Habitat Emails

From Reno Project
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These are logs/diary entries which were taken from Chip Morningstars Habitat Archives.

July 1985

July 18th

Taken from worldComments.

From dragon Thu Jul 18 17:13:15 1985
Subject: microworld
(no, not a serious name suggestion)

An idea, though...  In addition to avatars (which might have different modes
of seeing/moving/etc), one might have tools in the other world, such as
binoculars (or a telescope, lacking 3-D capability).  Perhaps the normal view
would be as in Rescue, Eidolon or Koronis Rift, about 90 degrees and not very
far away.  A telescopic view would present about the same amount of detail,
but distribute it differently so that one could see a long distance in a very
narrow cone (say 10 degrees).

Objects and terrain could have several additional non-visual dimensions of
information, such as temperature, reflectivity and metallic content.  Thus,
different modes of "seeing" might give entirely different views from the same
terrain.  Electromagnetic scanners, such as radar, would show a metallic
object as being substantially brighter than a non-metallic one, for instance.
Infrared would show lakes as dark spots, and volcanoes, hot springs or
subterranean nuclear power stations as brighter highlights.

We should also be careful not to rule out non-human modes of vision (and other
sensory apparatus).  Many non-human or semi-human races in D&D have
infravision, for example, and would see in the infrared spectrum as well
underground as a normal human might above ground.

In True Names, one of the characters takes off (from the high mountain
[satellite] meeting place) as an eagle.  This might be represented on a home
computer as a flight simulator with a very narrow field of view, and different
(but not unrealistic) flight dynamics.  The narrow field graphics might
provide a certain amount of disorientation, until one "got used to the form",
so to speak.

Just an idea...

October 1985

October 30th

Taken from definition.

From chip Wed Oct 30 13:38:14 1985
Received: by kessel; 30 OCT 85 13:38:14 PST
From: chip (Chip Morningstar -- "Software Without Moving Parts")
To: chip, rlc, sda
Subject: Definition of "system manager's package"
Status: RO

As we discussed, for section 1-"Definitions" paragraph H:

The term "system manager's package" shall refer to the software developed by
Quantum under this Agreement which shall reside in the Q-Link host computer
system to permit Q-Link operations personnel to make such additions, deletions
and modifications to the host database as are needed for day-to-day operation
of the system.

December 1985

December 11th

Taken from maillog.

From chip Wed Dec 11 22:08:40 1985
Received: by kessel; 11 DEC 85 22:08:40 PST
From: chip (Chip Morningstar -- "Software Without Moving Parts")
To: aric, chip, farmer
Subject: Minimum object set
Status: R

I have just finished my magnum opus of the week, a very very rough first pass
at a specification document for the minimum object set.  I have copies for
each of you at my desk and I'd like your feedback.  Remind me to give you each
a copy when I come in on Thursday.

December 12th

Taken from maillog.

From chip Thu Dec 12 14:18:59 1985
Received: by kessel; 12 DEC 85 14:18:59 PST
From: chip (Chip Morningstar -- "Software Without Moving Parts")
To: sda
Cc: chip
Subject: Just talked to Marc Seriff
Status: RO

Next week is too crazy for them to contemplate doing anything.
We are tentatively planning a meeting after the holidays, with them
flying out the afternoon/evening of Monday, Jan. 6, meeting on Tuesday and
possibly also Wednesday morning, and departing Wednesday afternoon.  This
should be plenty of time to cover the stuff we need to cover.  I plan this
to be strictly a technical working session, so he won't bring Steve Case
with him (unless you want to arrange otherwise -- I'd prefer to keep it
focused on technical issues if possible thought).  He is going to make the
travel arrangements.  He'd like us to make hotel reservations for him
based on our superior knowledge of the local hostelry.  I will get Mary
to work on that.

He's also going to put the C64 communications code on the system tonight
for us to download, with documentation sent by Federal Express tomorrow.
I'll set Randy to snarfing that stuff and starting to work with it.

May 1986

May 14th

Taken from demo.aric.t.

From aric Wed May 14 10:03:13 1986
Subject: CES presentation
	Randy and I talked yesterday about ideas for the CES presentation.
Following are some of the ideas that came out of that discussion...

Purpose of demonstration:

	Show off avatars (variety, capabilities)
	Show off objects (variety, portability, containership...)
	Show off Regions (variety)
	Show off Telecommunications (multiple players, shared host)
	Show off potential for game play

Possible demonstration:

	Begin with avatar at home...

Scene:	Inside of avatar home. Surroundings include; fishtank,
	answering machine, avatar, chair, window.  Answering machine
	is blinking indicating that it has a message.

Action:	Avatar can move things around the house and then later moves to
	answering machine and gets message that FRIENDX is coming over.
	Moments later, doorbell rings and FRIENDX arrives.
	Conversation follows regarding visit to...fountain, park, atm, arcade.
	Avatars decide to travel to arcade.
	Avatars leave house via front door.

Scene:	Front of house.  Surroundings include home, Sun, trees, mailbox.  Flag
	is up on mailbox.

Action:	Avatar opens mailbox and retrieves letter.  Avatar can read contents
	if desired.  Flag lowers on mailbox.
	Avatar realizes that he has no cash, and requests that they stop at
	atm on the way to the arcade.

Scene:	Next region over.  Contains convenient teleport booth, fire hydrant,

Action:	Avatars walk to teleport booth and ZAP tm. to side of bank. (we could
	set destination choice with function keys to get us to any region

Scene:	Outside of Bank.  Brick wall in back and ATM attached to wall.

Action	Avatar performs correct mumbo jumbo and Tokens arrive.  Avatars are
	now ready to go to the arcade.

Scene:	Park.  Lots of trees and bushes

Action:	Walk through

Scene:	Arcade.	Contains targets and guns

Action:	Shoot targets together, for points, sound effects.

Scene:	Outside of Cave.  Dark entrance with stonework around edge.

Action:	Decision as to whether to travel inside.

Scene:	Inside of Cave.  Dark background with Rocks on floor and stalagtites
	hanging from roof.  A locked treasure chest lies on the floor here.

Action:	Use target gun to shoot Rocks, Stalagtite, Treasure chest.  When
	the chest is opened (there should also be a key around somewhere)
	a gem will be found inside.  Avatars should decide who gets the gem.

	This is a preliminary layout for a possible demonstration, but many
new objects need to be added in order to give us a larger range of possible
actions.  I think that using a scripting system in important in order to
view all of the possible variations that we can present.


July 1986

July 28th

Taken from nameflame.

From farmer Mon Jul 28 08:08:15 1986
Subject: Names
On Habitat namespace:
A Real Problem.... What if I want to play a female Habitat character & My
login is distinctly male (The ID function will tell others this).  Before
Qlink says 'But you can use on of your OTHER Qlink IDs', My wife and two kids
use this disk also (have qlink IDs)... You see? Qlink IDspace is almost all
used up! I think this could have a NEGATIVE IMPACT ON REVENUES! Hey, If I
can't play the character I want on Habitat, why play?  Also, have you ever
played a FRP? Naming is an IMPORTANT thing....  I would NOT want my wisard
named 'BOB76'... 
This is NOT just a philisophical issue with me, it IS gameplay.
Expample: in my adventure, If I choose to dress up like a character/monster...
	I don't want the adventurers to be able to identify me as 'FARMER1'.
	'Hey, MARY56, The dragon's real name is FARMER1.Send him some Mail!'
Example2: MARY44 wants to play a male
	BOB56 enters: 'Hi, who are you?'
	MARY44: 'Ramses II!'
	BOB56 : 'Lets go chase some chics!'
	MARY44: 'sure!' (heh heh, sounds like fun, right??'
	SUSYQ9: Id's MARY44 (who really cares why?)
	MARY44: "whyed you do that?"
	SUSYq9: 'BOB56, your friend is really a girl!'
	BOB56 feels betrayed
	SUSYq9 has upset MARY44
	all involved probably feel that much less like playing Habitat.
	Just because of namespace, the game is HAMPERED...
	YOU CAN'T DO WHAT YOU WANT! is the message!
	Why does QLINK want to hamper our game??
	Why remove a gameplay element?
	Techical concerns? Thats what Steve Case says..we can debunk this.
	Record-Keeping? bunk. EVEN IF this WAS a problem, there IS a solution.
		(As far as I know, they've never even thought this out)
	Politics? Uncomfort? I feel these are the real seasons...
	They have a naming convention that is inferior to ours and they want
	to force it on OUR universe....
	Lo, and here is my mighty knight BOB77! Give me a break.
	We all lose. Game Over.
	Why has QLINK been so opposed to doing things right in the 1st place?
	(I can go down a list of several examples of requests we have made
	 for stuff that have gone NOWHERE....)

September 1986

September 5th

Taken from statusReport.Sept5.

From chip Fri Sep  5 22:30:06 1986
Received: by moth; 05 SEP 86 22:30:06 PDT
From: chip (Chip Morningstar -- "Software Without Moving Parts")
To: sda
Cc: chip
Subject: Status report
Status: R

We had the interview with the Japanese TV folk.  It went well, I think, though
they were pretty loose in their shooting, so I'm not sure what the result will
look like.  (In general the Japanese media seems to prefer to produce a lot of
material quickly and with less polish, whereas their American counterparts are
more conscious of style and produce a smaller volume of more carefully crafted
stuff -- I've noticed this about the Japanese magazines and the TV people
seemed the same way.  Comparative sociology at work!)

Randy got a call from Janet early this morning, just before she disappeared
off to wherever she's going.  She said that she was finally able to login to
our system (she'd been having problems yesterday) and transfer the stuff over
that we wanted them to have (more regions for Populopolis and the data tables
for the memory capacity handler).  (I asked her to leave me a message on their
system telling me where all the material relating to this component is so that
I can work on it myself if necessary.  She does not appear to have done this.)

Randy mentioned to Janet that we had been thinking about a scheme to allow
more objects to occupy memory at the same time by selectively not loading
their imagery and behavior code under certain circumstances (this is the thing
we mentioned to you Thursday) but that it would cost a week or two to
implement.  In spite of the inherent delay, she was intrigued.  Randy suspects
he knows what he's going to be doing next week.

She called back a short while later, said she had talked to Marc, and that he
was entertaining the notion of delaying beta to put this in, and that you and
I should call him to discuss it!  Unfortunately, you weren't here.

I could have called him on my own, but I felt very strongly that I should
consult with you before undertaking discussion of this with Quantum, since it
seems rather drastic, possibly threatening getting the product out for
Christmas -- frankly I felt that I would be a little over my head to call Marc
on my own and start discussing this, since I am unclear, in particular, on the
specifics of the timing constraints we are under.

In other words, I didn't call Marc back and take it up with him by myself
because you weren't here and I was afraid to make any kind of commitments one
way or the other on my own initiative.  This may have been a mistake, since it
*is* Friday (thus the decision gets delayed over the weekend instead of just
overnight), but I suspect not, since Randy won't really be able to begin work
on the thing in earnest until Monday anyhow.  Nevertheless, you and I need to
talk about this ASAP, then contact Marc.  I will be in the office Saturday
afternoon for sure and either Saturday evening or Sunday afternoon also
(probably both...).
From chip Fri Sep  5 23:04:13 1986
Received: by moth; 05 SEP 86 23:04:13 PDT
From: chip (Chip Morningstar -- "Software Without Moving Parts")
To: sda
Cc: chip
Subject: Status report addenda
Status: R

One thing I forgot to include in the previous message:

I met this morning with Jamie Williams.  I gave her the latest draft of the
manual to look over, and told her the things that I thought needed adding that
I'd like to have her work on.  I also asked her to proof the thing for
stylistic consistency, since I have rewritten large chunks of it in the time
between when she last worked on it and now.  I want to make sure that the
clear and direct style which she adopted is also reflected in the parts I have
added or substantially changed.

I showed her the promo tape (do we have a name for that thing, by the way?)
and gave her a live demo of the system.

We then talked about the press conference and about the sort of
demonstration/presentation I should be giving and how it should be structured
to cover the items on the agenda that I am supposed to talk about (suitably
modified by our own idea of appropriateness by adding some things to and
removing one or two things from the list that Quantum sent us).  We roughed
out a basic demo structure which she is going to take as a starting point.  I
also gave her copies of the "Funativity" and "Machiavelli" documents to give
her some general idea of the various kinds of activities we are thinking of
having in Habitat, beyond the rather vague notion of "adventuring".

She is going to work on these things and send (by messenger service) the
manual revisions and a first draft demo/presentation on Monday or Tuesday.
I'll give her feedback by phone (she has some job she has to be at those days)
and she'll then work on whatever adjustments to the presentation we deem
necessary.  She will come back in person on Wednesday or Thursday to start
finalizing the presentation.

It all looks good to me.  Jamie's a real pro.

I had gotten the feeling from our earlier conversations that you had some
things that *you* wanted her to work on for the press conference also, but I
had no idea what, if anything, these might be, so we obviously didn't cover
them.  If I am mistaken, great.  If not, you'd best contact her.

By the way, did you notice that the proposed press conference agenda that
Quantum sent us allocates 5 minutes for our 8 minute tape?

Oh, also:  I got a call today from Rob Fulop.  He wants to come up and visit
us Tuesday.  He's interested in various things, including mutual support
developing software for Quantum, development tools for 6502 machines, and of
course various Habitat tie-in things (creative and/or technological).  I think
he will contact you directly to arrange something official.

September 10th

Taken from mailarchive.

From chip Wed Sep 10 15:04:50 1986
Received: by moth; 10 SEP 86 15:04:50 PDT
From: chip (Chip Morningstar -- "Software Without Moving Parts")
To: sda
Cc: chip
Subject: Re:  status of planning
Status: RO

I spoke with Marc and Anne right after lunch.  Got my questions answered ok
and went over my current setup plan with them.  We agree on most everything.

Marc wants to stress to the demonstrators what they are allowed to do rather
than what they are not allowed to do -- i.e., prescribe rather than proscribe.
I will be changing the tone of the plan document a little bit to reflect this

Physical setup is as we expected, 8 stations grouped into 4 pairs.  Anne says
they can put the 2 pairs that are out on the dance floor back-to-back but that
this will be problem for the other two stations.  I suggested that we should
have a Stratus terminal or a voice line to Virginia in a back room somewhere.
Anne said this was a problem because we only have 8 phone lines, which had to
be set up special.  Marc, however, saw the value in this suggestion and
recommends that we keep one of demo stations near a curtain where we can pull
it down and use its phone line to call Virginia if we have to.

They are planning on having 4 people online from Virginia, not the 8 that I
had guessed, though Marc said they could add more if we wanted them to.  It's
no big deal to me (my choice of 8 was arbitrary) so we are going to plan on
the basis of 4.  One of the 4 will be Ken Huntsman, who will be standing by in
Virginia as the experienced hand in case of problems.

Anne stressed that their years of experience giving demos has taught them to
expect glitches and crashes due to telephone problems, so we should just be
cool and not worry too much if something dies -- we should just be prepared to
drop back and restart.

They agreed that they are responsible for technical logistics but that we are
responsible for the content of the demo.

September 11th

Taken from burmashave.

From nf Thu Sep 11 20:47:55 1986
Received: from shem by moth; 11 SEP 86 20:47:55 PDT
From: nf (Noah Falstein -  Boat specialist, Arks to Patrol Hydrofoils)
To: chip
Cc: farmer
Received: by shem; 11 SEP 86 20:47:55 PDT
Subject: Burma Shave
Status: RO

	This is what I sent to Aric:
Henry the Avatar / Six wives he weds / Divorcing them all / But keeping
their heads /   Habitat

Heads in a suitcase / Heads on a chair / Still he persists / "I've got
nothing to wear!"  /   Habitat

She rests in the sun / She plays in the surf / But all things considered /
There's no place like Turf  /   Habitat

This way / That way / all around town / these teleport fees / are getting me
down!  /  Habitat

Repaint your torso  /  Take off your head /  If this were Kansas /  Then
you would be dead!  /  Habitat

He's got a vampire's head  / He's got King Tut's  / If this isn't Habitat /
I must be nuts! /  Habitat

Head of a dragon /  Head of a duck /  If this isn't Habitat / I'm out of
luck /   Habitat

There once was an avatar / Named Ferderous Snodd / His dog is named Fido /
Now isn't that odd? /  Habitat

You talk in balloons /  You use ESP  /  Isn't it great  / Just how strange
this can be! /  Habitat

Some guns are muderous / Some are quite tame / It helps to remember /
It's only a game /  Habitat

Identification / Can be indiscreet / If the guy you identify / Stomps
on your feet!  /  Habitat

Although personal movements / Have quite a wide range / Have you ever
noticed / You walk kind of strange? /  Habitat

Thousands of Avatars / Inhabit the realms / All talking at once? / The
thought overwhelms! /  Habitat

Crowding a public place / Can be rather rude / If it happened to you /
Then you'd really be / In trouble /  Habitat

September 29th

Taken from mailarchive.

From chip Mon Sep 29 17:17:42 1986
Received: from moth by kessel; 29 SEP 86 17:17:42 PDT
From: chip (Chip Morningstar -- "Software Without Moving Parts")
To: sda
Cc: aric, farmer
Received: by moth; 29 SEP 86 17:17:45 PDT
Subject: OK, here's the plan

The Habitat gang all got together today and spent a few hours discussing
world development and so on.  Here's what we worked out:

We are going on the expectation that I am going to continue to be preoccupied
with design and concept work for the next phases of the project, if there are
to be any, and that I will also be responsible for overseeing the Beta-test
(the assumption being that the Beta test will result in sudden, massive
feedback that will require some action on our part).  This means that the work
of world generation is going to fall primarily to Randy and Aric, though I
will supervise.  On the basis of these assumptions, came up with the following
division of task responsibilities for the next couple of weeks:

Randy --
Install materials for D'nalsi Island treasure hunt (books, clues, wizard's
house furnishings, etc.).
Implement "Quest for the Jewelled Horn of the Green Bleem" (an ongoing
treasure hunt based on Hal Barwood's revolving-owner artifact idea).
Set up a stock-market game.
Set up a capture-the-flag game.
Set up a road-rally game.

Aric --
Develop King Game into a complete entity (possibly based on "Chicago Kingpin",
at his option).
Add new regions to Populopolis and polish what's already there.  In
particular, add back alley, library (library is needed for D'nalsi
Island adventure, among other things), and theater.
Finish the Road Through The Woods realm.
Install Burma Shave signs.
Set up an Assassin game.
Create one new adventure/game of his own devising.

Chip --
Provide host software support for above projects, as needed.
Work on concept development and planning for extensions/follow-on projects/
support tools.
Update and finish manual.
Develop operations plans.
Oversee Beta-test.

November 1986

November 5th

Taken from qmeeting.t.

From sda Wed Nov  5 08:23:16 1986
Received: from kessel by moth; 05 NOV 86 08:23:16 PST
From: sda (Steve Arnold - Games Division)
To: aric, chip, farmer, nancy
Received: by kessel; 05 NOV 86 08:23:11 PST
Subject: Habitat meetings at Quantum, 11/3
Status: R

Here is a summary of our conversations:

1.  In addition to the elevator, we need to specify other objects that will
be part of the field update test.  What else will be installed and/or deleted?

2.  Quantum does not want to buy a C compiler.  Marc does not think it is
necessary.  He sees our trying to require such a thing as engineering

3.  We need to define the Basic Turf Set to facilitate the clearing of
inactive users.  What is in the default Turf Environment?

4.  We agreed to turn all logged out users to ghosts for the time being,
rather than leave them turned to stone.  We need to revise the manual
accordingly.  This is subject to change (easily) during beta test.

5.  Several issues about the Oracle and/or Mail:

	a.  How do answers get to users?  In the Mail system?  Do you have
to go home to your Turf to get your response?

	b.  Can you use ESP from the Oracle?

	c.  Can we make a special login-in disk that allows a player to
login as a particular incarnation of the Oracle, for real-time Oracle

	d.  Can we make a mailbox in someone's pocket?  (Quantum believes
that Turfs are not going to be used much at all.... that since there is
virtually nothing you can do there, once people leave they will rarely come
back, except maybe to store things.  Therefore, it is cumbersome and counter
to the design intent to make them go back just to get the mail....).  Can we
make a "book of letters" in someone's pocket, where mail gets delivered to?

6.  The Avatar Directory, if it exists, should probably not be an object you
carry, but rather something in a particular location.  Perhaps they exist at
TelePort booths?  In any case, this is a low priority at this point, and we
should not worry about it overmuch.  We will defer a decision until later.
Maybe a "Who's Who" of Avatars in the Hall of Records?

7.  Tom Canaday is going to the Habitat SysOp.

8.  QL has finished the Oracle software, but is unsure about the powers of
the Oracle.  There is currently no way for an Oracle to affect an avatar
(like give him/her a Goathead....  They need specification on this.

9.  Janet says she has said to us that GHU is clearly not acceptable as it
currently is proposed, because the powers are too pervasive.  We need to
define and specify!  What can the Oracle do?  (The fact that she had said
that was news to me.  Does anyone know about this?)

10.  Regarding Avatar death:  What happens when people die?  Since we don't
have exit interviews at the moment, do they just go back to PC?  Are they
sent to their Turf?  This is an important design decision.  Also, apparently
due to the existence of ghosting, it is likely no one will ever die?  You
can always "go ghost" when you are in a threatening situation?  QL reports
that there are virtually no guns in the world now anyway.  Is this being
fixed?  We need to specify death and exit interviews.

11.  There seems to be a problem with the revised downtown.  First,
apparently they did not know we were undertaking such a massive revision.
Did we tell them?  Also, Janet reports some difficulty in uploading part of
a region, or a region revision where you are supposed to keep some stuff,
and replace some other stuff.

12.  The question was raised as to whether we had over-designed the existing
Turfs.  (Apparently there are some that don't work right because there is
too much stuff, or foregrounds and backgrounds are set up right.... Do we
know about this?)  Do we need to replace all the existing Turfs with a
simpler model?

13.  The RANT:  Marc wonders if we and they have a completely different idea
of what it is.  Marc says it can't be a long, linear, text thing in Habitat.
You can have such a thing in the Just For Fun listing of the Rant, but due
to text transmission problems and heirarchical menu problems, the Rant in
the world will be nothing more than a page of one-liners.  Does this match
what we are thinking?  (Apparently not....)  Can we make the Rant a
container, and use the contents as objects?  Or can we change the user
interface on the book object to allow for menu-level inquiry, so that people
can select from a table of contents?  If the Rant is expected to be dynamic,
then it should be delivered to pockets as an object.  If it is dynamic, they
people only buy it once.  If it is not, then we have a huge garbage
collection problem for all the old Rants....

14.  We have discussed a "world status" screen that greets everyone each
time they log in.... telling them what's new in the world, and other
essential information.  I thought we had agreed to do this.  Janet had
apparently not heard of such a thing.  We need to clear this up.

15.  There are too few ATM's, too few pieces of paper, and too few
mailboxes, according to QL reports.  Mail seems to be a big problem for
them.  The don't think it is useful.  (This is partly a design issue--they
see the essential design elements of Habitat to be communication between
people.  They think we are designing unneccessary limits on communication
into the world, and that may cause us big problems.  Use of mail and paper
are examples.  They think that finding and sending mail are sufficiently
cumbersome as to be almost useless in game play.)

16.  The Head shop is still blocked up.  No one knows how bad it will be
when we actually get it running.  Do we know why it is not working now?

17.  Regarding Coming Attractions:  They need to know what is required for
each of the items on the Coming Attractions document.  Every time we say
"special programming required," they need to know who is going to do it, and
by when....  They question whether some of that stuff is needed for beta,
because some of it is so new to them....

18.  Regarding Adventure Master powers.  We need some special doors that
only Adventure Masters can enter, to allow us to limit access to certain

19.  There is need to clarify how objects are cloned or copied, both for
vendos and for adventures that are object-based.  For example, if someone
finds a clue to an adventure, does it get replaced for someone else, or is
it only one person's game?

20.  Home decoration, jukeboxes, and keys were elements that there seemed to
be confusion about.  We should make sure the organizations have the same

21.  The intelligent counter in the Pawnshop apparently does not work.  When
will it?

22.  Theatres vs. Auditorium.  They seemed surprised by all of our
theatre-based additions.  Marc pointed out that we can't have any
interactions with the audience using the current ghost system, so we can do
auditorium functions.  I told them I thought that what you were thinking was
more theatre-like.  People could watch, but were not expected to actively
participate.  Queueing people to appear in person on a game show or talk
show needs to be addressed however.

23.  Where does the Arcade fit?  This was another "surprise" to them.  When
will it work?  What will it do?  What about the Stock Exchange?  When will
it work?  What kinds of books are in the Library?  Who is doing the book
management program (or whatever)?

24.  They need specifics on the functioning of City Hall.  Who is doing it,
by when?  Is it a beta function?  Who runs scheduling to rent a storefront?

25.  Marc reports apparently major crashes of the C-64, with screen garbage,
during the last weekend test.  This he says indicates problem with C-64, not
with host.  (This is probably old news, but I am reporting because we
discussed it.)  Janet says we don't have enough (any?) error messages, that
they have complained about this before, and we have said we can't do it.
Therefore, the user does not know what is going on when it crashes.  Marc
said he had to re-boot four times in thirty minutes.

26.  Marc says we should have a rental dataline monitor to see if we are
sending garbage out.  I have never heard of such a thing.  Do we need it?

27.  Janet says she thinks the easiest way to get capacity handling fixed is
for Chip to write it, rather than for Chip to try to explain it to her.  She
is at this point suspicious of how much time it will take to explain and
re-explain and de-bug it if she does it.  Has this been discussed?

Summary:  They think the project is sufficiently far from release-state that
February is the earliest we could be done, and that is if everything goes
right (which it never has to this point).  They are concerned that there are
big areas of unknowns, that we won't discover until we get the thing
working, and that some big re-design may be possible.  For instance, they
think that if we can't get the region transition thing speeded up, we will
have a significant game play problem.  

The communication channel from now on is going to be with Cathy Anderson on
their side, and Nancy on our side.  That of course does not substitute for
direct technical discussions between any of us and Janet, Marc, or whomever
regarding development and debugging.  But the design discussions need to be
focused on Cathy.  Communication is essential.  There are too many
ambiguities to ensure that we are using our time efficiently at this point.

Please review this and then let's discuss anything that is not clear and/or

November 7th

Taken from nancymemo.

Date:  November 7, 1986
To:  Cathy Anderson
>From:  Nancy Mohler

Here is today's updated Habitat Task List, including time to complete tasks,
target completions, categorization of beta prerequisites, and the requested
change to the Effects column.  Implementation time for remaining tasks will
be determined with Janet's input.  Beta software submission is expected 11/24.
The public release schedule will be determined next week.

Recapping the status conference call today:
  1. Resolved to limit the Rant to a condensed version in a Habitat book and
     put bulk of text in tree-structure outside.
  2. Protocol bug estimated to be 95% fixed, with update made available this
  3. Delivery date for the user version (beta testers) map TBD by LFL ASAP.
  4. Open issue for discussion is how the home vendo will be used.
  5. Tabled until Monday how to make mail more accessible.  LFL to prepare
     alternative proposal.
  6. Agreed on 100 as the number of tokens in pocket of Avatars being hatched,
     pending completion of economic plan.
The 11/10 Habitat status conference call will be at 4:00 QL-time, 1:00 Marin.
Suggested agenda:  protocol bug status, mail resolution, Task List.

cc:  Steve Arnold
     Steve Case
     Randy Farmer
     Janet Hunter
     Chip Morningstar
     Marc Seriff
     Aric Wilmunder

November 11th

Taken from janetEst.

From quantum Tue Nov 11 09:16:37 1986
Received: from shem by moth; 11 NOV 86 09:16:37 PST
From: quantum (Janet Hunter, Quantum Computer Services)
To: chip
Received: by shem; 11 NOV 86 09:16:36 PST
Subject: Time estimates
Status: RO

   Here are my time estimates for the
Beta Test Prequisite Tasks:

  6 Capacity Monitor - 2 days
                       target 11/14
  7 Rebuild Regionproc - done 11/11
 15 Oracle response - 1 day
                      target 11/17
 16 Bank acct utility - 1 day
                        target 11/16
 18 Text input utility - 1 day
                         target 11/19
 67 Avatar to ghost - done
 68 Online-only ghosts - done
 69 Exclude non-beta testers - done
 40 Msg of the day - 1 day
                     target 11/20 (?)
 72 create avatar w/ token - .5 day
                          target 11/14

 OOPS: Target date for #16 should be
       11/18, not 11/16.

 Note: Question mark on target date for
       #40 is because it is assigned to
       both you and me.

Taken from palindromes.t.

From nf Tue Nov 11 15:11:29 1986
Subject: Burma Shave Palindromes Shave Burma
	Here's a couple.  It seemed impossible until I realized what was
needed was something that was commutative like 2 + 2 = 4 or 4 = 2 + 2.

	Leaving your turf in your natural colors
	Is almost as embarrassing as
	Wandering around without your head

	A refuge for those who can't handle

	This sign is a lie
	The last sign you saw is true
	The next sign you will see is a lie
	The last sign you saw is a lie
	This sign is true

	(sort of a reality defined by your direction of travel)

February 1987

February 19th

Taken from disk.t.

From farmer Thu Feb 19 14:21:08 1987
Received: by moth; 19 FEB 87 14:21:08 PST
From: farmer (Define the Universe. Give three examples.)
To: chip
Status: R

Habitat Generic Object Disk Map:

              1         2         3
  0 cccaaasssiiiiiiii*iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
S 1 cccaaasssiiiiiiii*iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
E 2 cccaaasssiiiiiiii*iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
C 3 cccaaasssiiiiiiii*iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
T 4 cccaaasssiiiiiiii*iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
O 5 cccaaasssiiiiiiii*iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
R 6 cccaaasssiiiiiiii?iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
  7 cccaaasssiiiiiiii?iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
  8 cccaaasssiiiiiiii?iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
  9 cccaaasssiiiiiiii?iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
 10 cccaaasssiiiiiiii?iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
 11 cccaaasssiiiiiiii?iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
 12 cccaaasssiiiiiiii?iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
 13 cccaaasssiiiiiiii?iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
 14 cccaaasssiiiiiiii?iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
 15 cccaaasssiiiiiiii?iiiiiihhhhhhhhhhh
 16 cccaaasssiiiiiiii?iiiiiihhhhhh
 17 cccaaasssiiiiiiii?iiiiii
 18 cccaaasssiiiiiiii
 19 cccaaasssiiiiiiii

			max size	current size
c=class file		15360		   3252 (21%)
a=action file		15360		  11876 (77%)
s=sound file		15360		   3302 (21%)
i=images file		68608		  42234 (61%)
h=head file		46592		  36132 (77%)
*=required directory files
?=free? (current dos will not read)

April 1987

April 19th

Taken from newprocedure.t.

From nancy Sun Apr 19 19:02:01 1987
Subject: Friday meeting outcome
file notes
4/17/87 Habitat team meeting w/sda

In order to achieve release into beta test and to revise project completion
plan with better time estimates--

1. confirmed commitment to daily playtesting w/QL at 5:30 (our time)--Aric,
Chip & Randy will let me know of any conflict not allowing them to be on.

2. revised playtest debriefing procedure:  a hard copy bug reporting form
will be created by Chip for distribution to all playtesters.  completed
forms will be turned in to Randy asap (next morning fax from Janet) for him
to maintain tracking system; Chip will review with him Randy's assignment of
disposition daily.  so, rather than the on-line PC debriefings immediately
following a playtest & conference calls after receipt of the tapes to review
the list, Randy will maintain a bug tracking system to, 1) improve efficient
use of everyone's time, 2) improve response to reported bugs, and 3) improve
communication & confidence between us & QL.  I'll discuss this procedure
revision w/Janet & Rob during the scheduled 10:00 conference call Monday
morning.  Assuming their agreement, Cathy & I will review the bug tracking
reports via near-daily conference calls & flag ones needing discussion among
the team.

3. established daily status reports:  Aric & Randy will mail to Chip
(copying each other & sda & me) at the end of each day a brief list of their
accomplishments for the day, notes explaining significant delays in any
tasks, and a list of tasks expected to be undertaken the next day, including
time estimated to complete.  Chip, including his own tasks, will issue a
Habitat daily status summary of accomplishments relative to start of alpha,
start of beta, & estimated time to release.

4. reduced frequency of entire team QL conference calls:  to be scheduled by
Cathy & me as needed, usually at 1:00 our time.  We'll discuss this process
with her on Thursday when she's here.

5. established weekly Habitat team meetings on Friday afternoons, to review
accomplishments of the week & goals for the next.

December 1987

December 11th

Taken from robreqs.t.

To: Steve Arnold
From: Chip Morningstar
Date: December 11, 1987
Re: Rob & Janet's item/question memo of 12/7

As you requested, here is an item-by-item status report in response to Rob &
Janet's memo of 12/7/87: (I've quoted the memo literally on the lines
beginning with ">".)

>Here is a list of all outstanding items we have on record, not including
>three of the four "meta-problems" (heartbeat/protocol disconnect, PC
>loader, memory hits) or manifestations of them as near as we can judge.
>The fourth meta-problem, "messages to non-existing noids," we believe to
>be a problem with auto-teleport, which we'll continue to test

The "messages to non-existing noids" problem was indeed in the auto-teleport
routine and is fixed as of 10/30 (version 6.4).  Of the other three, the
"memory hits" problem turned out to be a bug in the bottle object and was also
fixed as of 10/30 in version 6.4.


>Needs testing
>Auto-teleport -- dying, some Choke machines, wands
	As mentioned above, this is fixed in version 6.4 as of 10/30 (ver 6.4
	release notes, 11/10)
>GO/F3 collision (next rev)
	Fixed in version Beta 1.0 as of 12/9
>Error recovery for disk routines (next rev)
	Installed in version Beta 1.0 as of 12/9
>FE3 (JoeyT1)
	Since we do not have a dump disk for this problem, we cannot give a
	100% assured diagnosis.  However, reasoning from the circumstances
	surrounding it, our hypothesis is that it is the same problem as the
	GO/F3 collision bug mentioned above and the FE#13 that RJScott had.
>FE13 (RJScott)
	This turned out to be a result of the very same problem as the GO/F3
	collision bug, and so is fixed.

>Requires disk change (status uncertain)
	Almost all of these are host problems or changes, not disk based.

>PUTing to a sitting Avatar makes it stand (9/10; #62)
	This is a host only bug, fixed as of 11/11
>New entries to regions don't show the state of an avatar
	There was a problem with this once upon a time (prior to our keeping
	the current bug database).  We believe it is fixed (was host bug).
	There have been	no reports of this happening for as far back as our
	database goes.
>Lamps are awfully wide (9/10; #94 sorta)
	We aren't sure what this means.  If Quantum wants us to change the
	collision detection parameters for the streetlamp we can do so easily.
	If so, it would be a host only change.
>Ticket DO hangs 64 (9/10; #85)
	Our records show this as being fixed as of 9/2
>Grenade doesn't work (9/10; #81)
	Working as of 11/11 (host only change).
>Ring looks like a pill (9/10; #86)
	We decided that the ring is sufficiently different that we don't need
	to mess with changing the image.
>Cursor turned into PUT icon in text interface (11/4; #500)
	We wrote this one off as a mystery on 10/12.  Lord Bolan (to whom this
	happened) had a number of odd things happen to only him, leading us to
	suspect his machine.  We have kept our eyes open for recurrences;
	there haven't been any.
>Command lockout turing GO while able to receive ESP, etc. (11/4; #374)
	Another weird Lord Bolan thing.
>Blank paper with written graphic state (9/10; #128)
	Fixed (on host) as of 10/12
>Random sign appearances (12/2; #696)
	Operator boo-boo while using Ghu; accidently moved wrong item.
>Shrunk to smallest size on 'porting home (12/2; #691)
	Currently on our working bug list.
>Grab from left-hand side doesn't always work (9/10; #26)
	Confusion resulting from collision detection; not a bug.

>Disk questions
>On DOs that include GO, should avatars face cursor on arrival? (9/10; #64)
	GO is set up so that avatar is always facing in proper direction on
	arrival.  Sometimes this is facing cursor, sometimes not.
>Should all DOs include GOs? (9/10; #95)
	No.  In many cases the semantics of the DO operation makes this
	impossible.  Where it is possible, we do so.
>Do chairs work easily (i.e., GO from chair with one push?)
>Does Help work while seated? (9/10; #31)
	No.  The only thing you can do while seated is talk or GO.  It would
	be nice if you could do HELP while seated, but this would require some
	fairly hairy changes to the command interface routines, so we decided
	not to, in the interest of moving things forward.
>Follow command? (12/2; #190)
	This has been an on-again/off-again feature.  We need to make a final
	decision as to whether or not to implement this.  Our feeling here is
	that it is probably not needed, and we have the impression that the
	consensus at Quantum is similar; however, we need to decide.  If we do
	decide to implement this, the changes will be entirely host based.
>Does adding the ability to make objects prompt users require disk changes?
>(9/10; #9)
	Yes, but the changes have already been made.  They were installed in
	version 6.4 and have been tested.

>Host problems
>Lights (both floor and flash/torch) do not consistently work (12/2,
>		comments -- 9/2, #96, #109 -- 11/4, #305)
	They should work now.  There were a couple of weird interacting host
	software problems, the last of which was fixed 11/19, as well as a
	systematic error in the database which was corrected on 12/4
>Cloning & prices on vendos -- are we sure they're right?
	We did a thorough check on all vendo prices and they are all correct.
>Title page/index for books (12/2; #104)
	It was the Book of Records in particular that required the index
	(which needed to be generated by the program that generates that
	particular document).  Janet implemented this as of 12/8.
>Finish 'port, town and region help names for regions (10/12; #9)
	(Actually item #194).  Port and town help arrows are in as of 11/19;
	we currently have the testers hunting for the inevitable mistakes.
	Names are installed in the residential areas and are being added to
	the other areas incrementally.
>Fix 'port directory
	We have an all-new teleport directory as of 11/14
>Drugs need to have help effect, pill count (9/10; #79)
	Done as of 11/11
>Heads have no resale value (9/10; #30)
>Some turfs have flowers on dressers which can be GETed but not PUT (9/10;
>		#72)
	Our records show this being fixed as of 9/3.
>Should Costello's be hooked to sewers? (9/10; #56)
	No it shouldn't.  Our records show it was disconnected as of 9/2.
>Move sewer so de-ghosts don't stand on it (9/10; #101)
	Our records show this being fixed as of 9/3.
>Should we de-ghost on login? (12/2; #29)
	We think we should, but a decision needs to be made.  If we do it,
	Janet is the one who will have to implement it.
>Add a type field to 'crats to allow customized responses (9/10; #202)
	Upon reflection we concluded that this was unnecessary.
>Put apartment tape online and test (10/12; #11)
	Final rev. of apartement installed on 12/9.  Requires Beta 1.0
	software to work properly (there was a bug in the elevator).
>Change all countertops to...something else (10/12; #82)
	As of 11/11 all countertops work just like tables.
>Two mail in pocket messages for one piece of mail (10/12; #222)
	Fixed as of 10/30 (host change by Janet).

>Manual changes
>Revise to be current with Beta Release
	Version of manual sent 12/7 accurately describes Beta 1.0 system.
>Include graphic symbols/CTRL keys
	These can be added.  We'll need to redesign the page layout however,
	since these will add a few pages.
>Is there a current map of downtown?
	Yes, but not in a distributable form.
>Should we explain how tables, bookcases and dressers are containers?
	I don't know.  Should we?
>Should Jan gather as much as we know about configuration requirements?
	This would probably be wise.
>A little clearer about 'port booths, mebbe
	We will take a look at it.  What in particular needs clarification?

>QL Rep (Rob) proficient enought to implement basic programming (10/12)
	Rob is the judge of this.
>Are there any docs on the macro language?
	Yes.  The document we sent to Quantum describes the macro features
>Make Oracle fully functional & accessible
>Can GHU handle Oracle requests?
	Oracle handling is now implemented in Ghu.  We will send a revised
	edition of the manual that describes the relevent commands.
>Can GHU hand Rant publishing?
	Yes.  Text handling features are now implemented.  These will also be
	described in the new edition of the manual.
>Is it, in short, fully functional?
	Yes.  However, we would like to consult with Quantum about what
	protection features are required, if any, to prevent unauthorized
	mangling of the database or invasions of privacy accomplished via Ghu.
>Can (does?) GHU show memory usage in a region?
	The version of Ghu originally released to Quantum had a looping
	feature.  We have since made this feature somewhat more general and
	this improvement is described in the latest edition of the manual.
>Can I search for items of a specific class?
	Yes, but it is very inefficient, since it requires iterating through
	the entire database.  If we were to make the class field a database
	key then we could do this more efficiently.  Janet?

>Things to do (Definition of Public Release Habitat System Document)
>D'nalsi Island
	Ready to go on 30 seconds notice.
>Capture the Flag
	We are awaiting a chance to test this on a limited scale before
	pursuing a larger development effort.  Testing it, however, requires
	more users than we have typically had on.
	Could use further design work.  Does not require any software
	developement, however.
>Stock Market
	We have a design, but need to set priorities since it will require
	some host software work.
>Talk Shows
>Game Shows
>Bijou Theatre
>Costello's Comedy Corner
	These are ready to go.  We have designed some magic items that will
	make the operation of theatrical activities a little easier, but they
	are luxuries.

>copy machine (12/2; #11 -- 4/29; #27)
>book binder (12/2; #11 -- 4/29; #28)
	These require host software that does not yet exist.  The C64 end is
	in as of version Beta 1.0
>Customizer: 4-5 selections of heads -- host chooses vector (4/29; #23)
	Done in hatchery long, long ago.
>Determine powers and privileges of Adventure Masters (3/2; #28)
>Write Guidebook to the Oracle (3/2; #48)
>Design batch transactions (3/2; #71)
	We need to work out operations plans in order to determine the
	relevence of these items.
>Make region entry smarter (doors, etc.) (3/2; #110)
>Add textual error messages (3/2; #117)
>Write help messages for magic items (3/2; #118)
	Ancient history; done.
>Implement Apartment Generator (3/2; #55)
>Implement Adventure Master support software (3/2; #63)
	See above comment on Adventure Masters.
>Position on compatibility with 1581 (10/12; #2)
	We need a 1581 and detailed documentation on it.