosties really want me in trouble

Michael (Avaterra): So, folks... another meeting is calling. Thanks everyone for coming. The

Caretaker Rabbit: actualy now that I think of it.....

Caretaker Rabbit: Robert is a dog

Acolyte Kashmir: woof

Michael (Avaterra): next DS meeting takes place next Saturday, noon PT.

Caretaker Rabbit: and this time he can not deny it

Michael (Avaterra): same place

Caretaker Rabbit:

Robert (Avaterra): nah not me

Michael (Avaterra): If you need anything in the meantime, please feel free to ask the CTs, or

Michael (Avaterra): send an email to us --- robert@avaterra.com and michael@avaterra.com.

Michael (Avaterra): The acolyte application form is back up ...

Caretaker Rabbit: doesnt mean we'll give it to you but we'll listen and pass it on

Caretaker Rabbit: so dont be asking me for tut heads

Caretaker Rabbit:

Michael (Avaterra): www.vzmembers.com/applications/

Caretaker Rabbit: lol EG

Michael (Avaterra): Keep an eye on the newspapers for announcements and such.

Robert (Avaterra): Also, We should be able to take international orders for avatarwares this week.

Caretaker Rabbit: lol EG

Caretaker gloree: oh hurrrray

Caretaker Rabbit: no Nef heads

Michael (Avaterra): OK...

Michael (Avaterra): I'll see you next week, if not before.

Caretaker Rabbit: lol

Caretaker Rabbit: you ghosties

Caretaker gloree: thanks Michael, Robert

Michael (Avaterra): Ciao!

Caretaker gloree: byeee

Caretaker Rabbit: thanks M and R

Robert (Avaterra): Thanks for coming everyone