VZones Version History

From Reno Project
Revision as of 15:45, 28 November 2023 by Stu (talk | contribs)


This is a complete version history for the VZones client. The Macintosh WorldsAway 2.4 client was discontinued and not worked on any further, but was still working during this era although it was unsupported.

Beta versions and incremental updates will likely be missing unless we get more detailed info to fill in the gaps. The reason for this is that typically, it seems like incremental updates were pushed over the air via the client autoupdater, rather than an upgrade installer. It's possible upgrade installers were also offered, but as of 2023, these have not been located.

Client Version History

VZones Version History
Version Number Release Date Date client side Tcl was compiled Confirmed Released Installer Archived
2.5 Unreleased private beta dated September 1999, but file modified date of November 1999 N/A Internal only release most likely Client binary only
2.5 b1 Unreleased private beta N/A Internal only release most likely N
3.0 March 2000 Unknown Y Y
4.0 Unknown Unknown Y
4.6 Unknown Unknown Y

VZones 2.5


VZones 2.5 appears to have been a work in progress version of what would become VZones 3.0. The GUI looks similar to the WorldsAway 2.4 client, except for a reskin of movement and gesture buttons, as well as an early version of the 3.0 browser functionality. In the screenshot, you can see a media player, an avatar profile and a map of the VZConnections world. It is unknown if this was purely a mockup that didn't actually work, or if these features actually worked. They were removed from VZones 3.0, which featured some of the same button skins, but changes in other places. The VZones 2.5 browser functionality was retained and implemented into VZones 3.0