Region Names
Region names for as many worlds possible can be found here. All public and private areas will be listed here if available, except for turfs. Duplicate names have been removed.
- Holodeck #4
- Satellite Dish
- Eclipse Disco
- Center Core Garden
- The Deck of the Argo
- Cabin
- Promenade
- The Void
- Secret Room 1
- Cypress Street
- Hidden Chambers
- South Fountain
- East Fountain
- North Fountain
- West Fountain
- Temple Street
- Outside Temple of Morpheus
- Entrance to Victorian Gardens
- Outside Visitor's Center
- Outside Library
- Outside Bar-L Bar
- Entrance to Blasted Heath
- Outside StarWay Cafe
- Entrance to Theatre
- Corner Gnarled Oak & Temple
- Outside V-Mart
- Outside Harlequin Games
- Outside NuYu
- Entrance to Jungle
- Outside Isle Caribe
- Outside Regency Hall
- Outside Magic Shop
- Visitor's Center
- NuYu
- Temple Dungeon
- Temple_Dungeon
- V-Mart
- Temple Registry
- Acolyte Antechamber
- Bar-L Bar
- Storeroom
- Trophy Room
- Prize Room
- Meeting Room
- Storage Room
- Temple Foyer
- Outside Earth Room
- Outside Water Room
- Outside Air Room
- Outside Fire Room
- Earth Room
- Air Room
- Fire Room
- Water Room
- Tabernacle Foyer
- Tabernacle
- StarWay Cafe
- StarWay Stage
- Observation Deck
- Santa Land
- Oracle Plant
- Changing Room
- Meditation_Park
- Temple_Room
- Outside_Temple_St._Terrace
- Lobby
- Manager's Office
- Elevator
- Elevator 2
- Elevator 3
- Christmas V-Mart
- Geiger Counter