From aric Mon Apr 20 17:14:28 1987
Subject: status report
Worked with randy to find problem with 4.8
Merged changes in graphics code with Randy
Testing 4.8 before tonights playtest
Worked on Magic Woods
Changes to 2 images (mountains/bureaucrat in box)
Prepared for RC car test (postponed)
I spoke to Janet (at her home) about backing up the host database
before adding the hiway (Genesis had been changed since the last time it
was used.) I was given the directories to move files between but the Stratus
denied me permission to the 2nd one. I phoned Janet and she will move those
files first thing tomorrow
Printed out 70-80 pages of imagery for Chip's document for Quantum
(15-20 pages left to go)
Went over Ballblazer code with Dave Fox preparing for conversion.
Attach Hiway
Attach Beach/desert/Back40
Continue adding magic to Woods
Weapons free zone in city limit (with Janet)
Finish printing Imagery and prepare for Chip
From aric Tue Apr 21 17:07:33 1987
Received: from shem by moth; 21 APR 87 17:07:33 PST
From: aric (Aric Wilmunder)(No Bucks, No Buck Rogers)
To: aric, chip, farmer, nancy, sda
Received: by shem; 21 APR 87 17:07:27 PST
Subject: status 4/21
Status: R
Archive of entire Habitat object imagery to Chip
Adjustments to object widths
Changes to plaque page #'s
Change to Dnalsi teleport address
Teleporting Coke Machines in Woods
Wands in vendo have different patterns
Put objects back into pawn shop
RC demo
Studying Ballblazer code for 65xe conversion
Changes were made to Genesis and it currently fails when run. I
phoned janet and she made a change. I ran it a second time and it
failed again. Janet had left for home and was unreachable
Tomorrow morning Janet will place a filter in our filter directory
that will set the weapons free bit for all of the regions in the
Run weapons free filter
Run Genesis
Add Beach etc.
Report on Testing
W Club has Width
W Crat in Box
W Yellow room bookcase
W Sign at arcade was sky
W Bar counters are now tables
W game pieces no longer leave afterimage
From aric Thu Apr 23 10:10:25 1987
Received: from shem by moth; 23 APR 87 10:10:25 PST
From: aric (Aric Wilmunder)(No Bucks, No Buck Rogers)
To: aric, chip, farmer, nancy, sda
Received: by shem; 23 APR 87 10:10:22 PST
Subject: work summary 4/22
Status: R
Fixed legs of newsstand
Added exit signs to Arcade
removed paper from Ymporium vendo
ran Hiway through Genesis
fixed page #'s in plaques
tested 300 baud version of Habitat
attached Beach/Back40/Desert
added signs pointing to beach/back40/desert
Coordinated setting of weapons free flag for entire world
Created directory assistance region
Not Done:
Tomorrow (Today):
Fix dressers in homes
Meet with Cathy
Have customizer send different regions
Fix the customizer region that we have
From aric Fri Apr 24 18:17:39 1987
Received: from shem by moth; 24 APR 87 18:17:39 PST
From: aric (Aric Wilmunder)(No Bucks, No Buck Rogers)
To: aric, chip, farmer, nancy, sda
Received: by shem; 24 APR 87 18:17:40 PST
Subject: status 4/24
Status: R
5 new bug eyed monster heads habitized and merged
Door at Machutas fixed
All bags in vendos in Habitat fixed
Tested Teleport address fields and coordinated fix w/ Janet
Directory Assistance (Teleport address 'Help') region added and
hooked to world
Tested Flipped doors
Tested new widths on plants & trees. I need to spend some more
time in the Woods before marking it as done.
Fixed 2 head images that were causing problems.
Testing of Weapons free bit. Looks like it is working fine.
Not Done
Dressers still have legs below region horizon
Fix the Dressers
move Populopolis map from arcade
use multi-object fiddle in arcade magic
work on magic in general
write directory assistance plaques
add new holes images and insert them as door types
Coordinate with Janet adding more initialization (customizer) screens
From aric Mon Apr 27 17:20:19 1987
Received: from shem by moth; 27 APR 87 17:20:19 PDT
From: aric (Aric Wilmunder)(No Bucks, No Buck Rogers)
To: aric, chip, farmer, nancy, sda
Received: by shem; 27 APR 87 17:20:12 PDT
Subject: summary 4/27
Status: R
Added 2 new styles of door. A hole, and a sewer grating
Fixed 2 old styles of door.
Updated text for 3 game regions. Each now as a plaque
specific to the type of game you are playing.
Worked with Janet trying to find out how I crashed the host.
Talked to Janet about having customizer send choice of customize
I am in the process of updating the majority of homes so that
people do not walk through the legs of the dressers.
Not Done:
Multi-object fiddle message
Directory assistance plaques
Try to finish off homes with dressers
Finish directory assistance plaque
Work with Randy on multi-object fiddle
From aric Tue Apr 28 17:05:41 1987
Received: from shem by moth; 28 APR 87 17:05:41 PDT
From: aric (Aric Wilmunder)(No Bucks, No Buck Rogers)
To: aric, chip, farmer, nancy, sda
Received: by shem; 28 APR 87 17:05:39 PDT
Subject: Summary 4/28
Status: R
#45 Widths on plants & trees looks OK
#x49 Horizons in turfs w/ dressers have all been changed
#1 plaque moved from Arcade. Plaques in Hall/rec were fine.
#28/114 wrote host end of multi-object fiddle. I need to coordinate
with Randy & find out why it locks up C64
Tested auto teleport with chip
worked on magic in general. Improved send avatar/change style
From aric Tue Apr 28 17:07:48 1987
Received: from shem by moth; 28 APR 87 17:07:48 PDT
From: aric (Aric Wilmunder)(No Bucks, No Buck Rogers)
To: aric, chip, farmer, nancy, sda
Received: by shem; 28 APR 87 17:07:45 PDT
Subject: summary 4/28 (part 2)
Status: R
Not done:
Finish directory assistance plaque (will do during playtest tonite)
Find out why multi-object fiddle messages are not working
add exit signs to game regions
From aric Fri May 1 16:03:21 1987
Received: from shem by moth; 01 MAY 87 16:03:21 PDT
From: aric (Aric Wilmunder)(No Bucks, No Buck Rogers)
To: aric, chip, farmer, nancy, sda
Received: by shem; 01 MAY 87 16:03:17 PDT
Subject: summary 5/1
Status: R
Vendo Image changed so shovel would clip correctly
all vendos on host upgraded to new standards
Doors in Kellys bar redirected
Game regions rotated so exit is always to bottom
#170 flicker in front of tivollis was removed
#28 can be marked done
#114 done
#126 Janet saw spinning dice is OK can be removed (inited that way)
Prepared to add other chess/checker/gammon regions
genesis new game regions
test bulletin board images (also in DONE, but not tested on disk)
Magic staff image hold position changed (DONE, but not tested on disk)
anything that shows up in weekend playtesting
From aric Fri May 22 17:35:55 1987
Received: from shem by moth; 22 MAY 87 17:35:55 PDT
From: aric (Aric Wilmunder)(No Bucks, No Buck Rogers)
To: aric, chip, farmer, nancy, sda
Received: by shem; 22 MAY 87 17:35:51 PDT
Subject: status 5_22
Status: RO
Trying to cause bugs detectable with new diagnostic software
Caused bug
Tried to cause the bug to occur again
worked on freeing up some memory
Shem directories moved to Moth after shem crash
Work on Blackhawk intro graphics
From aric Mon Jun 8 15:56:07 1987
Received: from shem by moth; 08 JUN 87 15:56:07 PDT
From: aric (Aric Wilmunder)(No Bucks, No Buck Rogers)
To: chip, farmer
Received: by shem; 08 JUN 87 15:56:08 PDT
Subject: 2 tasks
Status: RO
Bureaucrat walk position.... Randy and I both agree that it is fine.
Spider now holds wand in front of self... I think it was better before,
but it gets the problem off of the list.
In response to Randy's question, yes, the last backgammon region
is now set for the correct reset position.
From aric Mon Jun 8 16:00:45 1987
Received: from shem by moth; 08 JUN 87 16:00:45 PDT
From: aric (Aric Wilmunder)(No Bucks, No Buck Rogers)
To: chip
Received: by shem; 08 JUN 87 16:00:47 PDT
Subject: today
Status: RO
I am still feeling under the weather and won't be here long today,
but if there is any urgent habitat work, just let me know. I met with
Randy before he left and went over his priorities. Those were mainly getting
those 2 tasks off of the list.
If there are no tasks, I will be working on Blackhawk this afternoon.