EC Habitats Job Listings
Job listings for Electric Communities were shared in newsgroups on USENET. Using these job listings, you can view the timeline of how the project was staffed and some of the requirements those roles would’ve had. They are an interesting set of historical artefacts to browse through.
April 30th, 1996 -
F. Randall Farmer Apr 30, 1996, 2:00:00 AM to Keywords: HABITAT ONLINE VIRTUAL WORLDS JAVA E DISTRIBUTED INTERNET OBJECTS ENTERTAINMENT MULTIPLAYER GAMES Attention internet, online, multimedia, games, and Java professionals: Electric Communities (, based in Cupertino California, was founded by the worlds leading developers of 'habitats' (graphical online worlds.) We have positions available for immediate employment and/or contract to work on our next generation of distributed online worlds (and supporting technologies.) DISTRIBUTED OOP/JAVA PROGRAMMER Design, program, and create virtual world objects in a new distributed object environment based on 'E' ( 'E' extends Sun's Java, adding the important communications, performance, and security features to build fully distributed applications. Ideal candidate has a background in Java, and three (3) years in distributed OOP and capability-based programming in C++. Solaris experience required. Win95 experience a plus. Experience with OOP-based multiplayer net/online gaming a plus. Salaried position. Principals only. Please include salary history and references. Qualified applicants only. Compensation commensurate with experience. For quickest response, please send email to Or FAX your resume attn.: F. Randall Farmer at 408.777.9200 F. Randall Farmer, GCM/CC$ d- s++:++ a C++@$ UBS++@$ P+ L VP Services E- W++$ N- K w+(---) O- M+$ V? PS+ PE++ Electric Communities Y++PGP+ t++ 5++ X R+++* tv+ b+ DI++++ D G e+ h---- r+++ y++++